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Death Sentence For Chinese Man Who Held Slaves In Underground Dungeon


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Death sentence for Chinese man who held slaves in underground dungeon < br />

2012-12-01 10:47:58 GMT+7 (ICT)

LUOYANG, CHINA (BNO NEWS) -- A Chinese man was sentenced to death Friday for abducting six young women and holding them as sex slaves in a secret underground dungeon for up to two years. Three of the victims were also convicted of killing two fellow slaves on the man's orders.

Li Hao, a 35-year-old man who worked at the quality supervision bureau in Luoyang, a prefecture-level city in Henan province, was arrested in September 2011 after police rescued four of the victims. The women, aged 16 to 24, were being held in chambers underneath a building in the city.

Li, who was married and has a one-year-old son, was convicted by the Luoyang Intermediate People's Court on charges of murder, rape, organized prostitution, illegal detention, and distributing pornography for profit. The former local government employee was sentenced to death on Friday.

The shocking case was discovered on September 6, 2011, when one of the women escaped the underground dungeon. The woman told police that Li had briefly let her out of her chamber in order to have sex with other men, as had happened previously when Li was in need of money.

It is believed Li spent up to two years digging the two small rooms underneath a basement before abducting the young women, who worked at nightclubs and karaoke bars. His family was not aware of his crimes as the dungeon was located underneath a building away from his home.

Li, who also made money off his victims by letting them perform on webcam, kept his victims weak on purpose so they would be unable to flee the chambers or resist his repeated sexual abuse. He allegedly fed them no more than once in every two days, making them physically and mentally weak.

In a strange twist, the Chinese court also convicted three of the victims of murder after they killed two of their fellow slaves. It is believed the women are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, a psychological phenomenon wherein hostages express empathy and have positive feelings towards their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them.

One of the sex slaves is said to have been killed by another woman as they fought for the attention of their abductor, and the other died after Li ordered his victims to kill her. The court sentenced one of the victims to three years in prison while the other two were put on probation.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-12-01

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We never really know what goes on in our neighborhoods, not even next door.

It is known that if people are kept in captivity long enough and then forced to live under some sort of authoritarianism and repression in an environment where they no longer are permitted to think for themselves, than they can become institutionalised to the conditions that they are in and actually fall into the mode of the regime set up for them by the abuser/s.

In some cases it is more difficult to heal them from the psychological affects than the physical damage and harm done to them.

Very tragic and sad indeed.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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We never really know what goes on in our neighborhoods, not even next door.

It is known that if people are kept in captivity long enough and then forced to live under some sort of authoritarianism and repression in an environment where they no longer are permitted to think for themselves, than they can become institutionalised to the conditions that they are in and actually fall into the mode of the regime set up for them by the abuser/s.

In some cases it is more difficult to heal them from the psychological affects than the physical damage and harm done to them.

Very tragic and sad indeed.

In essense after mind numbing torture and tramatic dislocation from reality , victums become detached from their perceptions of self.....hence competing for life....any life.....the tortuer guy is schizim printed in ways that I think should be applied to the idea of "love Me love My torture" ...........what do we do with him.........??? Edited by Scott
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We never really know what goes on in our neighborhoods, not even next door.

It is known that if people are kept in captivity long enough and then forced to live under some sort of authoritarianism and repression in an environment where they no longer are permitted to think for themselves, than they can become institutionalised to the conditions that they are in and actually fall into the mode of the regime set up for them by the abuser/s.

In some cases it is more difficult to heal them from the psychological affects than the physical damage and harm done to them.

Very tragic and sad indeed.

In essense after mind numbing torture and tramatic dislocation from reality , victums become detached from their perceptions of self.....hence competing for life....any life.....the tortuer guy is schizim printed in ways that I think should be applied to the idea of "love Me love My torture" ...........what do we do with him.........???

An excellent description.

I guess this also applies to long-term victims of domestic abuse, men and woman: I hate my situation but love, him/her.

What to do with him? Good question.

All they can do is judge every case on it`s severity and then dish out an appropriate punishment.

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