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Teen Confesses To Stabbing To Death Arts Teacher: Bangkok


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Teen confesses to stabbing to death arts teacher

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- A 18-year-old man has reportedly confessed to stabbing an arts teacher after mistaking him for a rival student.

Police said in a press conference that the suspect, whose name was withheld, stabbed Thanit Pohklang, a teacher of a school in Thonglor district, in the neck with a dagger in Bangkok Noi district on October 21.

Thanit died at the scene of attack, Kamronwit said, adding the suspect was arrested at Wat Suwankhiri community in Bangkok Noi district. A dagger and bloodstained clothes were found in his possession.

Police quoted the suspect as confessing that he was drinking with his cousin when he had problems with a group of teenagers who ran away. He chased them on a motorcycle and when he saw the victim walking along the road, mistook him for one of the teenagers, allegedly stabbing him with the dagger.

He claimed that he was drunk and wanted to revenge at the time of the attack.

Police said the cousin helped the suspect run away. The cousin has now been arrested.


-- The Nation 2012-10-29

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Soooooooo.....hey...let me get this straight!

So you were drinking with your cousin...and then these kids show up and you do a little- sh@t- talking with them and they run away! So you get on your motocy and take a dagger (as one does) to chase after them?!

Sh@t- talk asks for dagger...sure thing!

And then you see this guy...and without even checking on him like "hey douche...turn around so I can see your f...oh, sorry teacher...I didn't mean you...", you just stab the first best person to death?!

Crazy, badass sh@t!

RIP to the victim!

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Same as a lot of places. Try Chicago sometime. Southside. Guns, knives, baseball bats, a 2x4. You name it.

What is wrong with the people of this country?? Having a verbal dispute with someone, getting on the motorbike with a knife and killing an innocent person walking the street. I know this could happen anywhere, but the frequency of crazy rages like this in Thailand, scares the <deleted> out of me!

Edited by emanphoto
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On another post I commented that Thais, owing to their culture, suppress so many of their emotions. As for anger, they have never learned how to modulate anger. In fact any show of anger will result in loss of face. It really is an immature putrid combination of a cultural value gone wrong. This can and does happen in other cultures but here the combination of ego, face, and their culture really is a poisonous mix. Hope he rots in jail and looks forward to his next incarnation.

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Too many Thai's are like volcanos. They just keep anger and frustration quiet, bottled up inside, until boom!

Perhaps it’s time people were encouraged to express their feelings in a healthy manner. Being able to question, disagree, and express points of view without the receiver taking as a swipe at their perceived honour/dignity would benefit all levels of society. Schools might be a good place to start, as this mentality seems to be drummed in from an early age.

Critical thinking and questioning isn't high on the Thai teaching agenda (the fear factor won't allow it).

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Booze affecting (no) brains, reflects in lack of logic and results in murder. So much for Thai Wai Jai and claims of Dharma and practising Jai Yen Yen so often preached by others. Same as putting a Thai behind the wheel of a car, give him a weapon (even a car) and he's invincible, just ask him. Sad for the academic who devotes his life to passing on knowledge.

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What is wrong with the people of this country?? Having a verbal dispute with someone, getting on the motorbike with a knife and killing an innocent person walking the street. I know this could happen anywhere, but the frequency of crazy rages like this in Thailand, scares the <deleted> out of me!

Police on Friday announced the arrest of a 16-year-old who reportedly stabbed and killed an American language teacher .When you Google you find the same thing in other countries as well.
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It’s getting more dangerous living in Thailand now than it was 10 years ago that’s for sure, I think as a society Thais are getting worse not improving the Thai youth of today with all those school killings and bouts of mental rage and just over-all stupidity of the Thai youth, is it the parents fault or the education system, I know the education system is not very good in Thailand if you go into a shop and buy two items at 20 Baht each and hand over 100 Baht if it’s a student they need a calculator to work out your change.

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Too many Thai's are like volcanos. They just keep anger and frustration quiet, bottled up inside, until boom!

Perhaps it’s time people were encouraged to express their feelings in a healthy manner. Being able to question, disagree, and express points of view without the receiver taking as a swipe at their perceived honour/dignity would benefit all levels of society. Schools might be a good place to start, as this mentality seems to be drummed in from an early age.

100% agree.I see it at schools.bottle up any emotion, dont talk about or show feelings and then .EXPLODE

Sent from my LG-P350 using Thaivisa Connect App

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I am really getting fed up with people bringing up the point "yeah! So? It happens in other countries as well!"

a) yes it does! ...and...?

b ) never look at your own failures and try to change them for the better, right! Point at others, who might have it worse, so your own failures don't look that bad!

c) We are in Thailand, right? We discuss things, happening in Thailand, right?! We have a flood here...so let's not loose too many words...they have worse floods in Bangladesh! We have murders here...but they have more in Sudan! What TF does that matter?

Only one word for this DocN Agree!

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Too many Thai's are like volcanos. They just keep anger and frustration quiet, bottled up inside, until boom!

Perhaps it’s time people were encouraged to express their feelings in a healthy manner. Being able to question, disagree, and express points of view without the receiver taking as a swipe at their perceived honour/dignity would benefit all levels of society. Schools might be a good place to start, as this mentality seems to be drummed in from an early age.

Hey don't ask schools to start they have already given up on education!!

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It’s getting more dangerous living in Thailand now than it was 10 years ago that’s for sure, I think as a society Thais are getting worse not improving the Thai youth of today with all those school killings and bouts of mental rage and just over-all stupidity of the Thai youth, is it the parents fault or the education system, I know the education system is not very good in Thailand if you go into a shop and buy two items at 20 Baht each and hand over 100 Baht if it’s a student they need a calculator to work out your change.

Jim I couldn't agree less, 32 years ago in Bangkok there was school fighting school and as for the education system at least today they can use a calculator (just)

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"He chased them on a motorcycle...........Police said the cousin helped the suspect run away."


Then, he was found at a Wat.....

And then he "reportedly confessed to stabbing an arts teacher after mistaking him for a rival student."

----- So he was going to stab and kill a student anway, despite his choice of victim?


This guy needs some old time served behind bars to curb his early drinking problems, and to be 'remorseful', if such a word exists in Thailand !!

He wasn't going to hide in a Wat and become a monk for a couple of years, was he? blink.pngwai.gif

Lock him up, and throw away the key, and then consider blaming schools and teachers! bah.gif


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It’s getting more dangerous living in Thailand now than it was 10 years ago that’s for sure, I think as a society Thais are getting worse not improving the Thai youth of today with all those school killings and bouts of mental rage and just over-all stupidity of the Thai youth, is it the parents fault or the education system, I know the education system is not very good in Thailand if you go into a shop and buy two items at 20 Baht each and hand over 100 Baht if it’s a student they need a calculator to work out your change.

As opposed to the fine upstanding youth of Britain and the USA two name just to name two countries whose youth are beyond reproach?

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I am really getting fed up with people bringing up the point "yeah! So? It happens in other countries as well!"

a) yes it does! ...and...?

b ) never look at your own failures and try to change them for the better, right! Point at others, who might have it worse, so your own failures don't look that bad!

c) We are in Thailand, right? We discuss things, happening in Thailand, right?! We have a flood here...so let's not loose too many words...they have worse floods in Bangladesh! We have murders here...but they have more in Sudan! What TF does that matter?

Only one word for this DocN Agree!

the compparisons would not be forthcoming if posters did not insist upon using isolated incidents of thai violence to suggest the society as a whole is somehow inferior

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