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Thailand Misses London Olympics Medals Target


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Any chance Thailand can make up the gold metal deficiency in the winter Olympics?

But congratulations to those that went and those that won.

I'd say none at all.

Time for the Thai Bobsled Team!

Mai Bpen Rai Runnings.

Congratulations to all who competed, winning medals or not.

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Congratulations to the Thai medal-winners, and all the athletes they sent to London, they tried their best, which is what it's about. thumbsup.gif

However, they would have won many many more............... if it wasnt for those dam_n farang winning them all. Curse them.

"we've never been invaded, you know." WPFflags.gif

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If not for the UK visa requirement, I am sure Thais would have bagged dozens of gold medals.

I knew it, the UK home office is purposely setting up strict immigration rule to discourage Thai (and many other nations) sport personnel, to advantage the UK home team.

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Training as an Olympian is a long term goal that requires persistance, dedication and a reliable support network. Attributes that are wholly absent in contemporary Thai society and culture.

In the Uk the housing development where I live, we help support a young sailor who is a Brazil 2016 candidate. We contribute as part of the service charge on our condo units as we believe in him having the best opportunity to succeed. This was raised at a residents' AGM three years ago and agreed almost unanimously.

I contrast this with an experience in Thailand. Having agreed with a prestigious marina (the owner of which was was very much "on board") and sailing school in Pattaya a program to offer a very well known pattaya orphanage the opportunity to send 12 kids every saturday to learn to sail on dingys, they turned up, spent 15 minutes sailing followed by 40 minutes of "photo opportinites" with kids neatly lined up in rows in life jackets etc, dutifully published it in their "newsletter". They never turned up again. This, despite it being totally free of charge, including transport.

When I asked then <deleted> had happened and why they never went again, they told me that sailing was for "rich and high society people and not poor orphans". But at least they had some cute pics for the next fundraising newsletter.........

The lad we sponsor in the Uk is the son of the former caretaker there. Based on his recent performances I have little doubt he will represent the UK in 2016 in Rio and may very well secure a medal. Ability, dedication and ambition are what count in a developed or developing country.

The Third World and failing states are another matter. Another lesson learned. There really is very little hope for Thailand.

On the bright side, I no longer squander 15000 b a month on a wasted cause.

Did you say sailing? Isn't that a recreation like sunbathing? What next darts as a sport where the supreme athletes are awarded points on the number of beers consumed during a game. The wind provides the energy, a little like the dressage where the horse does all the work and the rider is considered the athlete and awarded the spoils. Anyway no offence intended and just a personal opinion.

Back on topic, well done Thailand I believe 3 medals in total now. 26 compeitors attending for 3 medals a pretty good achievement considering other countries send 100's of competitors without receiving the same returns. 1/8.6 How many did China, the U.S and other Nations send and what was thier medal return per athlete? These Thais will come back as National heros and be rewarded handsomely by the country and quite rightly so.

I take it you've never sailed a dingy competitively. Relaxing it isn't!

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There are a lot of factors involved, but I totally agree with Permanent Secretary for Tourism and Sports Suwat Sidthilaw that instead of giving huge and out-of-proportion bonuses to a few Thai medalists, they better use these funds to invest in better facilities, coaches and overseas training courses for all Thai athletes.

If and when Kaew does win the Gold medal tonight in his final 49-kg. boxing match, he stands to gain a total of 100 million baht, I think that that is a little bit over the top.

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Great Britain - the greatest sporting nation on the face of the planet.

I thought the only real sports they had was with horses.

Well, they actually are pretty good in soccer too, although taking a penalty kick still needs a bit of practice....

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There are a lot of factors involved, but I totally agree with Permanent Secretary for Tourism and Sports Suwat Sidthilaw that instead of giving huge and out-of-proportion bonuses to a few Thai medalists, they better use these funds to invest in better facilities, coaches and overseas training courses for all Thai athletes.

If and when Kaew does win the Gold medal tonight in his final 49-kg. boxing match, he stands to gain a total of 100 million baht, I think that that is a little bit over the top.

He will have to fight a darned sight harder in order to keep any of that supposed 100 million baht. Too many shysters and hangers on. He will develop many new friends very quickly.

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There are a lot of factors involved, but I totally agree with Permanent Secretary for Tourism and Sports Suwat Sidthilaw that instead of giving huge and out-of-proportion bonuses to a few Thai medalists, they better use these funds to invest in better facilities, coaches and overseas training courses for all Thai athletes.

If and when Kaew does win the Gold medal tonight in his final 49-kg. boxing match, he stands to gain a total of 100 million baht, I think that that is a little bit over the top.

He will have to fight a darned sight harder in order to keep any of that supposed 100 million baht. Too many shysters and hangers on. He will develop many new friends very quickly.

That's right! I believe that that might very well be the real fight of his life! Yesterday in the gym, I was joking with a few Thais that land prices in Kamphaeng Phet will soar next week, if he does win the gold.

As all his family members, would-be friends, neighbours and other punters will share in his new found richess.

When, about 7 years ago, the owner of Pattaya Thai boxing gym Sidyodthong won the jackpot of the National lottery of more than 60 million baht, there was a line of more than 200 people standing outside his house for many days....holding their hand up!

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There are a lot of factors involved, but I totally agree with Permanent Secretary for Tourism and Sports Suwat Sidthilaw that instead of giving huge and out-of-proportion bonuses to a few Thai medalists, they better use these funds to invest in better facilities, coaches and overseas training courses for all Thai athletes.

If and when Kaew does win the Gold medal tonight in his final 49-kg. boxing match, he stands to gain a total of 100 million baht, I think that that is a little bit over the top.

He could spend some of it to buy his mother some teeth! I do hope that he wins.
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a little like the dressage where the horse does all the work and the rider is considered the athlete and awarded the spoils.

Obviously clueless as to the training that is involved with horse, rider and the relationship between them.

You could be right thumbsup.gif I was just tugging a chain. I have no ideal about dressage.

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It starts with building facilities for the athletes, Great Britain has done this well, with no-one pocketing any cash, all done transparently, and look at the results.

I remember a few bosses saying they would resign if their stars did not get the medals they reckoned on, well people put your money where your mouth is, and start packing your bags.

Another area is football, when will Thailand learn that in your national game you should not rely on players from other countries, when you see the team sheets it seems to be packed of non Thai players, if a rule was made then younger kids would realise that they have the opportunity to play in the Thai League if they are good enough, and not have to fight to get a place against a non Thai player.

like the english premier league and england rugby you mean right whistling.gif ?

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