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No Fake Cancer And Diabetes Drugs Sold In Thailand: Fda


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So you think, that a scientist like Brian Peskin, who wrote this book about treating cancer that can be cured already 70 years ago, is a book about wishfull thinking? Well, if you get cancer you can take chemo if you want, if you think that filling your body with poison will help.

This is quite an astounding discovery. Accoording to you, a conspiracy launched by the pharmaceutical mafia prevents your miracle from being shared with the world. Ok. Well, how about this, how come in all these years, there is no evidence from clinical trials that support the miracle cure? One would think that in countries like India or China there would have been an approach to an alternative method of treatment since these countries have large populations that would benefit from such a magical cure.

I find it offensive that you make a claim without any understanding of what cancer is. You have no knowledge of cellular biology do you, and yet you present some charlatan's qiackery as a guaranteed cure. You do realize that since chemotherapy has been in use, millions of lives have been restored and saved, or prolonged. There are millions of children today that have battled back from various blood and lymph cancers due to chemotherapy, and yet your cure has no verifiable case histories to support its claims.

What's next? An endorsement of colonic washing and enemas as a cure all as well?

As for the claims for a diabetes cure, it is false. A Pre diabetes condition that is a result of obesity can be treated and even reversed through the use of diet and excercise. The medical community has stated that since the beginning of the diabetes epidemic. However, once the pancreas is damaged or is defective, there is no cure because the pancreas isn't working. Short of repairing the pancreas or replacing it, there is no cure. Proponents of false claims are not just ignorant, but they are dangerous because they spread false information that can hurt people.

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Yes, indeed, there is a sucker born every minute, the most of them are Americans, I have seen two in the past hour. But I am using the same principles as Brian Peskin, for that reason I am meanwhile 68, not sick for over 40 years, no shit from the hospital and as healthy as one could wish. Bye, bye, suckers.

Yours is a self diagnosis. I have a different assessment.

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Counterfeit drugs are almost non-existent and are common:

Common counterfeit medications are virtually always ones that people want but are either addictive or illegalwith a few exceptions.

In Thailand (and other countries) ED (Erectile Dysfunction) drugs such as Viagra, Levitra and Cialis are legal with a prescription, but for some odd reason people often prefer to try to buy them illegally rather than ask their doctor for a script and just go buy some. Since any cost about $10 (300 baht) a pill--sometimes an online "deal" just sounds too good to be true...and is.

However any of the three have generic equivalents and are manufactured in India by reputable drug manufacturers and instead of $10 a pill, they can be had (or used to be) by buying from a Canadian licensed pharmacy and shipped from overseas, for about $2@. One good trick if one needs these is to ask your doctor for a presciption of 20 mg tabs, and then cut them into four, which is usually adequate for most people. Most doctors in America will allow this. Many do not realize that the ED meds do NOT cause arousal at all. The do allow for erection, but they are not aphrodesiac.

A month ago Obama very quietly signed into law a rider that now allows Customs so seize small imports of drugs, formerly allowed if accompanied by a prescription.

The Pharma King rules in America, and Obama has done their dirty business, an example:

I use the medication rosuvastatin (Crestor) for lipid control.

Here in America 30 days of 5 milligram tabs cost about $150, oddly 30 days of 20 mg tabs cost the same. Until recently I could buy Astra Zeneca (not generic) Crestor though my Canadian pharmacy, in the same Astra Zeneca Crestor packing, with the only difference being the language of the package, shipped from Singapore. My cost shipped was about $30, 1/5 of what they cost here. Further I'd buy 20mg tabs with my doc's approval, and cut them into 4 pieces (warning: you cannot do this with some meds!) thus to me the cost was about $0.25/day. Obama, by signing the recent law just changed the cost of my lipid drug Crestor and increased it by 500%. Way to go Obama.

The Big Pharma in America rules by plunder. Counterfeits are virtually non-existent here unless the drug is a controlled substance such as methylphenidate or the benzodiazipines. If a fool thinks they can buy controlled substances and have them shipped to them, they deserve counterfeits.

But why sould the same med (Crestor) made by the same company (Astra Zeneca) be 1/5 the cost in Singapore than it is in the US? Can you say monopoly neighbor?

The countereit "problem" is non-existent for real meds that are not controlled substances, excepting the ED meds.

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You are kidding me? stevia can help cure diabetes?

please post a link to that i would love to read it being a diabetic myself


The internet is full of information on the subject. Here are a few links on the subject.




And here is an excerpt as to how this may be occuring.

"The natural sweetener stevioside, which is found in the plant stevia, has been used for many years in the treatment of diabetes among Indians in Paraguay and Brazil. However, the mechanism for the blood glucose-lowering effect remains unknown. A study conducted at the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark, found that stevioside enhances insulin secretion from mouse pancreatic islets in the presence of glucose. The researchers state, "Stevioside stimulates insulin secretion via a direct action on pancreatic beta cells. The results indicate that the compounds may have a potential role as an anti-hyperglycemic agent in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus."

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Counterfeit drugs are almost non-existent and are common:

The countereit "problem" is non-existent for real meds that are not controlled substances, excepting the ED meds.

That is not true, the counterfeit drugs problem is significant in many areas and includes:

anti-malarial drugs in Africa

avastin in the US

phentermine in the US

vicodin globally

tamiflu globally

and, weight loss medication globally

counter4feit ED drugs is the tip of a rather large iceberg, as far as the public is concerned and shouldn't be underestimated.

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The FDA should report that the whole Cancer Treatment is completely Fake. Using Chemo therapy promotes even the production of new cancer cells an investigation found it. Read the article of Mike Adams of Natural News and nobody should no longer take a so called Chemo therapy. Instead better go to the Gerson clinic in Bangkok and use their Gerson therapy. Below you will find the link:


I was just going to say the same thing. I have been educating people who have been told they can't receive any more chemo and won't live much longer. Using a product line from a former researcher at a major pharmaceutical company. He was told to bury his research and not tell anyone after they failed to make an altered molecule that was patentable. Three people I assisted used the products and labelled as having 'terminal' cancer, were cancer free within a few months. www.altcancer.com

The FDA has found a new way to assault the nutritional supplements industry: It is now commanding Google Adwords to shut down the ad campaigns of nutritional product companies offering "detox" products.

And Google is apparently going along with it, conducting FDA-ordered censorship in the USA, much like what goes on in communist China:


Everything you are claiming is easily checked nonsense. You are deluded if you believe stupid unscientific made up snake oil cures advertised on web sites over verifiable clinical studies.

If that is the case they why am I not actually selling anything or I should say never have. Why don't you do a little research and maybe you will see that theses are not some idiotic ideas that I have concocted. And give other people, who aren't drowning in the skepticism of propaganda from big pharmaceutical conglomerates, a chance to actually decide themselves. Anyone who delves into alternative health knows well enough not to throw money away without some research and skepticism. But believe it or not, there are actually people out there who do things just to be good people who want good things for their fellow man.

Did you actually click on any of the links before labeling it as nonsense? Why not check out the book "dead doctors don't lie" instead of accepting what medical professionals say as the ultimate truth. Most of them go along with Big Pharma's 'facts' that they are taught, because they assume that these companies have our well being in mind and they don't want to lose jobs or get sued for going against the industry standards.

I will stand behind everything I say, because I research and have first hand experience with what I talk about. I wouldn't say anything unless I had. And I never ever have profited from these ideas or products.

Edited by bitterbatter
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