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I Love Thailand.... Let's Party...


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Hey guys and gals...

Just wanted to let you know that... chang Beer is holding a Food Festival / Beer Festival at Pasterland on Canal Road.

Coming From Huay Kaew Road turn LEFT on Canel Road and approx 500 meters is Pasterland.

Follow the Search Light and you will find it...

The past two nights we have arrived at 10 p.m.

Last night was a really FUN band with a lots of people having fun.

Tonight we arrive at 10 p.m. and there are 1,000's of people.... no place to sit... standing room only with a great grouup on stage and the crowd is loving it.

Closes at midnight.

Got to love Thailand... in America something like this would probally cost $50 each to get in and then $10 per beer...

The only negative that I have to offer is that they are only offring Chang EXPORT which is NOt my favorite beer.

Great time...

Get out and have some fun.

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Just read that the end date was apparently last night...

Thought it would go until the weekend like most of the other Food Festival Parties... but guess not.

Well Vacationman you tried your best and you failed miserably.

The lesson is ; "Never Try." coffee1.gif

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