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Police Controls Targeted At Foreigners ?


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Just allowing the police to do whatever they want with regard to searches puts your wellbeing in their hands.

Doing what wellred advises - provided it's done in a respectful and non-confrontational way - is the best way of ensuring that your fate remains in your hands.

Being something of a partygoer and living in the Asoke area, I've been stopped and searched countless times over the last 5 years here.

I think instances where drugs are planted are very, very rare indeed but I'm not taking any chances so I insist that I empty out my pockets myself and the police have never had a problem with that. If I'm wearing pants that don't have pockets that can be turned out, I ask to see his hands before he touches me.

If - heaven forbid - it ever came to him saying I had drugs on me, he'd have to prove the package had my fingerprints on it. If the contraband allegedly in my possession was a single pill, I'd ask for a urine test since one pill would suggest personal use.

Being meek and submissive doesn't guarantee you a charmed life in this country.

One can be assertive without being aggressive.

LOL, do you really think finger prints are going to come into play??? If you have a bindle of coke in your pocket it would almost certainly be wiped of finger prints from being in your pocket. It is always going to come down to your word against theirs and if they want to say you have drugs then they will and there is not a dam_n thing you can do to prevent it but telling them how to do their job is certainly going to make you somebody they want to look at further or just plain dislike. And again, I don't believe for a minute your claim of you doing this plenty of times. I have too many Thai police friends and extended family who say such a thing would almost surely result in consequences for the person refusing or dictating to them how they will do their job. All you doing with your claims is pretending to have some false sense of superiority over Thai police that you don't. I can only imagine your trying to pull this stunt with a cop in the west that told you to put your hands on the car for a search and you responded by telling them you want to see their hands first and they aren't allowed to search you and you'll empty your own pockets.

Whether or not you believe me is irrelevant. That you'd say as much is laughable especially given the "many Thai police friends and extended family" you refer to in support of your la-la-land assertions. As wellred suggests, provide actual experience instead of theory.

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Everyone except perhaps one poster fails to realize what is happening in Thailand these days with the Thaksin puppet government. It is becoming a police state. It is not the old Asoke scam happening in mass. Check points are set up all around the country. We were stopped at one last weekend. What I've been told is the police have a device that red flags drugs or weapons from inside autos. Legal stuff can make these detectors go off. In the case of the OP I'm sure something legal set it off and they searched him. Everyone needs to be aware of this not only in BKK but around the country. A poster mentioned 1600 arrests or something in a very short time. This has been ongoing for months and arrest totals are much higher. In my case my wife had some over the counter medicine in her bag that set off the check point detector. They asked both of us to get out of the car, said "check point" and searched the entire car including luggage and the trunk. They found the OTC meds in my wife's bag after a thorough search and were satisfied that set off the detector and sent us on our way. This is the reality now so people better be aware. I can only imagine the field day they could have over at Khao San Rd. Police state my friends and nothing we can do about it so let em search and keep clean or they gotcha and it aint about tea money. You be going to jail

PS: No they are not targeting foreigners but everyone which includes foreigners of course.

Just have to inform you that there is no such thing as the detector you think was being used, so whatever the explanation, that isn't it! There isn't any device that can be pointed at a car and detect a "drug", that could be any one of many 100's of compounds, (or, if you include OTC drugs, any one of 1000's of compounds), as well as 'weapons'!

Anyone with even a minimal background in science would be able to tell you that this technology doesn't exist. The idea that this Star Trek type device would be in the hands of a Thai country policeman is doubly impossible.

Thais believe in a lot of stories (people being robbed at night by thieves who fill their houses with gas, drugs that knock you out if they are wafted onto your face with scarves and so on), but these are just tales. You shouldn't believe them.

It's still wise to appreciate that stop and searches can and do happen, and are often directed at perceived foreigners.

Edited by partington
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Everyone except perhaps one poster fails to realize what is happening in Thailand these days with the Thaksin puppet government. It is becoming a police state. It is not the old Asoke scam happening in mass. Check points are set up all around the country. We were stopped at one last weekend. What I've been told is the police have a device that red flags drugs or weapons from inside autos. Legal stuff can make these detectors go off. In the case of the OP I'm sure something legal set it off and they searched him. Everyone needs to be aware of this not only in BKK but around the country. A poster mentioned 1600 arrests or something in a very short time. This has been ongoing for months and arrest totals are much higher. In my case my wife had some over the counter medicine in her bag that set off the check point detector. They asked both of us to get out of the car, said "check point" and searched the entire car including luggage and the trunk. They found the OTC meds in my wife's bag after a thorough search and were satisfied that set off the detector and sent us on our way. This is the reality now so people better be aware. I can only imagine the field day they could have over at Khao San Rd. Police state my friends and nothing we can do about it so let em search and keep clean or they gotcha and it aint about tea money. You be going to jail

PS: No they are not targeting foreigners but everyone which includes foreigners of course.

Just have to inform you that there is no such thing as the detector you think was being used, so whatever the explanation, that isn't it! There isn't any device that can be pointed at a car and detect a "drug", that could be any one of many 100's of compounds, (or, if you include OTC drugs, any one of 1000's of compounds), as well as 'weapons'!

Anyone with even a minimal background in science would be able to tell you that this technology doesn't exist. The idea that this Star Trek type device would be in the hands of a Thai country policeman is doubly impossible.

Thais believe in a lot of stories (people being robbed at night by thieves who fill their houses with gas, drugs that knock you out if they are wafted onto your face with scarves and so on), but these are just tales. You shouldn't believe them.

It's still wise to appreciate that stop and searches can and do happen, and are often directed at perceived foreigners.

Actually I believe such a device does exist. I read about it maybe a few monts ago. The article was talking about how this would initially be deployed in airports and could be used to check for explosives or drugs. The article then went on to say how police may start using them.

Whether or not such a device can be set off by something non threatening I don't know.

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I know , but the guy was talking about a device pointed at a car from a distance, that can detect drugs of any type, or weapons, not a chemical sniffer.

The chemical sniffers at airports work by taking swabs from suspect items then putting them into a machine that can recognise a very small number of chemicals used in bombs.


A plastic wand with a cotton swab on the end will be run over passenger's hands, and then scanned by a machine to detect the presence of explosive residue. The tests will be done at all commercial airports, in Fresno, even Visalia and Merced.

Even now these limited power detectors are only in use at very small numbers of highly advanced airports - more complex ones are indeed are in development but do not have the miraculous powers of the device that the poster described (recognising 100's of drugs and weapons at a distance, inside a car! ), and won't for years.

The idea that the Thai police have detectors like this in use is patently untrue, as they haven't been developed yet, to the stage where they are used even in US airports. They will be...but have not been yet.

Edited by partington
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I know , but the guy was talking about a device pointed at a car from a distance, that can detect drugs of any type, or weapons, not a chemical sniffer.

The chemical sniffers at airports work by taking swabs from suspect items then putting them into a machine that can recognise a very small number of chemicals used in bombs.


A plastic wand with a cotton swab on the end will be run over passenger's hands, and then scanned by a machine to detect the presence of explosive residue. The tests will be done at all commercial airports, in Fresno, even Visalia and Merced.

Even now these limited power detectors are only in use at very small numbers of highly advanced airports - more complex ones are indeed are in development but do not have the miraculous powers of the device that the poster described (recognising 100's of drugs and weapons at a distance, inside a car! ), and won't for years.

The idea that the Thai police have detectors like this in use is patently untrue, as they haven't been developed yet, to the stage where they are used even in US airports. They will be...but have not been yet.

Very true partington. The actual name of these devices are ionscans. They can be callibarted for drugs or explosives. Search google and there is a lot of info. No pointing a devise at a car to find drugs but this is a good excuse for a search as most people would not know.

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I know , but the guy was talking about a device pointed at a car from a distance, that can detect drugs of any type, or weapons, not a chemical sniffer.

The chemical sniffers at airports work by taking swabs from suspect items then putting them into a machine that can recognise a very small number of chemicals used in bombs.


A plastic wand with a cotton swab on the end will be run over passenger's hands, and then scanned by a machine to detect the presence of explosive residue. The tests will be done at all commercial airports, in Fresno, even Visalia and Merced.

Even now these limited power detectors are only in use at very small numbers of highly advanced airports - more complex ones are indeed are in development but do not have the miraculous powers of the device that the poster described (recognising 100's of drugs and weapons at a distance, inside a car! ), and won't for years.

The idea that the Thai police have detectors like this in use is patently untrue, as they haven't been developed yet, to the stage where they are used even in US airports. They will be...but have not been yet.

I wasn't talking about something which is reliant on a swab to trace for anything. The article described this as a device which can be pointed in any direction and potentially be used over very large distances. The example in the article given was that such a device could be used to stop any potential terrorists before they have even entered an airport. I'll try dig the article up.

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I know , but the guy was talking about a device pointed at a car from a distance, that can detect drugs of any type, or weapons, not a chemical sniffer.

The chemical sniffers at airports work by taking swabs from suspect items then putting them into a machine that can recognise a very small number of chemicals used in bombs.


A plastic wand with a cotton swab on the end will be run over passenger's hands, and then scanned by a machine to detect the presence of explosive residue. The tests will be done at all commercial airports, in Fresno, even Visalia and Merced.

Even now these limited power detectors are only in use at very small numbers of highly advanced airports - more complex ones are indeed are in development but do not have the miraculous powers of the device that the poster described (recognising 100's of drugs and weapons at a distance, inside a car! ), and won't for years.

The idea that the Thai police have detectors like this in use is patently untrue, as they haven't been developed yet, to the stage where they are used even in US airports. They will be...but have not been yet.

I wasn't talking about something which is reliant on a swab to trace for anything. The article described this as a device which can be pointed in any direction and potentially be used over very large distances. The example in the article given was that such a device could be used to stop any potential terrorists before they have even entered an airport. I'll try dig the article up.

Yes, you are definitely right that there are potential detectors like this that are in development, I've read this too. It's a huge claim for a technology made by a single company, Genia, that is trying to sell it to the TSA and was reported a few months ago.

I'm just saying that, while one day this may be a reality, today 1. these devices have not been shown to work, and 2. are not in operation anywhere. They are cutting edge theoretical devices at the forefront of current scientific development that clearly are not present in the hands of the Thai police!

By the way the claims of the press release by Genia that triggered these reports have been treated with a little scepticism by some experts (and in any case these devices could never work through a metal box, like a car) :

"A company called Genia Photonics has developed a programmable picosecond laser that is capable of spotting trace amounts of a variety of substances. Genia claims that the system can detect explosives, chemical agents, and hazardous biological substances at up to 50 meters. This is why the US Department of Homeland Security is so keen on getting it into airports...

...gunpowder residue on your hand from hunting the other day, cannabis smoke particles in your hair, or even a bit of (explosive-boosting) nitrate fertilizer stuck to your shoe could trigger this scanner. Will that cause an entirely new set of headaches for airline passengers?

....There are still reasons to be skeptical about Genia’s claims. A 50 meter range is amazing, for instance. Most spectroscopy is done at very close range to avoid interference. If this does work as advertised, it’s going to do some of the things a tricorder from Star Trek would... "

source: http://www.extremete...you-in-airports


"Akos Vertes, a professor at George Washington University, developed a laser that can detect diseases on a molecular level for Protea Biosciences. He was critical of Gizmodo's reporting on the Genia Photonics laser, saying there is "no way" a laser could detect what you had for breakfast, and that it's unlikely a laser could detect whether you have a disease when you pass through an airport security checkpoint.......

He doubts there will be one "super laser" than can do all of this detection on the fly at airports.

"Even if Genia Photonics can produce such a laser, the actual application for concealed weapon or explosive detection requires a lot more work," Vertes told FoxNews.com."

source: http://www.foxnews.c...and-your-lunch/

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16 years in Thailand and have never heard a first hand account of police planting drugs,

i have been through more stops than i can count and have been searched countless times without incident.

i dont believe the danger of having drugs palnted on you is as common as some like to make out.

Edited by tinfoilhat
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And no I don't believe for one minute you have refused to cooperate with them plenty of times let alone been searched plenty of times unless you are calling attention to yourself by the places you frequent or your looks.

Your ignorance showing. you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

being searched near a popular nightclub or entertainment districts in Bangkok is a a very common occurrence especially on friday and saturday nights

I know he is telling the truth because it matches the experience of myself and many people i know.

It has nothing to do with appearance or demeanor, beyond the fact that you are youngish and like to go clubbing.

You should stick to talking about things you know.

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Partingon yes that's the company good spot! I thought for a minute I was going mad. Quite scary really the potential power of such a device but as you quite rightly pointed out its not in use now so defiantly not in the hands of Thailand's finest.

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Whatever the reason, last weekend there was a check point set up on a major highway and they were checking ALL comers, not only farangs and doing thorough searches of cars and belongings. It was on Saturday b4 that "big" rally Sunday and we were driving AWAY from BKK. So if there's no device then they are simply stopping and searching everyone in rural areas with these check points. I think it's good for everyone to know about and even more troubling than if a device was set off. It means no probable cause needed. I agree with tinfoilhat that these check point officers are not planting anything on people

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And no I don't believe for one minute you have refused to cooperate with them plenty of times let alone been searched plenty of times unless you are calling attention to yourself by the places you frequent or your looks.

Your ignorance showing. you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

being searched near a popular nightclub or entertainment districts in Bangkok is a a very common occurrence especially on friday and saturday nights

I know he is telling the truth because it matches the experience of myself and many people i know.

It has nothing to do with appearance or demeanor, beyond the fact that you are youngish and like to go clubbing.

You should stick to talking about things you know.

Thank you for confirming that it would have to do with the "the places you frequent" such as discos where it is common for drugs to be taken and sold.

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And no I don't believe for one minute you have refused to cooperate with them plenty of times let alone been searched plenty of times unless you are calling attention to yourself by the places you frequent or your looks.

Your ignorance showing. you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

being searched near a popular nightclub or entertainment districts in Bangkok is a a very common occurrence especially on friday and saturday nights

I know he is telling the truth because it matches the experience of myself and many people i know.

It has nothing to do with appearance or demeanor, beyond the fact that you are youngish and like to go clubbing.

You should stick to talking about things you know.

Thank you for confirming that it would have to do with the "the places you frequent" such as discos where it is common for drugs to be taken and sold.

Well, I am in my 50s, about as undruggy and un-youth culture looking as you could possibly be, not shaven headed, no tattoos, and I was stopped in broad daylight outside Asoke BTS, while engaged in the subversive activity of going to the dentist.

I had my passport, so was able to avoid any possible problems, but had my pockets, wallet and small camera bag thoroughly searched, by the single irritated looking policeman.

As I've said, I had no fear drugs would be planted, I don't think this really happens. I also however have no belief that this was a serious drug enforcement stop, just an opportunistic hope that I wouldn't have my passport, or would have just bought a tub of fake viagra, and would have paid an "instant fine" to avoid hassle.

These particular kinds of stop only happen on one side of Sukhumvit, where the Lumpini and Thonglor police boundary is. It's a Thonglor police funds gathering activity I'm pretty sure.

Just be aware...it happens, it is very common around Asoke, and and it is directed at foreigners, who have cash, but are usually on holiday and would do anything to avoid hassle. You don't have to be doing anything other than walking in the area.

Nightclubs on the other hand are targetted for serious drug reasons, I'm sure this is correct.

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And no I don't believe for one minute you have refused to cooperate with them plenty of times let alone been searched plenty of times unless you are calling attention to yourself by the places you frequent or your looks.

Your ignorance showing. you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

being searched near a popular nightclub or entertainment districts in Bangkok is a a very common occurrence especially on friday and saturday nights

I know he is telling the truth because it matches the experience of myself and many people i know.

It has nothing to do with appearance or demeanor, beyond the fact that you are youngish and like to go clubbing.

You should stick to talking about things you know.

Thank you for confirming that it would have to do with the "the places you frequent" such as discos where it is common for drugs to be taken and sold.

Well, I am in my 50s, about as undruggy and un-youth culture looking as you could possibly be, not shaven headed, no tattoos, and I was stopped in broad daylight outside Asoke BTS, while engaged in the subversive activity of going to the dentist.

I had my passport, so was able to avoid any possible problems, but had my pockets, wallet and small camera bag thoroughly searched, by the single irritated looking policeman.

As I've said, I had no fear drugs would be planted, I don't think this really happens. I also however have no belief that this was a serious drug enforcement stop, just an opportunistic hope that I wouldn't have my passport, or would have just bought a tub of fake viagra, and would have paid an "instant fine" to avoid hassle.

These particular kinds of stop only happen on one side of Sukhumvit, where the Lumpini and Thonglor police boundary is. It's a Thonglor police funds gathering activity I'm pretty sure.

Just be aware...it happens, it is very common around Asoke, and and it is directed at foreigners, who have cash, but are usually on holiday and would do anything to avoid hassle. You don't have to be doing anything other than walking in the area.

Nightclubs on the other hand are targetted for serious drug reasons, I'm sure this is correct.


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I lived and walked around the Asoke area you mention almost everyday for 10 years and NEVER even once came close to getting stopped and/or searched. Not once did I ever carry my passport around either or a copy for that matter. Yeah so thats over 3000 walks thru the "dangerous" area

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I lived and walked around the Asoke area you mention almost everyday for 10 years and NEVER even once came close to getting stopped and/or searched. Not once did I ever carry my passport around either or a copy for that matter. Yeah so thats over 3000 walks thru the "dangerous" area

Not sure what your point is - there have been many reports by contributors to Thai Visa that this has happened, other than mine, and a famous Bangkok resident reported his identical experience a couple of weeks ago in an independent site (http://www.stickmanb...police-stop.htm)

"Out for a walk, I was approaching the Asoke intersection, daydreaming and in my own little world, when out of the corner of my eye I spy a man in a brown uniform. He's hiding behind dark glasses, but I know he is looking right at me. He puts his hand out across the sidewalk to stop my progress in the same way I expect he'd signal a vehicle to stop. The man in brown wants to talk to me!...."

You yourself refer to the well known reputation of this area in post #30 on this very thread . So I'm at a loss to divine your meaning . Do you not believe in the Asoke scam you yourself referred to? Or are you boasting of such an angelic appearance that you are immune to being stopped?smile.png

Everyone except perhaps one poster fails to realize what is happening in Thailand these days with the Thaksin puppet government. It is becoming a police state. It is not the old Asoke scam happening in mass.

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Exactly 1 account of a person not being stopped in his time does not equal lack of credibility to others trying to warn everyone else. It's like saying I've walked up and down walking street 100 times and never felt in danger but the person in the wrong place at the wrong time could find themselves in trouble.

I really don't understand those moaning here. People are trying to help others with guidance and others are knocking it . Better to be safe than sorry IMO.

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That's just it, I've heard of it happening but never seen or experienced anything in over 1000 crossings of that very intersection over 10 years. Maybe it's like the chance of getting stopped on the way to the airport on a 2 day overstay. If it was rampant then surely I would have seen something over 10 years

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Then consider yourself lucky. No one is saying its rampant but it's happened enough for a news report here and plenty of board members have added their own experiences so that's enough t to take note IMO.

My number came up this morning walking along Sukhumvit corner soi 45 (b/n Phrom Pong & Thong Lo). I was in exercise gear with a money belt carrying all my possessions. The officer parked his motorbike ahead of me and removed his helmet so I didn't think he was waiting for me to arrive at the corner. He asked in English "where you go?" I said "to the temple to pray" in Thai.

He asked to look in my money belt. He asked to look in the first 2 of 4 pockets. He put his hands in to open the pocket wider for inspection. I had a 1000 baht note and worried he would pinch it. I also studied his hands to see if he would drop any foreign objects that he may have hidden in his palm.

Without him asking, I showed the copy of my passport/visa. He asked me how long I had been studying Thai (as I'm fluent and spoke to him only in Thai). He smiled and said OK. End of.

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Who said anything about not showing respect? I'm simply doing what they would be asking (ie emptying my pockets) before they ask me. Maybe you've never been scammed in Thailand but a lot of the time the police can be complicit. I'm simply covering my back.

Again, how is it covering your back? If the police lie about saying they found something in your pocket or lie about saying they found something you took out of your pocket?

Up to you if you want to be paranoid and create self fulfilling prophecies but in my opinion it is not a good idea to suggest people not follow the directions of police and to tell police how to do their jobs or dictate to them how you will comply to their lawful orders while they are in the middle of an investigation. I can only imagine the reaction you would get in LA or NY if you tried to tell a cop in English not to put their hands in your pocket and that you'll reach into your own pockets and pull out whatever is in there yourself and yet you want to do this in Thailand were the cops probably have limited English and where they have a right to search you (even in your pockets) if they feel suspicion.

Telling people to: "Don't let them put their hands in your pockets, if they do want to though ask to see their hands." is asking for problems and accomplishes nothing and could result in getting somebody thrown in jail who otherwise may have been on their way in a couple minutes.

No it is not enjoyable to feel violated but if you got nothing to hide then in 99.9% of cases you will be on your way if you just grin and bear it and show respect. In fact, even if you do have something to hide, chances are you can still easily be on your way if you show respect but almost always a bad idea to challenge authority just for the sake of challenging authority as would be your suggestion because it certainly isn't going to stop a cop who wants to say you were carrying drugs from saying you were carrying drugs regardless if you took the ghost drugs out of your own pocket or they did.

I'm with Welred on this one

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Then consider yourself lucky. No one is saying its rampant but it's happened enough for a news report here and plenty of board members have added their own experiences so that's enough t to take note IMO.

My number came up this morning walking along Sukhumvit corner soi 45 (b/n Phrom Pong & Thong Lo). I was in exercise gear with a money belt carrying all my possessions. The officer parked his motorbike ahead of me and removed his helmet so I didn't think he was waiting for me to arrive at the corner. He asked in English "where you go?" I said "to the temple to pray" in Thai.

He asked to look in my money belt. He asked to look in the first 2 of 4 pockets. He put his hands in to open the pocket wider for inspection. I had a 1000 baht note and worried he would pinch it. I also studied his hands to see if he would drop any foreign objects that he may have hidden in his palm.

Without him asking, I showed the copy of my passport/visa. He asked me how long I had been studying Thai (as I'm fluent and spoke to him only in Thai). He smiled and said OK. End of.

I have never once been asked for my passport (or any form of ID) by street police in the numerous times I have had interactions with police be it driving, random questioning when around the more seedy areas or my habit of throwing my cigarette down a sewer while a cop is looking on. I must have been lucky because I lived in Asoke for the first couple years here and never had a cop try to search me but have heard of it happening a lot and have seen it a few times but the times I have seen it done most were Asian beggars and Asian motorbike and taxi drivers. Been a couple times the police have told us to grab another taxi after our taxi is stopped and they have some issue with the driver. I suspect I am lucky but also think it has something to do with the fact I don't have anything to hide and could care less if they searched me and when I have interactions with them I view and treat them like regular locals whose country I am a guest.

Edit: Actually I may have been asked for my passport once when I got fined for littering but told the cop I didn't have and didn't need a receipt and that was the end of it. Personally, I believe in showing police respect but would never offer to provide anything of an investigative nature (ID, consent to search, where I am going or coming ...)unless requested to do so.

Edited by Nisa
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What I've been told is the police have a device that red flags drugs or weapons from inside autos. Legal stuff can make these detectors go off...In my case my wife had some over the counter medicine in her bag that set off the check point detector.

Are you joking?

Well, that's US/Mexico border sorted then. No more of those delays for random checks and interviews. Oh, wait...I guess the US Homeland Security Department is behind the average Thai police officer at some upcountry roadside in terms of technological resources.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Pretty obvious that cops see this as productive - ie often nets farang with drugs. So many posts confirming. Also seems to be a Sukhumvit thing although I am sure Silom has similar as KSR.

Would also seem they are just hoping to get lucky.You are the one dumb farang with dope on themselves.

Cops are lazy, if they did not see this as a win, they would not be bothered.

This is yet another reason that Thailand (scene/gogo) is finished. Nrxt step will be to plant drugs like is so common in Angeles City.

Smart guys will dort out alternatives to those tired bars. Dumb guys will sooner or later get shaken down. Only takes one bad cop to run your day/holiday/life.

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Was in a taxi last night, taxi had turned into soi 19 from Suk, then turned right to go onto soi 21.

Before reaching soi 21 there were at least 10 or 12 police at a roadblock, some motorcycles pulled over and a couple of taxis.

Police came to the passenger door where I was sat, ignored the driver, window opened, asked where I was going and where I had been.

I fully expected to be hauled out and searched, nothing, a polite thank you from the police and I was on my way.

Conversation carried out in Thai,although I had "a few' I was fully compos mentis.

First time I have ever experienced this, weird.

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Happened at 16:45 today outside Major Ekkamai. Same officer that stopped me last week at corner of Sukhumvit 45. He was polite and going about his job but this time he spent time examining and asking about my debit card. Unfortunately I was carrying a wad of cash for my monthly rent. It's obvious the police are looking for something specific like drugs and would not be going to these extremes if there wasn't something in it for them. I don't mean that with any negative connotations. I cannot encourage you enough to carry a copy of your passport with the current visa.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got stopped and searched right next to where I stay.

Was walking back from where I get food in the evening (this is 200 yards from my room).

On the way back I see two cops on a bike.

One asks me where I'm going. I tell him to my room (which is like 100 yards away!)

Asking for passport etc etc.

Tell them it's in my room and keep on walking. They are off to one side, not in my path directly.

The older cop now gets off the bike following the other one.

He starts saying 'Thai Police Thai Police!' Which I thought was lunacy as they already were in uniform.

I stop walking.

They want to see what's in my bag etc etc.

Show them what's in there, then allowed to go on my way.

Pain in the arse they are!

Potential money extraction machines on two legs.

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Potential money extraction machines on two legs.

Where did this happen? I don't know why exactly but checks for illegal aliens and/or wanted criminals isn't a bad thing.

It's obvious the police are looking for something specific like drugs and would not be going to these extremes if there wasn't something in it for them. I don't mean that with any negative connotations. I cannot encourage you enough to carry a copy of your passport with the current visa.

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