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One Million Cameras Will Spy On Future Bangkok Criminals


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Had to check if the news source of the OP was "The Nation".

In that case, police office may have said "one hundred" and Nation reporter forgot how many zeroes in a hundred, did some mental arithmetic and ended up with the million that made copy.

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Those cameras: they won't just spy on criminals. Remember that. Recordings go missing all the time (remember John Charles de Menenzes?). These cameras will work when it's convenient.

Resist this or Bangkok will become another London: spied on every minute of the day.

Yupp! Nothing more to add to this.

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btw... guess George Orwell would really freak out if he'd stil be alive and learn that most of his horrific predictions already came true... Also, Richard Fleischer, who directed Soylend Green is not around anymore to "enjoy" his futuristic horror scenario turning into reality.

We're up for a serious @$$ rape by governments all over the world, who are just the puppets for Goldmann Sucks, Rothschild, Rockefeller and their criminal cronies. Very difficult to stay optimistic these days - anyone with me here?

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  • 2 weeks later...

How in the hell do the Thai Police intend to monitor 1,000,000 CCTV cameras effectively??

This idea is delusional

Nobody mentioned monitoring 1 million screens. The plan is to check the footage after an event.

When crimes occur in that city, police officers rush to examine CCTV footage for evidence to obtain information and shorten the duration of investigations.

So after having the living crap kicked out of you and your property stolen you are supposed to feel better knowing that Somchai and his mates are reviewing the footage of your kicking, yeah right!!cheesy.gif

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I have 16 cameras myself. Very convenient thing to have, especially with remote access (ala Eagle Eyes or whatever application you prefer). IMO it keeps the help and employees in general more diligent (in addition to honest) as well.


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