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Recently whilst walking through one of our local shopping centres

I happened to see out of the corner of my eye,the reflection,in a mirror, of a somewhat stooped man passing by.

Imagine my surprise, not to mention, shock and horror, when I realised that it was ME !!

That bent over elderly person was 'moi' ?

I immediately went and sat down and took sometime to compose myself.

So how do I correct this 'anomaly'?.........

Well I Googled it, of course ( Dear God, what did we do before 'Google' ?? )

and found that there was Yoga, Pilates, and The Alexander Technique,

to name just three of the most well known ......techniques.

Which one to go for ?

I think that Yoga and Pilates are available here in Pattaya

but what about the third one...The Alexander Technique ....

does anybody have any info re. the Alexander Technique being practised, taught, displayed here in our fair town/City ?.

Gratitude is expressed, as per usual,in advance.

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