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School Holidays - Doing My Head In.


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Its school holidays and all the kids are off in the internet shops, or anywhere they can get near a computer, playing games and other online stuff, but this just freaked me out and made me laugh in a perverse, what were they thinking type deal.

The current fad appears to be this game called Minecraft - a game where you build shit out of blocks in a 3D playing theater.

And the programers have programmed all sorts of stuff into it, even animated animals such as cows & zombies.

So, I see the kids laughing their heads off and go to look.

They had placed a paddock full of cows on their landscape, and set a bushfire going. All the cows were burning and making all these dying animal noises as they were slowly BBQ'd alive. :blink:

Honestly, is it good for our children to be exposed to stuff like this?????

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i don't see a problem with that,

Ever been to a big event called a Lan Party ?

thousands of young kids teaming up and shooting others kids on the computer for hours and even days straight.

If violent video games made people violent, there would have real murders at every Lan Party for sure. All i saw was a bunch of guys having fun and thinking of it as a type of sport, shaking hands with ennemies and all.

ever roasted ants with a magnifying glass when you were young ? Enjoyed spraying bugs ? These kids are only playing with pixels.

I don't think of it as a problem when they are well taught about right and wrong in home and there lies the problem, bad kids will be bad if they are brought up wrong.


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When I weur knee igh ta grasshoppa, I ad play with dog down in coal cella.

Dad gave me old slipper and pretend it was lorry, with bread and lard fur birthday treat and I weur glad of it.

Tem wuer te days, alf dozen to the bed an count yer blessings ye not kip in de deep end.
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When I weur knee igh ta grasshoppa, I ad play with dog down in coal cella.

Dad gave me old slipper and pretend it was lorry, with bread and lard fur birthday treat and I weur glad of it.

Tem wuer te days, alf dozen to the bed an count yer blessings ye not kip in de deep end.

Wat, you ad bed? Luxury lad.

Me, Dad, Mum and 11 siblings ad sleep in gutter at front of our ouse and eat raw sewage fur breakfast.

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