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I posted this in the visa forum but as of yet no response. I was just wondering if any of you ladies had any info or advise.

Ok so the situation: I have dual citizenship in the US and Canada although I am Canadian and travel with a Canadian passport. I am currently living in Korea. I have a Thai boyfriend and would like to bring him home to the US for one week than on to Canada for 3 weeks.

He works in construction, makes a shitty wage. Is enrolled in an adult educational school because he does not have his high school degree and is trying to get it. He owns no land (aside from what his family owns but it is not in his name) and a motorbike that he is paying off is really the only thing registered in his name. His school and employer will both provide letters that they are giving him a months leave. Both my parents, one in the US and one in Canada are both well off are willing to write letters saying they would like to sponser him as a gift. They will also give financial proof of there funds. I do not live in either Canada or the US so I will also be going for a visit. He will have been to Korea and returned to Thailand within a month. He will have 1000-2000 Cdn in the bank.

So I guess I just want to know what are his chances? I figure if I get the Canadian visa first it would be a plus to prove that he will only be in the US for a week, on his way to Canada. Any advise is great.

PS I am new to to this site and it's really nice seeing positive things about Thai men and Farang women. I have definetly seen and experienced the good and the bad when it comes to Thai bfs. Luckily I have landed on the very good end so its nice to see I'm not the only one. :o

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Do you mind I ask how long do you know your boyfriend?

I have been with him for two years and we have lived together for the past year and a half.


Do you mind I ask how long do you know your boyfriend?

I have been with him for two years and we have lived together for the past year and a half.

Sorry realise that sounds confusing cause I said I am living in Korea. I just came here and I am working for a couple of months and then returning to Thailand. He is on his way here next week yay!!

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I don't know about the visa in Canada or USA.

I can only tell you my experienced in UK. I have a girlfriend's son came to visiting me last summer. He is student. His mum is single mum, she didn't has house or land in Hong Kong. He only brought around £300 and a return ticket.

Before he came I send him a letter and tell him to show the immigrant the letter I send. That letter is about like a guarantee letter to pay for everything and make sure he will go back after two months time.

He showed the letter and passed through without any problem.

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Not sure about US/Canada but the first time I took my boyfriend to New Zealand we had to do a lot of stuff to prove our relationship was genuine ... show photos, letters addressed to both of us at our residence(!), rental contract, have letters from his parents, my mother, sister, etc verifying it, a detailed summary of our relationship including date we met, where, how long living together, my work contract, pay slips, his bank details with proof of funds (which I'd transeferred from my account into his for a couple of days just for that reason) etc, etc. At the time he was a student in a college so was able to provide 'proof' of a need to return to Thailand. After about 4 weeks his application was accepted on the condition that we paid a $3000 NZ bond (almost 70,000 baht at the time) which we didn't get back until a week after we got back. Luckily my work advanced me the money otherwise we never would have been able to go. All this was just for a 2 week holiday. The next time it was a bit easier (no bond or letters needed) but we still needed to provide things like letter from his boss with time off, our son's birth certificate, etc. Good luck getting the visa .... I suggest you start the application process as early as possible!!

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Thanks for the advise ladies,

I have no idea about how to prove how genuine our relaionship is??? Aside from the fact that I can get proof that I lived and worked for a year and a half in the same town as him, pictures (with no dates on them) and the fact that he will have come to Korea( where I am righ now). ummmm we were also in the tsunami together but we were treated at different hospitals in the same town. Thats all I can really think of aside from letters from people we know. Do you think any of this is valid?

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The U.S. is really hard to have Thai people come and visit. Get as much documentation as you can. Prof that he has been working W-2's and a letter from his employer will help, but the truth is you'll be very lucky to get him in the country.

Me and my friends tried to get a friend of ours over for a visit and it didn't fly.

Good luck to you.

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The U.S. is really hard to have Thai people come and visit. Get as much documentation as you can. Prof that he has been working W-2's and a letter from his employer will help, but the truth is you'll be very lucky to get him in the country.

Me and my friends tried to get a friend of ours over for a visit and it didn't fly.

Good luck to you.

I am hoping that if he gets a Canadian visa first then it will improve his chances of getting one for the US. He would only be in the US for one week and then on to Canada for 3. Also he works construction and is payed in cash so aside from a letter from his employer I doubt there is a way to prove he has been working. Overall I am very pesimistic about the whole thing :o

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Paperwork is the key, any bills in either both or each of your names at the same address, emails you have sent each other, proof of his schooling, if you have ever sent him money then include receipts, photos together, letters from freinds stating your a couple & have been together X years & the emabssy can call them to verify (not great but anything can help IMO) plane tickets from his trip to korea, get a load of receipts, stubs for places you have been together, take photos of you & him with his parents & any letters from your parents epressing a wish to meet him & any financial assistance they will give him. He needs to show that he is willing to return to thailand after his trip, so letters from his boss giving him 4 weeks off, letters from his school stating that his course is paid up for the year will all go towards proving that he intends to come back to thailand & not run off in the US or Canada. Apart from that, make sure everything is well organised & clearly marked as to what it is as I know if I worked for the Embassy, I would be pissed off if a load of paperwork came in not collated properly :o

Best of luck & welcome to the forum/

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Paperwork is the key, any bills in either both or each of your names at the same address, emails you have sent each other, proof of his schooling, if you have ever sent him money then include receipts, photos together, letters from freinds stating your a couple & have been together X years & the emabssy can call them to verify (not great but anything can help IMO) plane tickets from his trip to korea, get a load of receipts, stubs for places you have been together, take photos of you & him with his parents & any letters from your parents epressing a wish to meet him & any financial assistance they will give him. He needs to show that he is willing to return to thailand after his trip, so letters from his boss giving him 4 weeks off, letters from his school stating that his course is paid up for the year will all go towards proving that he intends to come back to thailand & not run off in the US or Canada. Apart from that, make sure everything is well organised & clearly marked as to what it is as I know if I worked for the Embassy, I would be pissed off if a load of paperwork came in not collated properly :o

Best of luck & welcome to the forum/

Thanks Boo,

If his parents write letters do they have to be translated? Also as for his school, who has said they will give him a leave of absence and write a letter to support this. It is adult education from the government so its free, so he doesn't pay for it. It is soo ironic because he is the last person who would flee based on the simple fact that he is the youngest of 6 and his father is dead so he is so dedicated to his mother. To bad thats not enough!

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I would suggest having everything translated into Englsih as the Embassy would be expecting it but include originals & certified translations, I don't know if your embassies are int he same location but the British Embassy in Wireless road has loads of translation places that would do a copy in English for a couple of hundred baht. :o

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I posted this in the visa forum but as of yet no response. I was just wondering if any of you ladies had any info or advise.

Ok so the situation: I have dual citizenship in the US and Canada although I am Canadian and travel with a Canadian passport. I am currently living in Korea. I have a Thai boyfriend and would like to bring him home to the US for one week than on to Canada for 3 weeks.

He works in construction, makes a shitty wage. Is enrolled in an adult educational school because he does not have his high school degree and is trying to get it. He owns no land (aside from what his family owns but it is not in his name) and a motorbike that he is paying off is really the only thing registered in his name. His school and employer will both provide letters that they are giving him a months leave. Both my parents, one in the US and one in Canada are both well off are willing to write letters saying they would like to sponser him as a gift. They will also give financial proof of there funds. I do not live in either Canada or the US so I will also be going for a visit. He will have been to Korea and returned to Thailand within a month. He will have 1000-2000 Cdn in the bank.

So I guess I just want to know what are his chances? I figure if I get the Canadian visa first it would be a plus to prove that he will only be in the US for a week, on his way to Canada. Any advise is great.

PS I am new to to this site and it's really nice seeing positive things about Thai men and Farang women. I have definetly seen and experienced the good and the bad when it comes to Thai bfs. Luckily I have landed on the very good end so its nice to see I'm not the only one. :D

I don't know how much the rules have changed, but when my then boyfriend got his first visa to

Canada in 1999 we had to show money in the bank, a letter from my parents, my work contract in Thailand to show that I had a reason to come back, a letter from his employer, and a travel itinerary. We also went for an interview the first time we applied. He was granted the visa no problem. This last time when we applied for his tourist visa last summer the letter of invitation from my parents wasn't enough - I had to include my dad's T4 tax slip, too. Pictures of the two of you together and of your mutual stuff in your shared house or room will also look good. Apply in person, not by mail. At least that way you'll know the same day whether you've got it or not. My husband's last visa application was "misplaced" somewhere and we didn't end up knowing for sure if he was going or not until 2 days before we flew. It was a nightmare!

Good luck! :o


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Thanks TT,

The problem or I should say one of many is that I am in Korea right now so he will have to apply on his own. Which worries me :o


I think the fact that you are not even in the same country when he applies could prevent him from being granted the visa, particularly if this is his first time applying for a visa and is nervous to be going by himself. The people in the embassy are not particularly friendly and don't care one way or the other if he goes to Canada. It's like a power trip or something for them to be able to play with people's lives like that.

If you're in Korea now, how can you prove that the both of you are coming back? From my experience, even though you're Canadian, if it doesn't look like you've got reason to leave Canada and come back with him, they'll not likely grant the visa. Be sure you've got all your papers in order, and include absolutely everything that could possibly help the application. Better to have too much than not enough.

Best of luck. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

If the visa is denied, be sure he asks why....


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Thanks TT,

The problem or I should say one of many is that I am in Korea right now so he will have to apply on his own. Which worries me :o


I think the fact that you are not even in the same country when he applies could prevent him from being granted the visa, particularly if this is his first time applying for a visa and is nervous to be going by himself. The people in the embassy are not particularly friendly and don't care one way or the other if he goes to Canada. It's like a power trip or something for them to be able to play with people's lives like that.

If you're in Korea now, how can you prove that the both of you are coming back? From my experience, even though you're Canadian, if it doesn't look like you've got reason to leave Canada and come back with him, they'll not likely grant the visa. Be sure you've got all your papers in order, and include absolutely everything that could possibly help the application. Better to have too much than not enough.

Best of luck. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

If the visa is denied, be sure he asks why....


Yes, I know it is a big problem that he will have to apply on his own. He just arrived here in Korea to visit me and they kept him in immigration for an hour and a half. Luckily he was aloud in. So I know this is the beggining of many hurdles. I can prove that I am only going to Canada for a visit b/c I can show my work contract from Korea. We will apply but I am aware how bad our chances are. However after my short stint in Kora I will be returning to work and lilve in Thailand so we will try agin if it is denied. Thanks for all your advise and well wishes.

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