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Shinawatras Likely To Keep Things All In The Family


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It's all too common. Both Abhisit and Yingluck are puppets. These two could have been so much better for the country if only they were allowed to run the country by themselves though they may not win the elections on their own.

Whilst there is probably some truth in what you say they are very different.

Abhisit is an experienced politician and probably would have achieved much more had he won the last election in the way that PTP did. It would have given him stronger base from which to make changes and I believe that he would have done a lot of good.

Yingluck wasn't just inexperienced she wasn't even a politician so it's a bit unfair to expect her to suddenly make a great job of being PM. She's not really a PM in the way most westerners would understand it. It will be interesting to see if and how she improves.

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Well from the look of this she has done what she wanted to do and rightly so, as she is the boss.

This definitely is not a family decision, looks like hers alone.

PM hands out Yongyuth jobs to Chalerm, others

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday delegated most of the responsibilities of former deputy prime minister Yongyuth Wichaidit to Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung.

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Well from the look of this she has done what she wanted to do and rightly so, as she is the boss.

This definitely is not a family decision, looks like hers alone.

PM hands out Yongyuth jobs to Chalerm, others

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday delegated most of the responsibilities of former deputy prime minister Yongyuth Wichaidit to Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung.


Why do you say the decision was hers alone?

Was Thaksin opposed to the appointment of Deputy PM Chalerm and Interior Minister Chuchart?

Was he and Yaowapha advocating for someone different for those positions?


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Well from the look of this she has done what she wanted to do and rightly so, as she is the boss.

This definitely is not a family decision, looks like hers alone.

PM hands out Yongyuth jobs to Chalerm, others

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday delegated most of the responsibilities of former deputy prime minister Yongyuth Wichaidit to Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung.


Why do you say the decision was hers alone?

Was Thaksin opposed to the appointment of Deputy PM Chalerm and Interior Minister Chuchart?

Was he and Yaowapha advocating for someone different for those positions?


Had you have read the link, you would have seen that all of the decisions were hers.

Yingluck said.

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Well from the look of this she has done what she wanted to do and rightly so, as she is the boss.

This definitely is not a family decision, looks like hers alone.

PM hands out Yongyuth jobs to Chalerm, others

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday delegated most of the responsibilities of former deputy prime minister Yongyuth Wichaidit to Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung.


Why do you say the decision was hers alone?

Was Thaksin opposed to the appointment of Deputy PM Chalerm and Interior Minister Chuchart?

Was he and Yaowapha advocating for someone different for those positions?


Had you have read the link, you would have seen that all of the decisions were hers.

Yingluck said.

I read the link, but there was nothing there that would definitively indicate that Cabinet decisions were decided by her.

That's why I posed the above questions to differentiate what others decisions might have been different from hers.

All the article indicates is that Yingluck says she made the choices, which, frankly, has to be taken with a huge pinch of salt.


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Well from the look of this she has done what she wanted to do and rightly so, as she is the boss.

This definitely is not a family decision, looks like hers alone.

PM hands out Yongyuth jobs to Chalerm, others

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday delegated most of the responsibilities of former deputy prime minister Yongyuth Wichaidit to Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung.


Why do you say the decision was hers alone?

Was Thaksin opposed to the appointment of Deputy PM Chalerm and Interior Minister Chuchart?

Was he and Yaowapha advocating for someone different for those positions?


Had you have read the link, you would have seen that all of the decisions were hers.

Yingluck said.

I read the link, but there was nothing there that would definitively indicate that Cabinet decisions were decided by her.

That's why I posed the above questions to differentiate what others decisions might have been different from hers.

All the article indicates is that Yingluck says she made the choices, which, frankly, has to be taken with a huge pinch of salt.


Well it appears Chalerm says thats what happened as well. How many versions do you need to hear before you might accept that Yingluck made the decision?

" Chalerm said Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra gave him the assignment during the weekly Cabinet meeting Tuesday.

Chalerm said Yingluck also assigned Deputy Interior Minister Chuchart Harnsawat to become caretaker interior minister, replacing Yongyuth."


I understand that it doesn't fit in with your belief that Thaksin is running the entire country from Dubai but you need to have a bit of faith now and then. Otherwise you might as well state that the only things you believe that are the truth in The Nation are those that follow or fit in with your doctrine.
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Why do you say the decision was hers alone?

Was Thaksin opposed to the appointment of Deputy PM Chalerm and Interior Minister Chuchart?

Was he and Yaowapha advocating for someone different for those positions?


Had you have read the link, you would have seen that all of the decisions were hers.

Yingluck said.

I read the link, but there was nothing there that would definitively indicate that Cabinet decisions were decided by her.

That's why I posed the above questions to differentiate what others decisions might have been different from hers.

All the article indicates is that Yingluck says she made the choices, which, frankly, has to be taken with a huge pinch of salt.


Well it appears Chalerm says thats what happened as well. How many versions do you need to hear before you might accept that Yingluck made the decision?

Someone besides Yingluck herself and Chalerm.

IF these bastions of truth are more than sufficient for you to suffice as proof that contradicts countless news reports, up to you.

Oh look, btw, yet another news report in the other paper today has PTP MP's traveling to Hong Kong to vie for positions by talking with.....

Yingluck? No.

Chalerm? Nope.

Thaksin? Yep.


Edited by Buchholz
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Well it appears Chalerm says thats what happened as well. How many versions do you need to hear before you might accept that Yingluck made the decision?

" Chalerm said Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra gave him the assignment during the weekly Cabinet meeting Tuesday.

Chalerm said Yingluck also assigned Deputy Interior Minister Chuchart Harnsawat to become caretaker interior minister, replacing Yongyuth."


I understand that it doesn't fit in with your belief that Thaksin is running the entire country from Dubai but you need to have a bit of faith now and then. Otherwise you might as well state that the only things you believe that are the truth in The Nation are those that follow or fit in with your doctrine.

I use the verb "to Chalerm" meaning to suborn false testimony, combined with witness memory loss and inability to be located. If you have been here for any time you would understand why it is apt.

Using k.Chalerm's statement in support of the veracity of another, leaves you open to ridicule and contempt, especially when the original statement was made by Yingluk who is only avoiding perjury charges by a temporary change of the definition by her lackey Tarit.

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Well it appears Chalerm says thats what happened as well. How many versions do you need to hear before you might accept that Yingluck made the decision?

" Chalerm said Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra gave him the assignment during the weekly Cabinet meeting Tuesday.

Chalerm said Yingluck also assigned Deputy Interior Minister Chuchart Harnsawat to become caretaker interior minister, replacing Yongyuth."


I understand that it doesn't fit in with your belief that Thaksin is running the entire country from Dubai but you need to have a bit of faith now and then. Otherwise you might as well state that the only things you believe that are the truth in The Nation are those that follow or fit in with your doctrine.

I use the verb "to Chalerm" meaning to suborn false testimony, combined with witness memory loss and inability to be located. If you have been here for any time you would understand why it is apt.

Using k.Chalerm's statement in support of the veracity of another, leaves you open to ridicule and contempt, especially when the original statement was made by Yingluk who is only avoiding perjury charges by a temporary change of the definition by her lackey Tarit.

Exposing myself to
"ridicule and contempt"
(apart from being contrary to rule 1, Bucholz can tell you) from either you or your 3 contemporaries who all leapt to bucholzs side would be akin to a savaging by a dead sheep.

Oh and one more thing for Bucholz, the other paper doesn't imply that "
PTP MP's traveling to Hong Kong to vie for positions
", does it, though it does say speculation, such as yours , is rife? Its about 20-30 MP's from the North East wanting more ministerial portfolios for their region.

Fast and loose with the truth, who?
Edited by TheKrayTriplet
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Well it appears Chalerm says thats what happened as well.


Are you seriously using the word of Chalerm to add veracity? I think his word does the opposite.

Who would you rather have back up the words of Yingluck, herself, a person who was in the meeting with her or do you have someone else in mind?

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Well it appears Chalerm says thats what happened as well.


Are you seriously using the word of Chalerm to add veracity? I think his word does the opposite.

Who would you rather have back up the words of Yingluck, herself, a person who was in the meeting with her or do you have someone else in mind?

You are still arguing that you can believe Chalerm on his word? cheesy.gif .

Edited by Nickymaster
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Well it appears Chalerm says thats what happened as well.


Are you seriously using the word of Chalerm to add veracity? I think his word does the opposite.

Who would you rather have back up the words of Yingluck, herself, a person who was in the meeting with her or do you have someone else in mind?

This isn't an argument about the veracity of anyone else's word, it is an argument about the veracity of Chalerm's word. I think he offers none. I'd be inclined to believe the opposite of what he says. If he says he was in the meeting and Yingluck made the decision, it most likely means he wasn't in the meeting and Yingluck did not make the decision.

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Well it appears Chalerm says thats what happened as well.


Are you seriously using the word of Chalerm to add veracity? I think his word does the opposite.

Who would you rather have back up the words of Yingluck, herself, a person who was in the meeting with her or do you have someone else in mind?

You are still arguing that you can believe Chalerm on his word? cheesy.gif .

So can I now expect you not to make any further comment on Chalerm as you
that every word he speaks is a lie as does Yingluck, seeing as they agree on the same statement. That will make any further statement they make, a lie and therefore not worthy of comment. I shall look forward to your self imposed silence over these two. Any chance of an agreement on Thaksin as well because you
everything he says is a lie too.
Edited by TheKrayTriplet
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Well it appears Chalerm says thats what happened as well. How many versions do you need to hear before you might accept that Yingluck made the decision?

" Chalerm said Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra gave him the assignment during the weekly Cabinet meeting Tuesday.

Chalerm said Yingluck also assigned Deputy Interior Minister Chuchart Harnsawat to become caretaker interior minister, replacing Yongyuth."


I understand that it doesn't fit in with your belief that Thaksin is running the entire country from Dubai but you need to have a bit of faith now and then. Otherwise you might as well state that the only things you believe that are the truth in The Nation are those that follow or fit in with your doctrine.

I use the verb "to Chalerm" meaning to suborn false testimony, combined with witness memory loss and inability to be located. If you have been here for any time you would understand why it is apt.

Using k.Chalerm's statement in support of the veracity of another, leaves you open to ridicule and contempt, especially when the original statement was made by Yingluk who is only avoiding perjury charges by a temporary change of the definition by her lackey Tarit.

Oh and one more thing for Bucholz, the other paper doesn't imply that "
PTP MP's traveling to Hong Kong to vie for positions
", does it, though it does say speculation, such as yours , is rife? Its about 20-30 MP's from the North East wanting more ministerial portfolios for their region.

oh how ye struggles. :lol:

30 Northeastern MP's fly to Hong Kong to see THAKSIN for more seats in the ministries is somehow not "traveling to Hong Kong to vie for positions."


Completely losing sight that THAKSIN is the one calling the shots.



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Well it appears Chalerm says thats what happened as well.


Are you seriously using the word of Chalerm to add veracity? I think his word does the opposite.

Who would you rather have back up the words of Yingluck, herself, a person who was in the meeting with her or do you have someone else in mind?

You are still arguing that you can believe Chalerm on his word? cheesy.gif .

Well he did remove the travel business mafia within the past 3 months didn't he?


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Well it appears Chalerm says thats what happened as well.


Are you seriously using the word of Chalerm to add veracity? I think his word does the opposite.

Who would you rather have back up the words of Yingluck, herself, a person who was in the meeting with her or do you have someone else in mind?

This isn't an argument about the veracity of anyone else's word, it is an argument about the veracity of Chalerm's word. I think he offers none. I'd be inclined to believe the opposite of what he says. If he says he was in the meeting and Yingluck made the decision, it most likely means he wasn't in the meeting and Yingluck did not make the decision.

The discussion has descended to the point where Chalerm as a credible source is even debated in the first place.


but, as said, up to him, if he wants to accept that.

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So can I now expect you not to make any further comment on Chalerm as you
that every word he speaks is a lie as does Yingluck, seeing as they agree on the same statement. That will make any further statement they make, a lie and therefore not worthy of comment. I shall look forward to your self imposed silence over these two. Any chance of an agreement on Thaksin as well because you
everything he says is a lie too.

Your logic, if i can call it that, gets bizarrer and bizarrer: the only people who have a right to comment on the words of Yingluck, Chalerm and Thaksin, are those people who believe what they say. Everyone else who doesn't, must remain silent. The Gestapo would be proud of that sort of rationale.

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The discussion has descended to the point where Chalerm as a credible source is even debated in the first place.


but, as said, up to him, if he wants to accept that.

As you say, up to him, but in accepting the likes of Chalerm as being a credible source, as he is, i presume, in the name of consistency, he'll also from now on be quoting to us the utterings of Sonthi and Suthep and offering them as weights to claims. Or perhaps not...

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Are you seriously using the word of Chalerm to add veracity? I think his word does the opposite.

Who would you rather have back up the words of Yingluck, herself, a person who was in the meeting with her or do you have someone else in mind?

You are still arguing that you can believe Chalerm on his word? cheesy.gif .

So can I now expect you not to make any further comment on Chalerm as you
that every word he speaks is a lie as does Yingluck, seeing as they agree on the same statement. That will make any further statement they make, a lie and therefore not worthy of comment. I shall look forward to your self imposed silence over these two. Any chance of an agreement on Thaksin as well because you
everything he says is a lie too.

"Any chance of an agreement on Thaksin as well because you know everything he says is a lie too".

Correction: I know that almost everything he says is a lie.

You are still arguing that you can believe Chalerm on his word. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Edited by Nickymaster
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So can I now expect you not to make any further comment on Chalerm as you
that every word he speaks is a lie as does Yingluck, seeing as they agree on the same statement. That will make any further statement they make, a lie and therefore not worthy of comment. I shall look forward to your self imposed silence over these two. Any chance of an agreement on Thaksin as well because you
everything he says is a lie too.

Your logic, if i can call it that, gets bizarrer and bizarrer: the only people who have a right to comment on the words of Yingluck, Chalerm and Thaksin, are those people who believe what they say. Everyone else who doesn't, must remain silent. The Gestapo would be proud of that sort of rationale.

That was the point, to show up what passes for debate on this forum. Oh by the way, you win extra points for mentioning the gestapo.

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"Any chance of an agreement on Thaksin as well because you know everything he says is a lie too".

Correction: I know that almost everything he says is a lie.

You are still arguing that you can believe Chalerm on his word. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I'm not arguing the point, but with respect to this incident, when comparing a person who was at the meeting and who would gain nothing by either lying or not lying - and you, who was not at the meeting at all, which person is the most feasible to believe?

You seem to find that funny, or is it hilarious, as you used two emoticons to help make your point?

Just seems logical to me. But please point out your reasoning as there must be some to back up your assumption?

I'd also like to know to what extent you know that Thaksin lies or is this another existential theory of yours based on dislike of an individual and your susceptability to other peoples' bias?
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I'd also like to know to what extent you know that Thaksin lies or is this another existential theory of yours based on dislike of an individual and your susceptability to other peoples' bias?

One only needs to read and indeed hear the comments Thaksin has made over the years and is still making to realize that Thaksin is indeed merely on a nodding acquaintance with the truth.

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The discussion has descended to the point where Chalerm as a credible source is even debated in the first place.


but, as said, up to him, if he wants to accept that.

As you say, up to him, but in accepting the likes of Chalerm as being a credible source, as he is, i presume, in the name of consistency, he'll also from now on be quoting to us the utterings of Sonthi and Suthep and offering them as weights to claims. Or perhaps not...

after Chalerm, another "credible source"... rolleyes.gif

Thaksin's Hong Kong visit not linked to Cabinet shuffle: Noppadon

Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's visit to Hong Kong this weekend has nothing to do with the Cabinet reshuffle or the selection of a new Pheu Thai Party Leader, the ex-PM's legal adviser told the media Friday.

"Thaksin is just visiting to meet with his friends, including MPs and ministers, but that does not mean he is linked to the Cabinet lineup," Noppadon Pattama said.

Thaksin is expected to be in Hong Kong over the weekend before heading to London.

Noppadon said the former prime minister had been told about Yongyuth Wichaidit vacating his seat in the House of Representatives as well as quitting the post of Party Leader.


-- The Nation 2012-10-05

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Posted 2010-12-06 19:27:02

Thaksin to attend human rights violation hearing in US

BANGKOK, Dec 6 - Thailand's ousted ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra will visit the United States next week to testify on alleged human rights violations during Bangkok's deadly April-May political demonstrations after having been invited by the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), according to his legal advisor Noppadon Pattama.


Another Noppadon.

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