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Spanish Man Blogs Bangkok Suicide On Facebook: Police


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This country detaches you from the culturally relative notion of progress that exists in the minds of most of those in the Western world. Bangkok is proof that if you want to exploit your way to riches, you will be amply rewarded (caveat: you must be incredibly cognizant of the current power order that is based on a local notion of reputation, mostly incomprehensible to the foreign world). Then you will become fabulously wealthy (while being compromised by the constant need to show heed to hi-so's and other local higher-ups [you're a foreigner; good luck!]) If you work for a Thai company, be prepared for a mind-enema. You're about to be shown up. It's a world unto itself, and that is the general attitude. So many foreigners commit suicide here. They lose faith in humanity, and they are emotionally vulnerable. Also, the police generally declare most foreigner deaths 'suicides', especially in Pattaya.

Uh? In what crazy hell do you roam? w00t.gif

Do you work for a Thai company and have a Thai boss?

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I am amazed at how many people are so confident in their homemade versions of afterdeath.

Outside of those following a religious doctrine where do these people get their conviction on what happens next.

Which "homemade versions" are you referring ti?

Well there are various ones, such as, there is nothing after death this is all you get, or he is at peace now, or he's in a better place (although they might be referring to heaven so this one could be put in the doctrinal file, but self confessed atheists don't generally have a shot at heaven in most sects).

Where do people become convinced that they got it pegged? Outside of religion.

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I am amazed at how many people are so confident in their homemade versions of afterdeath.

Outside of those following a religious doctrine where do these people get their conviction on what happens next.

Which "homemade versions" are you referring ti?

Well there are various ones, such as, there is nothing after death this is all you get, or he is at peace now, or he's in a better place (although they might be referring to heaven so this one could be put in the doctrinal file, but self confessed atheists don't generally have a shot at heaven in most sects).

Where do people become convinced that they got it pegged? Outside of religion.

OK, well it seems like you are specifically talking about my post here

That is how I feel, that is what I truly believe, what is your point?

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I wasn't making a point, I was asking a question, hence the question mark.

But yes your post is a fine example. How do you know what you said is true; because you stated it as fact?

I never stated it as a fact, I started off by saying "I believe" and then wrote a couple of paragraphs stating what my beliefs are.

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This country detaches you from the culturally relative notion of progress that exists in the minds of most of those in the Western world. Bangkok is proof that if you want to exploit your way to riches, you will be amply rewarded (caveat: you must be incredibly cognizant of the current power order that is based on a local notion of reputation, mostly incomprehensible to the foreign world). Then you will become fabulously wealthy (while being compromised by the constant need to show heed to hi-so's and other local higher-ups [you're a foreigner; good luck!]) If you work for a Thai company, be prepared for a mind-enema. You're about to be shown up. It's a world unto itself, and that is the general attitude. So many foreigners commit suicide here. They lose faith in humanity, and they are emotionally vulnerable. Also, the police generally declare most foreigner deaths 'suicides', especially in Pattaya.

It is so sad.

There isn't much point speculating on what drove him to it or blaming Thai corporate culture. Many foreigners are happy working in Thai companies while many Thais aren't.

I would love to see a reliable general survey of worker satisfaction here. I would bet more foreigners are unhappy with work in the Kingdom (though they may like the lifestyle), as are more Thais, but of course I could be wrong. If Thailand were a good place to work, everyone in Europe without a job would be flocking here to find work. Unsurprisingly, they are not. As a teacher, I know dozens of other teachers. Most have left, disgusted with working conditions and the general attitude here, within a couple of years. This is not because I have something against Thailand. I truly wish it was the paradise others on TV seem to believe it is.

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sad.pngsad.pngsad.png Hope you have found your peace.

Yes, he is at peace. He is in a better kingdom now. The kingdom of heaven with God. May God bless you sir.

People that commit suicide do not get to enter "heaven". Sorry.


Oye!!! do we need missionary and / or born again christians non sense advice here of any kind .. Give me a break !!

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sad.pngsad.pngsad.png Hope you have found your peace.

Yes, he is at peace. He is in a better kingdom now. The kingdom of heaven with God. May God bless you sir.

People that commit suicide do not get to enter "heaven". Sorry.

And, while we're clearing things up, heaven is, in fact, completely made up. Like Santa Claus and Thai Buddhism.

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Thai people are in general not equipped and there are not a lot of well advertised places for farangs to go to if they have issues. Let's face it if work sucks your girlfriend left yo u where do you turn if you are here on your own

Yes, but there are good doctors and psychologists at BNH and Bumrungrad.

How would you know that? Are you qualified to assess their competency? Maybe they are, maybe they are not. Due to the shortage of mental health professionals, the good ones can pick and choose who they want to deal with. That means the "messy" cases can be avoided, unless the patient's family has lots of money. In Thailand, mental health care comes in the form of potions and pills. It makes it easier for the families and the attending practioner. Have a patient with age related dementia? Dope him up. Have a patient with OCD? No biggie, just dope him up. Have a patient with something like a brain tumor causing odd behaviour? No worries, dope him up and then you don't have to diagnose the underlying ailment.

You hit the nail on the head GK, unfortunately most of the MHP's in THailand think that pills are the only cure. There really isn't much available for people who need proper Psychiatric intervention

For people that are actively suicidal giving them a pill without proper follow up is actually tantamount to negligence.

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sad.pngsad.pngsad.png Hope you have found your peace.

Yes, he is at peace. He is in a better kingdom now. The kingdom of heaven with God. May God bless you sir.

People that commit suicide do not get to enter "heaven". Sorry.

Not all religions believe that...

Your response sounds like you are 'Hard Line Catholic'...

To add to your quandry, there are 'Christian Faiths' which have never considered Jesus to have died on a cross or to have been the son of God...

Really? Would a 'hard line catholic' put "heaven" in scare quotes?

I am an atheist. I was replying to the first guy's nonsense about the kingdom of heaven. His god doesn't allow suicide victims to enter heaven.

Edited by ydraw
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it would be a lot easier to understand why this lad suicided as any other that does if you could walk in their shoes, suggesting he is mentally unstable is totally inappropriate. Its hard for some good people to cope with ignorant selfish greedy heartless people, hes probably a good hearted guy thats inadvertently made himself into a door mat for the shit heads of the world to wipe their feet on.

rest in peace young spaniard, hope your next journey is better than your previous one

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Feel sorry for the guy, but if every person who has troubles at work or in personal life starts committing suicide it would be a big blow to the world population.....

.....and honestly there are millions of people living a worse life......they choose to fight out of the difficult situations in life & not by ending it.....

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Life is very precious.

Suicide is never a solution.

Children are born with missing limbs, or born very sick and in pain, but they still fight to stay alive and be part of the human race for as long as they can stay here. There's always somebody who has a worse life than you, and in many cases they are holding onto that painful hard life with everything they've got.

This type of thinking--life is precious, there is always a solution, people are worse off--is up there with pull-yourself-together and other throw-away comments. It does not help anybody and is actually very ignorant. You may as well have made a stupid, no-brain comment like many others on here. There are people worse off, there always is, but unless you've walked in their shoes, it cannot be relative.

Taking your example of folk missing limbs or debilitating diseases, etc, unless these people are also of unsound mind, there is no comparison. If they can see past their predicament, even for the briefest time, and smile, they are better off. A truly depressed person just does not have that luxury. It cannot be compared with any physical ailment and unless you have personally had experience (which you clearly haven't or you wouldn't say the above), you can have no real opinion on the matter, and neither can the best psychiatrist/psychologist.

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Life is very precious.

Suicide is never a solution.

Children are born with missing limbs, or born very sick and in pain, but they still fight to stay alive and be part of the human race for as long as they can stay here. There's always somebody who has a worse life than you, and in many cases they are holding onto that painful hard life with everything they've got.

This type of thinking--life is precious, there is always a solution, people are worse off--is up there with pull-yourself-together and other throw-away comments. It does not help anybody and is actually very ignorant. You may as well have made a stupid, no-brain comment like many others on here. There are people worse off, there always is, but unless you've walked in their shoes, it cannot be relative.

Taking your example of folk missing limbs or debilitating diseases, etc, unless these people are also of unsound mind, there is no comparison. If they can see past their predicament, even for the briefest time, and smile, they are better off. A truly depressed person just does not have that luxury. It cannot be compared with any physical ailment and unless you have personally had experience (which you clearly haven't or you wouldn't say the above), you can have no real opinion on the matter, and neither can the best psychiatrist/psychologist.

Depression, with anxiety, crying, feeling tired, not coping and poor concentration is a secret but very common illness,it is like diabetes or asthma, an illness, due to a build up of pressures, which can happen to anyone. Many famous and successful people also have this illness.

These are not my words but words from professionals!

This poor fellow suffered dearly something and my most sincere thoughts are with with him to go through what ever ordeal he was suffering! And i am thinking mostly of his family and friends who have lost someone they loved

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Reading his FB posts are rather interesting. Shame he never managed to make his trip back home and instead went another route.

Another pressure at him could have been the present Spanish economical disaster

He was my friend. I explained well what it could have been in page 4

Edited by xavierr
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This country detaches you from the culturally relative notion of progress that exists in the minds of most of those in the Western world. Bangkok is proof that if you want to exploit your way to riches, you will be amply rewarded (caveat: you must be incredibly cognizant of the current power order that is based on a local notion of reputation, mostly incomprehensible to the foreign world). Then you will become fabulously wealthy (while being compromised by the constant need to show heed to hi-so's and other local higher-ups [you're a foreigner; good luck!]) If you work for a Thai company, be prepared for a mind-enema. You're about to be shown up. It's a world unto itself, and that is the general attitude. So many foreigners commit suicide here. They lose faith in humanity, and they are emotionally vulnerable. Also, the police generally declare most foreigner deaths 'suicides', especially in Pattaya.

Looks like the Spaniard was not the only one taking drugs!

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Really? Would a 'hard line catholic' put "heaven" in scare quotes?

I am an atheist. I was replying to the first guy's nonsense about the kingdom of heaven. His god doesn't allow suicide victims to enter heaven.

Christianity and Islam technically condemn suicide. I am not sure about what God does, but I don't understand how becoming judgmental and displaying self-righteousness can be helpful.

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I'm an atheist too, but I don't see what atheism or theism has got to do with wishing people peace in Heaven after they die. When people wish somebody well in the afterlife, they are intending that as a positive act of kindness. It is a way of saying goodbye and best wishes. It has no relevance to the debates of theism, which is a purely academic 'museum subject' with no scientific evidence provided by either side of the coin.

I have recently said my farewells to one of my friends who suffered from the same late-stage primary-progressive MS as I suffer from, she visited Switzerland for the medical end-ceremony and all of us in the support group wished her well in Heaven, because she is a Christian. If the group believe in Heaven is irrelevant, it is a kindly way of saying goodbye. Also she had no questions about euthanasia being immoral in her religion. She was in constant pain and no longer able to function as a sentient being.

I have been sent the same paperwork and encouraged to visit Switzerland when my own illness gets intolerable, in the next 5-10 years. I have sent the papers back because I have no intention of going that route. I personally am happy to stay as long as possible and let nature take its course.

On more general non-euthanasia suicides, as I said before in this thread, many people including me believe most suicides occur in people who would have regretted it if they could look back. In other words, if they had not killed themselves, a few weeks later they might have won the lottery, met a wonderful loving partner, got a promotion at work, or discovered a hidden passion for angling. But they didn't see those things happen, because they made a momentary decision based on their emotional state and died. That is why I always say 'life is precious and suicide is never a solution'. Because that is true, somebody might be at rock bottom today, but nobody knows what good things the future holds for them. It is tragic when people lose sight of this and lose their lives.

Edited by Yunla
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Yes, he is at peace. He is in a better kingdom now. The kingdom of heaven with God. May God bless you sir.

there is no peace to be found in suicide, the ultimate act of a tiny coward. Learn something. Study. Meditate and pray, but most of all, try to improve yourself and stop behaving like a human parrot.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect App

Albert Camus observed that since it is clear there is no god, and that life is an absurdity, the biggest question of philosophy is whether we should commit suicide now. There can be a happy suicide.

Camus describes an actor:

"In those three hours he travels the whole course of the dead-end path that the man in the audience takes a lifetime to cover."

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sad.pngsad.pngsad.png Hope you have found your peace.

Yes, he is at peace. He is in a better kingdom now. The kingdom of heaven with God. May God bless you sir.

People that commit suicide do not get to enter "heaven". Sorry.

As you gave been taught, by a human interpretation of a book written by other mortals. What a horrendously disgusting and utterly nonsensical comment.

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This country detaches you from the culturally relative notion of progress that exists in the minds of most of those in the Western world. Bangkok is proof that if you want to exploit your way to riches, you will be amply rewarded (caveat: you must be incredibly cognizant of the current power order that is based on a local notion of reputation, mostly incomprehensible to the foreign world). Then you will become fabulously wealthy (while being compromised by the constant need to show heed to hi-so's and other local higher-ups [you're a foreigner; good luck!]) If you work for a Thai company, be prepared for a mind-enema. You're about to be shown up. It's a world unto itself, and that is the general attitude. So many foreigners commit suicide here. They lose faith in humanity, and they are emotionally vulnerable. Also, the police generally declare most foreigner deaths 'suicides', especially in Pattaya.

Looks like the Spaniard was not the only one taking drugs!

Nice reaffirmation of the fact that there isn't a half-brain in Thailand. I would love to have a conversation with you for about four seconds. After that, you'd be more boring than a brick wall. The best part is you'd form the greater part of my proof that Thailand has the collective intelligence of a stock of building materials.

Edited by Unkomoncents
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This country detaches you from the culturally relative notion of progress that exists in the minds of most of those in the Western world. Bangkok is proof that if you want to exploit your way to riches, you will be amply rewarded (caveat: you must be incredibly cognizant of the current power order that is based on a local notion of reputation, mostly incomprehensible to the foreign world). Then you will become fabulously wealthy (while being compromised by the constant need to show heed to hi-so's and other local higher-ups [you're a foreigner; good luck!]) If you work for a Thai company, be prepared for a mind-enema. You're about to be shown up. It's a world unto itself, and that is the general attitude. So many foreigners commit suicide here. They lose faith in humanity, and they are emotionally vulnerable. Also, the police generally declare most foreigner deaths 'suicides', especially in Pattaya.

Looks like the Spaniard was not the only one taking drugs!

Nice reaffirmation of the fact that there isn't a half-brain in Thailand. I would love to have a conversation with you for about four seconds. After that, you'd be more boring than a brick wall. The best part is you'd form the greater part of my proof that Thailand has the collective intelligence of a stock of building materials.

Unkommon, been there and seen it. Agree wholeheartedly

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