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Problem With Noise


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Problem with noise


I know it might sound strange as we’re talking about Bangkok but…I have a problem with noise.

I recently moved to Soi Sanphawut (next to Udomsuk and Bang Na BTS), I’m renting a flat in a condo building. The thing is there is a school right next to my place and kids from this school have some kind of drumming practice – there must at least 20 of them playing five different kinds of drums, xylophones and stuff. They have their rehearsals four times a week including weekends. And it’s not that they play for 1 or 2 hours – it goes on and on, sometimes form 10 AM to 11:30 PM! And it’s really LOUD!

I did go to the school and talked to their teacher – ha apologised, said he has a contest coming up and promised to keep it down, change the venue and the hours. It’s been a few days ago and as I’m writing this I can hear drums banging outside my window.

The owner of my place tried calling the school some time ago but all he got in reply was, to keep it short - “go <deleted> yourself”

Honestly, I’m cool with a party next doors form time to time, I have nothing against loud music but this is just way out of line.

Is there anything I can do? Or should I keep my heart cool and use earplugs…



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There is a major school band competition happening next month in Bangkok. My stepdaughter is in a band in Phayao. They are attending this event. She now has practice until 1900 each week night. Today they performed at a hospital then more practice.I dropped her at the school at 0615 and she finished at 1750. I know that it can be a pain in the rear end but it will be only for a short time.


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Just thank yor lucky stars you are not living in La Cambodge. The wats over there are mostly electrified, morning chanting at 120dB+ starts at ~ 0500, when that stops you might get karaoke for teh rest of the day.

Even the skanky mongrel stray cambodgian currs don't try to compete with it. AA

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Rents a condo in BKK and expects peace and quiet whistling.gif and the local school to change it's timetable just for him........tell ya what mate, .. buy earplugs or move ...........but stop expecting the local population to change their routine just for your sake.

I have a condo in Bangkok and I have peace and quiet, it is possible, and there is nothing wrong with approaching a school to find out what the noise is all about, if the school had any respect for their neighbours they would at least try to make some concessions.

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Rents a condo in BKK and expects peace and quiet whistling.gif and the local school to change it's timetable just for him........tell ya what mate, .. buy earplugs or move ...........but stop expecting the local population to change their routine just for your sake.

I do not expect, I hope for it. At least at night. And I did not go to the school to demand anything, I went and asked politely if they could please finish they practice at some different hour than 23:30. Or go indoors. I think that's a fairly reasonable requests.

And I really don't understand this "you don't like it, go live somewhere else" attitude. One has no right to say anything, just pack his suitcase and go...

Anyway - there they are, banging away outside my window. Thanx for the info about the contest - I have sth. to wait for.

But it made me wonder - is there anything like "do not disturb/keep quiet after 22 or so" in Thailand. Even if it's as functional as security checks in Siam Paragon?



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Rents a condo in BKK and expects peace and quiet whistling.gif and the local school to change it's timetable just for him........tell ya what mate, .. buy earplugs or move ...........but stop expecting the local population to change their routine just for your sake.

I have a condo in Bangkok and I have peace and quiet, it is possible, and there is nothing wrong with approaching a school to find out what the noise is all about, if the school had any respect for their neighbours they would at least try to make some concessions.

not a drum player, but i do not really see how drums can be played louder or softer.

as a matter of fact, can not think of any musical instrument where you can play it more quite.

It is what it is and nothing can be done, unless they are doing it late in the night.

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I can imagine the interaction with the school perfectly: lots of nods and smiles, all amounting to agreement to do nothing whatsoever. You'll need to find a new place I'm afraid. Noise is a critical rental consideration in the choice of rental in any major Asian city, and really in any city, anywhere. Also, you truly get what you pay for in Thailand. I'm assuming price is the reason for even trying to speak with the school (I would never have tried, confident of the utter futility of that effort). I would never, ever live near a school and in fact, when relocating in Bangkok, I pay attention to the possibility of construction in immediate vicinity of the building (if there is a lot of open space or dilapidated property, you could quite suddenly be facing the sounds of jackhammers starting at 7 a.m. every morning).

Edited by Unkomoncents
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i personnaly would not live next to a school in Thailand or any other country in the world.

amen to that, putting aside the screaming kids, traffic jams the regular school bells alone can drive one insane( either every 40 or 45 mins)

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I work in a school. If you think the noise is loud for you, you should try teaching a class full of students while they are doing the literally hundreds of things that make excessive noise.

When people wonder why the Thai education system is such a failure, one of the first things they should look at is the noise level in any school.

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I work in a school. If you think the noise is loud for you, you should try teaching a class full of students while they are doing the literally hundreds of things that make excessive noise.

When people wonder why the Thai education system is such a failure, one of the first things they should look at is the noise level in any school.

That explains why you always grumpytongue.png

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Rents a condo in BKK and expects peace and quiet whistling.gif and the local school to change it's timetable just for him........tell ya what mate, .. buy earplugs or move ...........but stop expecting the local population to change their routine just for your sake.

I have a condo in Bangkok and I have peace and quiet, it is possible, and there is nothing wrong with approaching a school to find out what the noise is all about, if the school had any respect for their neighbours they would at least try to make some concessions.

not a drum player, but i do not really see how drums can be played louder or softer.

as a matter of fact, can not think of any musical instrument where you can play it more quite.

It is what it is and nothing can be done, unless they are doing it late in the night.

can use brushes instead of sticks I guess.

and they can consider their neighbours and do it inside or do it elsewhere

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Rents a condo in BKK and expects peace and quiet whistling.gif and the local school to change it's timetable just for him........tell ya what mate, .. buy earplugs or move ...........but stop expecting the local population to change their routine just for your sake.

I have a condo in Bangkok and I have peace and quiet, it is possible, and there is nothing wrong with approaching a school to find out what the noise is all about, if the school had any respect for their neighbours they would at least try to make some concessions.

not a drum player, but i do not really see how drums can be played louder or softer.

as a matter of fact, can not think of any musical instrument where you can play it more quite.

It is what it is and nothing can be done, unless they are doing it late in the night.

can use brushes instead of sticks I guess.

and they can consider their neighbours and do it inside or do it elsewhere

Could, but than its not the same, they coul do it elsewhere but that would affect people living next to elsewhere.

One of my old friends is a "tuba" player, he always thinks of his neighbors so he would practice in the park, driving all the dogs and people playing sports crazy

Its just no win

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I'm not sure about other Asian countries but I find Thais a very inconsiderate race when it comes to respecting other people when it comes to noise. I lived and worked in Thailand for an Ex Pat company for 5 years and we had constant problems with noisy neighbours and their pets making noise at all hours

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I'm not sure about other Asian countries but I find Thais a very inconsiderate race when it comes to respecting other people when it comes to noise. I lived and worked in Thailand for an Ex Pat company for 5 years and we had constant problems with noisy neighbours and their pets making noise at all hours

Not only Thailand. Where I lived in Australia the barking dogs were unbelievable. Noisy neighbous because of government housing was very common. I have found that the poultry noise is more acceptable then what I put up with in Australia. I live in a village.

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I'm not sure about other Asian countries but I find Thais a very inconsiderate race when it comes to respecting other people when it comes to noise. I lived and worked in Thailand for an Ex Pat company for 5 years and we had constant problems with noisy neighbours and their pets making noise at all hours

Not only Thailand. Where I lived in Australia the barking dogs were unbelievable. Noisy neighbous because of government housing was very common. I have found that the poultry noise is more acceptable then what I put up with in Australia. I live in a village.

lol. Living with bogans? Never had an issue with noise in Australia. So quite, except for the crows.

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Rents a condo in BKK and expects peace and quiet whistling.gif and the local school to change it's timetable just for him........tell ya what mate, .. buy earplugs or move ...........but stop expecting the local population to change their routine just for your sake.

I do not expect, I hope for it. At least at night. And I did not go to the school to demand anything, I went and asked politely if they could please finish they practice at some different hour than 23:30. Or go indoors. I think that's a fairly reasonable requests.

And I really don't understand this "you don't like it, go live somewhere else" attitude. One has no right to say anything, just pack his suitcase and go...

Anyway - there they are, banging away outside my window. Thanx for the info about the contest - I have sth. to wait for.

But it made me wonder - is there anything like "do not disturb/keep quiet after 22 or so" in Thailand. Even if it's as functional as security checks in Siam Paragon?



In respect to "And I really don't understand this "you don't like it, go live somewhere else" attitude. One has no right to say anything, just pack his suitcase and go";iIt's really quite simple, which was there first, the school or you? It really is a bit of a stretch to be complaining about this mate.

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