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Pay Tax In Thailand?

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I'm earning money online, and currently I'm paying tax to Norway for all my withdrawals.

I have been living in Thailand for the last three years(tourist visa), and will soon be getting married here.

I'm wondering how I can pay my tax to Thailand instead of Norway.

What if I started a buisness in Thailand?

Anyone got any advice on how to legally get Norway off my back?

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If you start a company, you will need to employ 4 Thai staff to get a work permit. There are differing opinions as to whether being married to a Thai means that you only need 2 employees. The staff could probably be your wife, a maid, a driver, a secretary. You would also need to employ an external accountant to lodge all your tax papers each month.

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To not have to pay Norway taxes you have to be doing absolutely NO business in Norway, even on the internet, and you have to change your legal residence out of Norway. Separate all ties with Norway short of giving up citizenship. This will also restrict any benefits you will get from Norway, as you will no longer be paying into the system (not usually a good idea to cut emergency, or old age backups).

It is usually better to keep paying taxes in your home country so you do not loose your old age benefits, as Thailand benefits you will qualify for by paying taxes here will not be anything except some cheap medical. Also remember that Thailand IS a third world country, and a foreigner could be deported out of the country at anytime, for any reason, even if you are married to a Thai. Legally you are already breaking the law.

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