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Scores Of Abandoned Cats In Angthong Die Of Cat Flu Disease: Reports


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@ featography - Is it really small minded for someone to suggest the pet owners, cats owners in this topic have thier animals neutered? The problem with a lot of pet owners is that they love the cute little fluffy kittens who are so adorable just like a newborn child. When they get older they are no longer so appealing an cute and are dumped where they become a nuisance and breed out of control. If a lot of these cats and the generations before them were neutered then there would be no story of scores of abandoned cats dying and suffering.

Fair enough thais do not want to spend money or time on neutering abandoned and feral cats but to suggest that someone is small minded for suggesting a solution to a large problem is just a tad silly.

You say the laws of nature dictate and when numbers of any species exceed the food source then other measures come into play. Does this mean when a charity comes knocking to feed the starving around the world we should just say, let nature take it's course because if we feed them they will breed adding to an existing problem? We wouldn't let the human species starve but we would try and educate them about contraception. With cats we can't run around and educate cats on contraception or attach condoms to the males but we can do the next best thing, neutering.

You should not generalize, all of my pets are neutered, because i did not want to have little cute fluffy things going into bad hands.

I have 3 dogs and 4 cats living in my house, all rescue, i also rescued another 2 from the street and these 2 living in the hotel(business), i have also spent money on vaccination and neutering of all soi cats and dogs around the hotel and my house just to ensure they do not get sick and do not reproduce.

I feed them all daily, so they live happy not bothering anyone, if anything, people started to add food for them, like left overs.

I can say i have vaccinated and neutered about 7 soi cats and 4 soi dogs, since then no more came and the ones who are here also live in peace as they do not need to win or fight for a partner.

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Cats (domesticated or otherwise) are infinitely preferable to dogs.

Cats hunt and kill wild life, dogs do not.

In Thailand?

Cats are clean and keep the villages free of rats.

Dogs are noisy at night, attack people, kill animals for fun and make a mess everywhere .

When did you last see a Thai taking his dog for a walk?

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@ featography - Is it really small minded for someone to suggest the pet owners, cats owners in this topic have thier animals neutered? The problem with a lot of pet owners is that they love the cute little fluffy kittens who are so adorable just like a newborn child. When they get older they are no longer so appealing an cute and are dumped where they become a nuisance and breed out of control. If a lot of these cats and the generations before them were neutered then there would be no story of scores of abandoned cats dying and suffering.

Fair enough thais do not want to spend money or time on neutering abandoned and feral cats but to suggest that someone is small minded for suggesting a solution to a large problem is just a tad silly.

You say the laws of nature dictate and when numbers of any species exceed the food source then other measures come into play. Does this mean when a charity comes knocking to feed the starving around the world we should just say, let nature take it's course because if we feed them they will breed adding to an existing problem? We wouldn't let the human species starve but we would try and educate them about contraception. With cats we can't run around and educate cats on contraception or attach condoms to the males but we can do the next best thing, neutering.

You should not generalize, all of my pets are neutered, because i did not want to have little cute fluffy things going into bad hands.

I have 3 dogs and 4 cats living in my house, all rescue, i also rescued another 2 from the street and these 2 living in the hotel(business), i have also spent money on vaccination and neutering of all soi cats and dogs around the hotel and my house just to ensure they do not get sick and do not reproduce.

I feed them all daily, so they live happy not bothering anyone, if anything, people started to add food for them, like left overs.

I can say i have vaccinated and neutered about 7 soi cats and 4 soi dogs, since then no more came and the ones who are here also live in peace as they do not need to win or fight for a partner.

Good on you and I commend you. I appologise if my content seemed like I was addressing you as it was not. I was actually replying to a comment made by featography. I believe all strays and most non pedigrees that simply companions should be neutered.

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Umm, does this feline flu spread to any other wildlife other than dogs? Say chickens perhaps? Any info anyone?

Just on Fox last night, no can not, however humans can pass on flue onto cats and other animals if in close contact

Toxoplasmosis a parasitic disease, the primary host is the cat family and are infected by eating infected meat mainly pork. Cats are the primary source of infection to human hosts.

The show was only related to flue, not parasites, AGAIN according to Fox last night, cats cannot pass any flue on to humans.

Also not sure what kind of cats eat pork, all mine eat tuna, fish and sea food, though mine could be high-so smile.png

thumbsup.gif probably but the general thai just feeds thier pets left overs which consists of rice, pork fish or whatever, they don't generally go out and buy whiskers from TOPS or Tesco. I guess yours are hi so.wink.png
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This is from Wiki,

Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii.[1] The parasite infects most genera of warm-blooded animals, including humans, but the primary host is the felid (cat) family. Animals are infected by eating infected meat, by ingestion of feces of a cat that has itself recently been infected, or by transmission from mother to fetus. Cats are the primary source of infection to human hosts, although contact with raw meat, especially pork, is a more significant source of human infections in some countries.

This should straighten out some of the mis-information put up so far. It's not the cats eating pork that is responsible.

The only good cat is a dead one - no more disease transmission from this source.

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Good, might be a good opportunity to rid the country of these pests and hopefully it might cross to the canine population and also deplete or drastically reduce these pests at the same time.

What a small minded person you must be. If everybody would have a mindset like you we would soon have no people on this planet.

You act as if it is the fault of the cats that there are so many (some like dogs) here in Thailand. If the Thai authorities would spend a little of their time and a little of the taxpayers' money these problems could be dealt with easily. It’s the result of years of mismanaging this country and having priorities in the wrong place.

People like you certainly don't make a better world.

Please expand on your thesis between cats and dogs and no people on this planet, should make for an interesting discussion. You might also like to discuss the link between unchecked diseased cats and dogs running wild over most of Thailand and small minded people, and while you are at it, can you advise if small minded people are similar to those people who wear blinkers throughout their life.

I guess he means that the death of cats and dogs would be elimination of a key food source for Asia.

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This is from Wiki,

Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii.[1] The parasite infects most genera of warm-blooded animals, including humans, but the primary host is the felid (cat) family. Animals are infected by eating infected meat, by ingestion of feces of a cat that has itself recently been infected, or by transmission from mother to fetus. Cats are the primary source of infection to human hosts, although contact with raw meat, especially pork, is a more significant source of human infections in some countries.

This should straighten out some of the mis-information put up so far. It's not the cats eating pork that is responsible.

The only good cat is a dead one - no more disease transmission from this source.

Good luck to your immediate relatives if you follow through on this eliminate-possible-sources-of-disease kick you're on.

Edited by DeepInTheForest
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Good, might be a good opportunity to rid the country of these pests and hopefully it might cross to the canine population and also deplete or drastically reduce these pests at the same time.

Not a bad idea.

We have 100's well lots and lots of strays around our home and they annoy the crap out of me, fighting all bloody night right next to our window, the stench around the house not to mention the excrement all over bloody place right in your doorway every morning. We are constantly cleaning and washing after the vermon. Why on earth don't people have then neutered. It should be our responsiblty to clean up after these pests, I won't say what I would like to do to them.

If you had a cat they would probably make the area around your house their own and fend off other cats from doing their business there. At least my cat does anyway.

In any case don't they help kill of rats and mice?

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