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German Seeks Runaway Thai Wife For Son's Sake


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Hi, having spent a few minutes on the internet it is possible to test for fatherhood without the mother being available. http://www.dna-testi...ityTestDNA.html please note "But paternity can still be checked without the mother’s DNA" I think this can be done in Thailand. I am optimistic that the German Embassy has legal procudures for DNA testing both it's administration and legal procedures, alternatively if the boy was issued with a Thai Passport if DNA is proven can he then apply for German residency on the basis of established fatherhood. Sadly I am sure there are other cases like this so there is a way to sort it out. He is a good man for standing by the boy who I hope will respect this when he grows up, more than can be said for his wife and his mather in law. People like them blame poor education etc but in reality they are the lowest form of life you do not abandon family. There should be laws to prevent mother's from running away from small children, charges like neglect, attempted murder etc.

Nobody doubts that a DNA test can show if he is the father or not.

The link that you provided was not for a Thai based company and says nothing about Thai law orwhat is legaly acceptable by the Thai courts.

As I stated on my last post, when I went through this with my oldest boy I was told that I had to have the mother's permission to have the child's DNA tested.

If I had turned up at a Thai family court with a DNA test without the mother's (or court's) permision, the test results would not be admissible as proof or evidence.

My friend provided the Thai family courts with a DNA test,carried out by a non Thai based company, without the mothers permission. The court accepted this DNA test and granted him custody with visiting rights to the mother.

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My Thai wife has read about this story in online Thai Newspapers. The issue here is not to prove that the German is the Father, but Thai Law (and the same is true in most countries) requires the signature of both parents in order to take a child out of the country.

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Who in his right mind comes to Thailand, with no job or income, meets some girl and decides to buy a house and a car, knowing full well that the only money he has is "only" 10 million baht (so let's say £200,000 roughly) entrusted to him by his dying grandfather, and proceeds to blow it all in just 2 years? Must have been a great 2 years, and I imagine plenty of champagne was drunk and drugs consumed. This man is a 42-year-old idiot and deserves not a shred of sympathy. However, it must be said there are many like him (in a way), who come to Thailand, leaving their job back home, decide to stay, and blow through their meagre savings, with the kind assistance of a young Thai woman, and eventually find themselves living in the gutter, or almost in it, in Pattaya. The stupidity of foreigners in Thailand never ceases to amaze me. His grandfather must be turning in his grave.

Yeah we have all heard these types of story before, but really some of you guys really are heartless bastards. All you want to do is show how clever you are and that it would never have happened to you and that the victim is some kind of idiot. Many of us older and wiser hands are just that as we got burnt somewhere and wised up. Most don't arrive here with a complete cynics attitude that everyone is there to rip them off, in fact it is a pretty sad attitude to life that will probably lead to you dying alone.

There are good and bad relationships everywhere, so this guys crime (as seen here) is that he spent all his money, the wife did a runner and the evil old M-I-L kicked him out when said finances stopped. He could have just jetted home, but here he is trying to sort out the usual bureaucratic crap regarding his daughter. For that he just gets insults....*rsholes, get some humanity.

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In 2002 I had a (thai-)girlfriend from Lopburi who at that time worked as a Go-Go-dancer In Patpong.I fell in love with her and we lived togetther in Bangkok for a couple of years. One day we went to the bank together and I put 3 million Baht in HER bank-account (Fixed deposit for 1 year ), because she got a better interest-rate at that time.

Time went by and when the year was over we went to the bank together again to withdraw the 3 million from HER account in order to put it back in MY account.

When the banklady checked the filled out forms, she asked my girlfriend (NOT KNOWING THAT I COULD UNDERSTAND WHAT WAS SPOKEN):

" Do you really want to give the 3 million back to the FARANG"?

My g/f answered (what is VERY RUDE for a thai (Lady) to say): Don't ask stupid questions and do your job.

You found a good one.

And from PP, skilled as well.

Upstairs bar?

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I like following TV forum but never comment... but after speaking to my gf, she looked the story up on a thai website and it appears she went and signed the forms yesterday...

I hope that is true, the father and son can go to Germany knowing the whole ordeal is over, son in hand, less ten million baht.

Sent from my GT-I9003

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Another boost to the reputation of Thailand.

My thoughts are with the kid.

But ... 10M in 2 years!?!? What the hell was he thinking? Oh, I forgot, foreigners don't think when they get here.

They think...but unfortunately, not with the right headlaugh.png

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He blew 10 million baht in 2 years, if my understanding is correct? His wife and MIL might be right in thinking he is a little "odd"

I don't understand how he spend that much. I spent less than 1m last year. 10m would last me 10 years. Sounds like he's one of those people that can't manage their money properly. He knew he only had 10m, but he just spent it all in record time. Why didn't he spend it more slowly? This story is more about his stupidity than anything else. Stupid people would get taken advantage of in any country. How do you think UK/US women would act if 1000s of men turned up buying them houses, cars, etc. We'd have many stories like this in those countries as well. This is all about stupid men throwing their money at young women.

I love reading your posts. They are so disconnected.

Haha, guys do try and lure US women with money every day and everywhere. Cannot say I did not try and lure a few young hotties after divorce a few years back with exotic cars, fancy dinners and even took one shopping for a new Porsche and offered to buy her a new 911. Candidly, this turns women off in the US, at least ones I am attracted to. Sure you could hook some local pole dancing US hoes with promises of money. Once I got over my insecurities about being close to 40 and stopped trying to impress women with money, I had more than I knew what to do with. Normal women in the US are typically cannot and will not actually become attracted to guys because of money. They will try and maybe date a few times, but their interests will wane quickly and they will move on unlike Thai women who stay in relationship even when zero romantic interests exist.

Been to Thailand and all over the world. Can say without a doubt Thailand women are wired differently than most places, especially US women.

No need to bash dudes here in general. Easy to say they are stupid, but reality is there are probably a lot of desperate souls going to Thailand who are just seeking happiness. This is what we all want. These guys want to believe what they are hearing and perhaps have decent motives. A single 40 year old with no children may be desperate for family and children and willingvto sacrifice things we consider ridiculous to accomplish that goal.

We also need to consider that those who have not be in Thailand long and understand the ever present scam mentality perhaps just cannot comprehend it would turn out this way and also takes people at the word until experiencing this and becoming jaded on humans, love and relationships.

The sadness is a culture that fosters a belief that one can walk away from a young child or bring a young child into the scam and also sit by and piss through some poor guys retirement money leaving guys at or near retirement with very little money left and very little means or ability to acquire more money in their golden years of life. These type of actions reflect a complete lack of integrity, compassion, and morals.

Edited by ttelise
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He will still have to have her sign off before he can leave Thailand with the child.

Not true, I have left thailand before with my kids alone and only the birth cert in hand.

It might be more to do with arrival in germany and not being seen as abduction from them.

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I never ever had anything written from the mother of my daughter an we traveled out of Thailand more than a few times without the mom from the time she was 3 years old.


Entered and left Thailand on her Thai passport, and than switched to her us passport if we went to Europe, or the states or used the thai passport for Singapore and Bali.

To get a new passport u must have both parents there until she /he is 15;,or a written letter as indicated below

Applicants under the age of 15

  • Rules for applicants under the age of 15
    • Applicants under the age of 15 must be accompanied by parents or a legal guardian.
      If parents cannot appear, at least one parent must accompany the child when
      applying for an e- passport.

    [*]If the applicant was born to parents who did not sign a marriage certificate, only the mother of the applicant can sign the parental consent form. She will need to bring a letter guaranteeing sole guardianship issued by her domicile district office (Por Kor 14) accompanied by her ID Card which must bear the title ‘Miss’.

    [*]If the applicant was born to parents who did not sign a marriage certificate, the father of the applicant cannot sign the parental consent form alone unless there is a court order

    granting sole guardianship to the father.

    [*]If the applicant’s parents were divorced or did not live together, a parent who is present to sign the parental consent form will need to bring the memorandum of divorce

    proving sole custody of the appearing parent.

Documents required for applicants under the age of 15

  • Birth Certificate or a certified copy from the applicant’s district office
  • House Registration
  • Parents or legal guardian’s Citizenship I.D. Card or the other identification card which complies to the rules of the Ministry of Interior
  • A parental consent letter and a certified copy of the parent’s Citizenship I.D. Card of non-appearing parent

Documents required for applicants between the ages of 15-20

  • Citizenship I.D. Card or an identification card which complies to the rules of the Ministry of Interior
  • A notarized parental consent letter and certified copies of parents’ Citizenship I.D. Cards


UNLESS u have the court order and have sole custody.

he needs to obtain and lawyer and file for sole custody, 99% sure he will get it

Edited by phuketrichard
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Another + for the Thai familybah.gif

What kind of grandmother would kick her own grandson out of the house because dad ran out of money taking care of her?

Absolutely pathetic, disgusting and heartbreaking.

This seems to be normal behavior here; would love to see some decent Thais take a stand and condemn this kind of behavior. Dont see it happening thoughsad.png

Obviously you don't know any decent Thai people who, from my experience are actually in the vast majority. Perhaps you need to reevaluate the circles you mix in.

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If they are not legally married, you can forget about the DNA test, because even as the real father you have absolutely no right. Thats the law.

You do have rights but unfortuantely it takes lots of time and lots of money. He would need some family help for sure !

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Interesting question earlier in the thread about who was in ownership of the house and how did the MIL kick him out without written permission from the official owner (assuming it was the Thai wife).

One possibility is that it was the Grandmothers land originially upon which the house was built.

Quite common in all parts of Thailand.

Yep, that is true David........wai.gif

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Very sad for the little boy, but despite the mother making a dive, grannie kicking them out of the own house and all, I must say here just this: When I arrived in Thailand, I had a mere 345.000 THB in my pocket as startup money, no chance to get more from my home country, no rich parents or other relatives to inherit from, no retirement fund or anything else to plunder... Today, 21 years later - I am still here and always have been here (legally, with all necessary visas, workpermit and all)... WHY? Because I got off my ar$e and WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!

Is wasting 10m THB within 2 years while being perfectly fine, having two arms, hands and legs to use and work with (brain? - I doubt it) worth being felt sorry for? An abled and relatively young man managed to spend 10m THB in two years and make a couple of wrong decisions, and mingled with the wrong people - so what? This makes Thailand bad or makes Thai people (quote) scum that you should not mix with? (quote end)... Are some of the members here out of their mind????

Get real people! Nothing's for free, not here, not elsewhere. If a man is too stupid to take care of himself, work and have a grip on his life, then of course he'll end up in the ditch - just simple physics, simple math and simply: LIFE!

Feel sorry for the boy, but can't have any sympathy for the "father" because stupidity and being utterly useless is nothing that deserves sympathy or support. I see Thai men without arms fixing motorbikes, I see people like Nick Vuijcic without arms AND legs having a life, having a spirit to take life in their own hands. Why can't this guy, with 10m in his hands, hack it? Send him home!!!! Please!!!!!!! And find some nice foster parents with a brain who can properly take care of the boy. Quite certainly the grandpa is very happy up there in heaven to see that his grandson managed to waste his life savings in a blink of an eye while creating a total mess that now helps all Thailand bashers to support their theory that all Thai girls or even all Thai people are bad.

Stop bashing Thailand and look at the facts!

agree with your post the guy showed poor judgement but i'll bet 345,000 thai baht was a good start up amount 21 years ago and would like to know how it would compare to 10mil today ie, what you could buy then and now. Edited by moonbarman
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For you guys wondering where the 10 mil went, I finished reading the article for you.

A House, a car, household & consumer goods. Plus 2 years cost of living. Possibly some unnecessary things that men in love spend money on. Perhaps expenses related to his grandfather's funeral.

Didn't read anything about champagne etc., where did you guys see that?

Unfortunately TOO many STUPID falang like this !!! they will never learn !!!! They win the lottery or whatever... and then they start spending and spending and spending... it's a shame those fools on the hill....

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Another + for the Thai familybah.gif

What kind of grandmother would kick her own grandson out of the house because dad ran out of money taking care of her?

Absolutely pathetic, disgusting and heartbreaking.

This seems to be normal behavior here; would love to see some decent Thais take a stand and condemn this kind of behavior. Dont see it happening thoughsad.png

Obviously you don't know any decent Thai people who, from my experience are actually in the vast majority. Perhaps you need to reevaluate the circles you mix in.

Your joking--I am not knocking decent Thai people-never would but Minority would be nearer the mark. I mix in a wide variety of Thais but I select carefully before befriending anyone. You ought to get around more. I am not suggesting you are telling porky pies, But you must lack overall urbon and rural experience.
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In 2002 I had a (thai-)girlfriend from Lopburi who at that time worked as a Go-Go-dancer In Patpong.I fell in love with her and we lived togetther in Bangkok for a couple of years. One day we went to the bank together and I put 3 million Baht in HER bank-account (Fixed deposit for 1 year ), because she got a better interest-rate at that time.

Time went by and when the year was over we went to the bank together again to withdraw the 3 million from HER account in order to put it back in MY account.

When the banklady checked the filled out forms, she asked my girlfriend (NOT KNOWING THAT I COULD UNDERSTAND WHAT WAS SPOKEN):

" Do you really want to give the 3 million back to the FARANG"?

My g/f answered (what is VERY RUDE for a thai (Lady) to say): Don't ask stupid questions and do your job.

But that was her answer, because she did know, you understand Thai!


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In 2002 I had a (thai-)girlfriend from Lopburi who at that time worked as a Go-Go-dancer In Patpong.I fell in love with her and we lived togetther in Bangkok for a couple of years. One day we went to the bank together and I put 3 million Baht in HER bank-account (Fixed deposit for 1 year ), because she got a better interest-rate at that time.

Time went by and when the year was over we went to the bank together again to withdraw the 3 million from HER account in order to put it back in MY account.

When the banklady checked the filled out forms, she asked my girlfriend (NOT KNOWING THAT I COULD UNDERSTAND WHAT WAS SPOKEN):

" Do you really want to give the 3 million back to the FARANG"?

My g/f answered (what is VERY RUDE for a thai (Lady) to say): Don't ask stupid questions and do your job.

But that was her answer, because she did know, you understand Thai!


Sorry, gotta say putting $3,000,000 in a non spouse go-go dancer's name just to get a little better interests is really showing bad judgment. Much worse than spending the money on what one perceived to be a home for your wife and child. Glad it worked out for ya though.

Just curious how much extra interest warranted that risky investment. Probay better risk return ratio on buying US penny stocks.

Edited by ttelise
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I don't know why you care about this story, stranger has money, stranger meets girl, blows money, left holding the baby, so what? I lay you odds that some of the people commenting on this thread are on exactly the same path as we speak, they just don't know it yet.

Just the same way as dozens / hundreds / thousands of us can recount the same story in our first marriages blah, blah. The guy will most likely get his DNA test, get the passport, go back to Germany with his little laddie and start again. Good luck to him, he's got the only thing that matters, the love of his child.

Just sayin' coffee1.gif

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Oh yeahhh this kind of scam just happen to other, only to stupid peopleermm.gif But not to us, we are so clever...

But tell me how many of you are actually in relationship with a thai girl?

How many of you do really believe that you know her quite well, think that she is a good girl,

she is different, she is your soul mate, the one that you were looking for ages .....and she will never harm you?

Well this german guy did make this mistake? It was his big mistake: he did think like you.

Newbie that come to thailand dont expect locals to be so greedy, so sneaky.

Single, innocent, soft heart foreigner are easy, weak target for people with low morality.

Well ... I believe that my lady 'ticks' many of your aforementioned boxes.

One thing I did teach my lady very early on in our relationship is don't mistake kindness for weakness.

To date ... we have not had an issue yet.

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Surely DNA testing can determine if he is the biological father or not.

More reliable than anyone just signing to say he is.

Sure true, but, I think that signing thing here is miss leading.

The father needs the woman not only confirm that he is the father with a signature,

but also the possibility to make a Thai Passport for the child, that needs the consent of the mother I think.

A German Passport will need time, a DNA Test can help here?

When he has a Passport, he easy could leave Thailand, but again, he would official, need the consent of the mother for doing so and bring the child to Germany.

I left Thailand with my children at Airports always without a problem and no questions asked.

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Jeez guys - you mean you've never read about mothers in falang land running out on relationships/offspring and spending their dope husband's every last penny? You obviously all only read the quality presss back home 100% of the time.

You are so keen to rush out another downer on Thai women - just stop and think a bit first; there's scum like this in the underbelly of most nations its just that a lot of us falang like to play in the underbelly of the Thai nation.

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