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''Family Mart'' Girl- Advice Please...


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Anyway, back to the Trolls OP's love interest.

Her name is Chomphu. She's actually 23 and she comes from a moobahn somewhere between Khon Kaen and Maha Sarakham. She worked briefly in the Pattaya bar scene when she just turned 20 but didn't really like the idea of being groped, snogged or shagged by every Tom, Dick and Harry so tried her hand at a Big C in Bangkok while staying with her sister. Her English was already quite good since she liked it at school so had no problems expanding her vocabulary during her short stint on Soi 6. She was happy dealing with the occasional farang customer at Big C too. But that didn't pan out either because her sister had fallen in with some very dodgy locals (think yaabaa) so the money saved was spent on bailing her sister out of the hoosegow. So she went back home where she took up with a local lout and generously called him her boyfriend. Spontaneous pregnancy resulted coincident with disappearing worthless piece of sh!t boyfriend. She did manage to get a 'part time' farang sponsor from her Pattaya tour but not enough to retire on... and certainly not enough for her money-grubbing mother. So after the baby was around 9 months old, off the tit and capable of being reared by the evil mother, she has come back to Pattaya but wants nothing to do with P4P and is toughing it out at a Family Mart.

PS. You can't see her tattoos when she's got her FM kit on either.


Is it low season on the farms in Issan? Maybe an older sister or even mother has a place to sleep for the young lady so she can work where there is some work and practice her English as she has done for the last few years.

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Yes thanks. You quote one of the exceptions, which is why I wrote "more the norm". KK is one of the largest cities in Isaan as well as probably the largest and most popular university in Isaan. It's not necessarily typical of the majority, so no real surprise it has more 7-11's than most other Isaan cities.

Even then KK is still well short of BKK tho which has over half of 7-11's. There are probably more 7-11's on Sukhumvit Rd in BKK than entire KK.

Think about it. On the stats:

Over half 7-11's are in BKK = one province.

Isaan is 20ish provinces of 76 total

BKK population say 10mio - varies on how you measure

Isaan well over 20mio+ population

4 largest provinces in Isaan: Udon T, KK, Khorat, Ubon R make up something like 30% - 40% of Isaan's population (province not just city)

16 smaller Isaan provinces with a combined population exceeding BKK, and combined population exceeding the Big 4 Isaan provinces, have less 7-11's than BKK. These are more the norm than the big 4, and hence where the statement comes from.


Fair points. Although I would have to say the density of population would dictate that Bangkok would naturally have more 7-11s than Isaan despite Isaan having twice as many people.

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Why would someone from Isaan move to Pattaya to work at a Family Mart?

Actually far more common than you might think.

Father / Mother / Brother / Uncle goes to work in factory in Bangkok / Laem Chabang / Ayuthaya / Rayong.

Father / Mother / Brother / Uncle starts making a life for himself that doesn't involve hand-to-mouth agrarian existence, has steady income, can afford pickup / modest house payments etc.

Father / Mother / Brother / Uncle brings offspring / niece / nephew to live with in Bangkok / Laem Chabang / Ayuthaya / Rayong aged 13+

And so on and so forth . . .

You can also substitute factory for something to do with tourism, particularly if the Isaan person is found in the south. Sometimes they just sell somtam or have some other sort of business; a relative of a friend in Isan makes a tidy living simply by loading his pickup truck with various goods and delivering them to Burmese migrant workers at their factory dorms! He says they eat good scoff too, for example the soy milk comes from a pukkaThai-Chinese vendor from Yaowarat, none of that cheap <deleted> that Thais go for, and they won't rest until they've settled the bill unlike Thais . . . quite fascinating, but I digress.

As someone who lives and works as a teacher in Isan I see various scenes related to various permutations of this 'story' every day.

I suppose there might just be something about going far away from home that helps to give people a kick up the backside . . .

But Pattaya ? Not Bangkok, Sri Racha, Rayong, Laem Chabang, Chonburi, Khon Ken, Samut Prakan where there is much more work for a Thai. What you say is possible and it's also possible she moved to a farang populated place just to meet a farang, but out of all the places it's Pattaya.

Don't get me started on Pataya! Sounds like a troll post (Western union?)
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Anyway, back to the Trolls OP's love interest.

Her name is Chomphu. She's actually 23 and she comes from a moobahn somewhere between Khon Kaen and Maha Sarakham. She worked briefly in the Pattaya bar scene when she just turned 20 but didn't really like the idea of being groped, snogged or shagged by every Tom, Dick and Harry so tried her hand at a Big C in Bangkok while staying with her sister. Her English was already quite good since she liked it at school so had no problems expanding her vocabulary during her short stint on Soi 6. She was happy dealing with the occasional farang customer at Big C too. But that didn't pan out either because her sister had fallen in with some very dodgy locals (think yaabaa) so the money saved was spent on bailing her sister out of the hoosegow. So she went back home where she took up with a local lout and generously called him her boyfriend. Spontaneous pregnancy resulted coincident with disappearing worthless piece of sh!t boyfriend. She did manage to get a 'part time' farang sponsor from her Pattaya tour but not enough to retire on... and certainly not enough for her money-grubbing mother. So after the baby was around 9 months old, off the tit and capable of being reared by the evil mother, she has come back to Pattaya but wants nothing to do with P4P and is toughing it out at a Family Mart.

PS. You can't see her tattoos when she's got her FM kit on either.


Is it low season on the farms in Issan? Maybe an older sister or even mother has a place to sleep for the young lady so she can work where there is some work and practice her English as she has done for the last few years.

Chomphu has her own small house two doors down from the family shack in the moobahn. It was a slow build and only just finished about a year ago. It has two small bedrooms, a squatty toilet and a bigger room at the front but the electric isn't hooked up yet.

Edited by NanLaew
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Anyway, back to the Trolls OP's love interest.

Her name is Chomphu. She's actually 23 and she comes from a moobahn somewhere between Khon Kaen and Maha Sarakham. She worked briefly in the Pattaya bar scene when she just turned 20 but didn't really like the idea of being groped, snogged or shagged by every Tom, Dick and Harry so tried her hand at a Big C in Bangkok while staying with her sister. Her English was already quite good since she liked it at school so had no problems expanding her vocabulary during her short stint on Soi 6. She was happy dealing with the occasional farang customer at Big C too. But that didn't pan out either because her sister had fallen in with some very dodgy locals (think yaabaa) so the money saved was spent on bailing her sister out of the hoosegow. So she went back home where she took up with a local lout and generously called him her boyfriend. Spontaneous pregnancy resulted coincident with disappearing worthless piece of sh!t boyfriend. She did manage to get a 'part time' farang sponsor from her Pattaya tour but not enough to retire on... and certainly not enough for her money-grubbing mother. So after the baby was around 9 months old, off the tit and capable of being reared by the evil mother, she has come back to Pattaya but wants nothing to do with P4P and is toughing it out at a Family Mart.

PS. You can't see her tattoos when she's got her FM kit on either.


Is it low season on the farms in Issan? Maybe an older sister or even mother has a place to sleep for the young lady so she can work where there is some work and practice her English as she has done for the last few years.

Chomphu has her own small house two doors down from the family shack in the moobahn. It was a slow build and only just finished about a year ago. It has two small bedrooms, a squatty toilet and a bigger room at the front but the electric isn't hooked up yet.

Perhaps the local FAMILY MART should be taken in a more literal sense? You pay later type of establishment.

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Why would someone from Isaan move to Pattaya to work at a Family Mart?

Actually far more common than you might think.

Father / Mother / Brother / Uncle goes to work in factory in Bangkok / Laem Chabang / Ayuthaya / Rayong.

Father / Mother / Brother / Uncle starts making a life for himself that doesn't involve hand-to-mouth agrarian existence, has steady income, can afford pickup / modest house payments etc.

Father / Mother / Brother / Uncle brings offspring / niece / nephew to live with in Bangkok / Laem Chabang / Ayuthaya / Rayong aged 13+

And so on and so forth . . .

You can also substitute factory for something to do with tourism, particularly if the Isaan person is found in the south. Sometimes they just sell somtam or have some other sort of business; a relative of a friend in Isan makes a tidy living simply by loading his pickup truck with various goods and delivering them to Burmese migrant workers at their factory dorms! He says they eat good scoff too, for example the soy milk comes from a pukkaThai-Chinese vendor from Yaowarat, none of that cheap <deleted> that Thais go for, and they won't rest until they've settled the bill unlike Thais . . . quite fascinating, but I digress.

As someone who lives and works as a teacher in Isan I see various scenes related to various permutations of this 'story' every day.

I suppose there might just be something about going far away from home that helps to give people a kick up the backside . . .

But Pattaya ? Not Bangkok, Sri Racha, Rayong, Laem Chabang, Chonburi, Khon Ken, Samut Prakan where there is much more work for a Thai. What you say is possible and it's also possible she moved to a farang populated place just to meet a farang, but out of all the places it's Pattaya.

Plenty of work for Thais in Pattaya too . . . it's only down the road from Laem Chabang / Sri-Racha / Sattahip.

I must clarify that my post is in no way prejudicial to whether the girl in the OP is a cunning P4P filth machine by moonlight or not.

Edited by Trembly
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I thought you had to be 20 to work in a bar ?. She must have been a very good bar girl, a very short career indeed.

18 to work, 20 to drink.

Makes sense, eh?

As much sense as the alcohol law here makes...

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When you say you are getting to know this girl, how long have you actually known her? You say you have been out for dinner & drinks and that, why haven't you just asked her where she learnt how to speak English?

If the mother is asking for money via Western Union, I would think that she is not in Thailand. WU is not a normal form of money transfer in Thailand for Thais.

Did the mother have a long relationship with a foreigner before, and he financed the girl's schooling? Because she was born in Issan doesn't mean she has lived there all her life. The mother's relationship with the "father" could have happened later.

People like yourself, that need to ask a forum for advice over matters like this without being able to communicate for yourselves with the girl in question don't deserve to be with the girl in the first place. If you are willing to put the advice given in this thread before your own common sense, forget the relationship. No need to use the "because I'm new to Thailand" excuse.

Either that or you are trolling...............whistling.gif

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why are you people wasting time with statistics?

Western union does not work with thais. They have ATM transfers with 10-20baht fees. WU fees are always a few hundred baht for small transactions.

Only bargirl uses WU, normal people use ATM transfers or moneygram which is cheaper. WU gives comission to certain bargirls.

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Not all the girls here in Pattaya are prostitutes. Some are just here to work and sell stuff. 7-11 and family mart are great places to meet women. My wife sold stuff on the street near the bars. But she was a pure virgin and never worked in any bars.

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why are you people wasting time with statistics?

Western union does not work with thais. They have ATM transfers with 10-20baht fees. WU fees are always a few hundred baht for small transactions.

Only bargirl uses WU, normal people use ATM transfers or moneygram which is cheaper. WU gives comission to certain bargirls.

What a load of crap....

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I've no idea what the fees are for Western union transfers within Thailand, probably a lot cheaper than international transfers.

I know of a few Thais that send or receive money using what they call Western union. Not all Thais have a bank account and a lot of Thai post offices and banks are in the WU network, so it is a convenient way to send/receive cash.

So all of you that insist that Thai people do NOT use WU do not know what you are talking about.

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From my experiance all thai girls want the money. Girls with a normal job just as bad as a bar girl so expect to have to pay to stay(with her) If the familys poor you will have to keep them happy to keep her happy.

Re: your girl speaking decent english and living in Pattaya...Most girls living there will be tempted to go out and make a couple of thousand baht in 1 night rather then a 10000 baht wage at family mart etc per month...

If the mother has been wanting cash in the past i would guess she was doing some work on the side there ...

And why would she go to Pattaya and not bangkok if she was educated?

My moneys on she has worked/working the males in the past .Maybe shes working you over now?

If she come onto you initially then its a given shes in pattaya for a reason other then working in family mart.

I've had an issan GF a few times and i would not suggest it to anyone. Its hard work.

But theres also guys who have had a great relationship with them.

Take her for a stroll down walking street and surrounding areas at night, ask her sneaky questions,see if shes familiar or acts abit different.

Good luck with it

Just for the records, my wife is from isaan, never worked in a bar, speaks very well English and earns her own money in a real job. We live in Pattaya.

Suggest you go out more and/or change your social surrounding

Sent from my Nexus S using Thaivisa Connect App

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Just take a look at any daytime soap on the TV here. They're the brown, flatnosed simpletons that get a boingboingboing sound every time they open their mouth. On the opposite pole is a powdery white Thai-Chinese Hi-So from BKK with a massively bitchy attitude, she gets to be the star.

It's quite obvious who owns the media here. Some farangs seem to take their cues from there as well.


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How many time i did hear this kind of story-line and and so many time these story have always the same ending...

In real life you probably would never come across situations like this, but on an Internet forum, it's a common situation, it's called Trolling.

Think you're right. The Op has been very quiet after his first post. rolleyes.gif

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From my experiance all thai girls want the money. Girls with a normal job just as bad as a bar girl so expect to have to pay to stay(with her) If the familys poor you will have to keep them happy to keep her happy.

Re: your girl speaking decent english and living in Pattaya...Most girls living there will be tempted to go out and make a couple of thousand baht in 1 night rather then a 10000 baht wage at family mart etc per month...

If the mother has been wanting cash in the past i would guess she was doing some work on the side there ...

And why would she go to Pattaya and not bangkok if she was educated?

My moneys on she has worked/working the males in the past .Maybe shes working you over now?

If she come onto you initially then its a given shes in pattaya for a reason other then working in family mart.

I've had an issan GF a few times and i would not suggest it to anyone. Its hard work.

But theres also guys who have had a great relationship with them.

Take her for a stroll down walking street and surrounding areas at night, ask her sneaky questions,see if shes familiar or acts abit different.

Good luck with it

Just for the records, my wife is from isaan, never worked in a bar, speaks very well English and earns her own money in a real job. We live in Pattaya.

Suggest you go out more and/or change your social surrounding

Sent from my Nexus S using Thaivisa Connect App

you dated same isan bargirls and got burned, you messed up now you blame all of them, my wife is from isan,she is an accountant, brother an engineer, sister in marketing, other brother a monk and Author of Buddhist books and former lawyer.

they speak english so i guess the brothers were barmen, dad speaks english to,they have never taken from me, you date bargirls give them everything then complain, there are a thousand people like youin every region of thailand.

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Why would someone from Isaan move to Pattaya to work at a Family Mart?

Actually far more common than you might think.

Father / Mother / Brother / Uncle goes to work in factory in Bangkok / Laem Chabang / Ayuthaya / Rayong.

Father / Mother / Brother / Uncle starts making a life for himself that doesn't involve hand-to-mouth agrarian existence, has steady income, can afford pickup / modest house payments etc.

Father / Mother / Brother / Uncle brings offspring / niece / nephew to live with in Bangkok / Laem Chabang / Ayuthaya / Rayong aged 13+

And so on and so forth . . .

You can also substitute factory for something to do with tourism, particularly if the Isaan person is found in the south. Sometimes they just sell somtam or have some other sort of business; a relative of a friend in Isan makes a tidy living simply by loading his pickup truck with various goods and delivering them to Burmese migrant workers at their factory dorms! He says they eat good scoff too, for example the soy milk comes from a pukkaThai-Chinese vendor from Yaowarat, none of that cheap <deleted> that Thais go for, and they won't rest until they've settled the bill unlike Thais . . . quite fascinating, but I digress.

As someone who lives and works as a teacher in Isan I see various scenes related to various permutations of this 'story' every day.

I suppose there might just be something about going far away from home that helps to give people a kick up the backside . . .

But Pattaya ? Not Bangkok, Sri Racha, Rayong, Laem Chabang, Chonburi, Khon Ken, Samut Prakan where there is much more work for a Thai. What you say is possible and it's also possible she moved to a farang populated place just to meet a farang, but out of all the places it's Pattaya.

Just because she was born in Issan doesn't mean she grew up there. Was her mother living in Pattaya while raising her?

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Not all the girls here in Pattaya are prostitutes. Some are just here to work and sell stuff. 7-11 and family mart are great places to meet women. My wife sold stuff on the street near the bars. But she was a pure virgin and never worked in any bars.

Edit: Never mind, not worth the grief........rolleyes.gif

Edited by chrisinth
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Well David, I'm going to go against the flow here...

I have known many girls from Issan, from poor families, speak good English learnt at public school, and maybe after at college, move to BKK to earn decent money in 'admin' or 'entry level' jobs, and sending money home... Never had farang boyfriends before, been to a 'farang bar', or been on 'the game' in any way...

WU is an typical way for Thai's to move money around, especially if her mum is in a remote area, and doesn't have mobile phone or bank account...

None of what you say is a definitive answer on whether she has been on the game...

Even whether she is conservative isn't going to say, as she might have been witha few Thai guys, or one Thai guy for a long time, who 'opened her eyes'... (but that is what I would be looking out for - her manner)

The only strong indicator would be the amount of 'bedroom language' in English that she knows...

Have a crack, if it looks like a good thing, go with it...

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