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Depressed Woman 'fed Herself To Crocodiles' At Popular Thai Tourist Attraction


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I have it on good faith that crocodiles defecate. Wouldn't there be some evidence that they devoured a (most probably) fully clothed human being? (Not to mention the evidence left at the scene of "incident".) Sorry, but right now, I don't buy it.

have you been to the crocodile farm? it is essentially an open cesspool with an overhead walkway bridge. the lake itself and "shore" areas surrounding it probably total about 6 or 7 rai, if not more. It contains hundreds of fully grown crocs, often 3-5 meters in length. no sanee individual would venture out onto the water to collect croc scat, and as crocs presumably shit while swimming it is unlikely you would be able to find any.

you can feed the crocs fish heads etc for 20 baht, they are attached via a light twine to a rope on a bamboo pole, the slap and resulting sonic boom when the jaws snap shut is truly terrifying. The first time i heard it i nearly dropped the pole.

the woman would have been gone in minutes, truly horrifying.

I was there a few days after the alleged incident and heard people talking about it.

it is a fine way to dispose of a body thats for sure

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Please correct me if I am wrong but I believe that if a crocodile captures a large prey it will not consume it on the day but prefer to leave it for approximately 3 days until the flesh softens and is easier to tear an devour. Small prey like fish and birds will be eaten at the time. Also crocodiles are very protective of thier catch and will gaurd it with thier lives. I am sure our resident Herpetologists on here can clarify that.

given the overcrowded conditions at the farm, i doubt these crocs exhibit natural behavior, with so much competition it would be impossible to sit on a catch and guard it for even 5 minutes let alone 3 days

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The mystery has deepened because the Crocodile Farm have reportedly denied the incident took place.

Does it sometimes feel like the Thai people would not be able to engage in honesty, if their lives depended upon it? Why is it such a first instinct to lie here? Why is there no connection between their spiritual beliefs, and the daily behavior? Why is telling a lie considered OK, and acceptable behavior? Why is there not more emphasis on honesty? I do not care about the ridiculous concept of "face". We all know that is simply an excuse for avoiding any inner work or introspection. There is no reality to face, it is merely a huge excuse to behave improperly. It is getting to the point, where I find it nearly impossible to believe anything that most Thai people say. There are some exceptions. I do know some honorable Thai people. But, the percentage of people who possess little honor, when it comes to honesty, is shocking. Why is that? Does anyone have a good explanation for this?

Mmm - 'face' - such a big important topic, and a lot more nuanced than it having 'no reality', since its purpose is exactly the opposite, to maintain a certain way of 'doing' reality. (Since 'reality' is mostly a social construct in every culture.) As for lying - well, people all over the world do that routinely to maintain some level of order - hence the old joke about honesty being the worst policy for a long marriage ! I completely agree though about it being virtually impossible to get interested in and trust what most Thais say - its just that 'lying' for them doesn't carry the same connotation of 'wrong-doing' as it does in most 'western' cultures. For anyone really interested, this a great short essay on 'face' in different cultures around the world ::: http://www.transitionsabroad.com/listings/living/articles/keeping_face_in_china.shtml

One of the crucial differences between 'face' in the west, and 'face' in the east, is that 'orientals' will strive to save another's face as much as they try to save their own. In the 'west' face-saving is more often - though not always - a self-interested exercise. See the example in the essay of the son with the PhD not wanting to impact on his father's reduced status in the world due to unemployment. One thing's for sure - the tensions that occur due to the eastern obsession with 'face' can cause huge trouble for 'east-west' relations and relationships - in fact it can destroy the latter if not handled deftly.

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What an awful way to kill yourself.

Depression can be a serious illness (as evidenced here) and I'm not sure Thailand has much infrastructure to treat depression.

Sad story.

A very sad story indeed and to make matters worse for me,while I was following and posting on this thread,my wife and some others rushed to a house 1/2 km down the road in our village after being told that a young man had hanged himself.

He left a note saying that he couldn't handle anything any more and sorry but he must go.My wife came back very upset as you would expect.

That's awful Ron. I really would not have liked to see that.

Sadly some people just can't make it to the point in life where things change for the better.

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A strange way to go...

But why would the husband even make a comment of filing charges against the owners of the crocodile farm, they would not be liable for anything if she intentionally put herself in harms way and knowing this why would the owners make a "settlement" offer in the first place ?

In some countries there could be a law suit as they would say the farm owner should have had a better barrier in place to prevent this type of thing. Not saying I agree, just saying what a lawyer might try to say during a law suit.

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I have it on good faith that crocodiles defecate. Wouldn't there be some evidence that they devoured a (most probably) fully clothed human being? (Not to mention the evidence left at the scene of "incident".) Sorry, but right now, I don't buy it.

True, so the dustpan and broom and a little poking around in the shitblink.png , the teeth, they, as far as I know, stay as left overs and part of shoes, dress,metal?

Must be somewhere, but with many ponds, cages and possibilitys, many crocs, 6.000?.whistling.gif

Edited by ALFREDO
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Please correct me if I am wrong but I believe that if a crocodile captures a large prey it will not consume it on the day but prefer to leave it for approximately 3 days until the flesh softens and is easier to tear an devour. Small prey like fish and birds will be eaten at the time. Also crocodiles are very protective of thier catch and will gaurd it with thier lives. I am sure our resident Herpetologists on here can clarify that.

I am no expert, but with Dozens and Hundreds of crocs around you, in your compound, cage, you have no chance as a croc, you eat it now,

or never get a part of it!rolleyes.gif

No time for waiting! Do you see how a pack of dogs, wolfs or lions eat? First put it in your stomach, then its secured!whistling.gif

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A strange way to go...

But why would the husband even make a comment of filing charges against the owners of the crocodile farm, they would not be liable for anything if she intentionally put herself in harms way and knowing this why would the owners make a "settlement" offer in the first place ?

In some countries there could be a law suit as they would say the farm owner should have had a better barrier in place to prevent this type of thing. Not saying I agree, just saying what a lawyer might try to say during a law suit.

Supposedly, in the UK, you can be sued by a burglar if he injures himself while cutting through the security mesh on your back door. So I guess anything's possible. Thailand may be culturally unique in some ways, but lawyers the world over crawl out of the same swamp... smile.png

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The settlement is basically so that the husband doesn't cause any problems with tourists warning them not to go to the zoo as it will be damaging for the company. Also it is a sign of respect for the zoo owner to make a cash settlement to the family of the deceased to help replace the income lost tothere house hold now she has past and he is of some right because it was on his land. no one would be liable because things don't work like that here if you piss some one off you don't get taken to court you get a bullet in your head!!

A strange way to go...

(But why would the husband even make a comment of filing charges against the owners of the crocodile farm, they would not be liable for anything if she intentionally put herself in harms way and knowing this why would the owners make a "settlement" offer in the first place ?


total crap about getting a bullet to the head.Thats what the bullys want people to think so they can continue to extort money from then.I could give many examples where someone, notable police at thonglor tried to extort me. I was told " big problems" if I did not pay. I did not.

And nothing happened.

Most times it will not, never has to me and although it sometimes does( like everywhere else on earth),is far less than many would have to think.

I would rather pay money not to pay money( if that makes any logic) and that whats its all about.Whilst it is true that a good lawyer helps I would rather pay for that.

Do things correctly and you do not have to be treated like this here by anyone. Paying up and saying " thats how its done here" is not only totally untrue,, it also suggests that one should accept this.One should not and does not have to.

I could get shot tomorrow and that is the price I am happy to pay for many years here and not having once stopped to pay a bribe.It exists mainly because people pay too easily and are scared of things they should not be.

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Man Uncertain If Wife Died In Grisly Suicide

SAMUT PRAKAN:--A distraught husband is uncertain if his missing wife committed suicide by jumping in a crocodile pond in Samut Prakan. She was last seen on August 24 entering the farm. The husband wants the truth, so he can perform the ritual to invite her soul back home. Police are investigating.

SAMUT PRAKAN – September 5, 2012 [PDN]: at 2:30 p.m., a man came to the police station to check with Pol .Lt. Col. Mingmontree Siripong about the case of his missing wife who may have committed suicide.

The man, Mr. Sane Jitsatta, age 55, is living at the house number 465/4 moo 4, Taiban, Muang, Samut Prakarn. His wife’s father, Mr. Thawarn Yampraipiraom, age 69, lives at nearby house number 72 on the same moo and Tambon.

His missing wife, Mrs. Tipawan Jitsatta, is 36 years old. Mr. Sane told police she has been missing since August 24, and he suspects she died by jumping into the crocodile pond.

Mr. Sane brought his wife’s photo and the copy of August 25 daily record from the Muang Samut Prakan police station to give to detectives to help the investigation.

Mr. Sane said that in the morning of the day she went missing, he took her to see the doctor at a nearby clinic. Then his wife said she wanted to eat noodles. At 11 o’clock a.m., she went to travel at the crocodile farm, and he went to work.

When Mr. Sane came home in the evening he did not see his wife, and tried to find her in many places. When he could not find her, he reported her missing to the head of the village, the head of the district, and the area rescue team.

Full story:http://www.pattayadailynews.com/en/2012/09/06/man-uncertain-if-wife-died-in-grisly-suicide/



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Difficult to believe anyone would choose such a way to end it all. From what I saw of those crocs when I went there, they were so spaced out or doped they would have a job to even recognise a potential meal.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Thaivisa Connect App

I'm guessing you weren't there during feeding time.

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A strange way to go...

But why would the husband even make a comment of filing charges against the owners of the crocodile farm, they would not be liable for anything if she intentionally put herself in harms way and knowing this why would the owners make a "settlement" offer in the first place ?

He didn't.

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Difficult to believe anyone would choose such a way to end it all. From what I saw of those crocs when I went there, they were so spaced out or doped they would have a job to even recognise a potential meal.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Thaivisa Connect App

Check my "Feeding Crocodile" video out on my You Tube channel to watch how crocodiles react when food is put right in front of them.

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... I can't help but think tht she may have faked her death / done a runner on all of her trouble and financial strain. ...

Oh for heaven's sake ... what a stupid idea. Did she fake the CCTV footage as well?

Did you read the original news story? It clearly says that they only have her on CCTV entering the park. They don't have her on camera going off the bridge into the pond and getting mangled by the crocodiles, that would prove this story beyond a reasonable doubt.

If they only have cameras at the entrance, and not all over the park and croc pens, who is to say she didn't find another way out and do a runner?

Edited by bino
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My wife use to work there. Believe me if some body had been killed at the crocodile farm/Zoo, some one would have known about it, and seen it. There are some of the biggest crocodiles i have seen there , they would be capable of eating some one with no problems. but there would be a lot of tissue floating about.

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Very simple: Neither evidence of clothing left behind, nor remnants in crocodile scat simply means a hoax. Husband's story, and statement from farm owner sounds cooked up.

Exactly.....spot on......and look at the amount taking it in hook line and sinker....

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Very simple: Neither evidence of clothing left behind, nor remnants in crocodile scat simply means a hoax. Husband's story, and statement from farm owner sounds cooked up.

Exactly.....spot on......and look at the amount taking it in hook line and sinker....

Nothing in Thailand is ever quite what it seems to be..

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hmmmm....story seems fishy.

That's got to be an excruciating way to end it all... seems counter-intuitive for someone who is looking to END the pain.

disposing of a body via crocs/gators is a good way to eliminate evidence of foul play.

Is it? They don't leave ANYTHING? 'Don't know much about crocs or gators, but surely there'd be bits of bone, clothing, blood, etc. In the west, the farm staff wouldn't be allowed to clean that up or touch the scene at all until the forensics examiners had finished their work.

the little I know about crocs, in OZ, they tend to kill by a "death roll" under the water, then stow the prey under the water for a later time. If its in a croc farm, then shouldn't be too hard to find evidence.
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Difficult to believe anyone would choose such a way to end it all. From what I saw of those crocs when I went there, they were so spaced out or doped they would have a job to even recognise a potential meal.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Thaivisa Connect App

I'm guessing you weren't there during feeding time.

I dont doubt you are right, maybe there are others elsewhere, but the ones I saw in the show didnt know if they were on their a*se or their elbow.

Sorry I patronised the place to be honest.

I still have difficulty finding this story to be true.

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