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Uk Now Smoke Free


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Latest on the Bill.... :o

Smoking ban in all pubs and clubs

Ministers have argued about the extent of a ban

MPs have voted by huge margins to ban smoking from all pubs and private members' clubs in England.

Ministers offered a free vote amid fears of a Labour backbench rebellion against government plans to exempt clubs and pubs not serving food.

MPs decided by a margin of 328 to ban smoking from all pubs. They then voted by 200 to extend this to clubs.

Lib Dems said the change would improve the health of workers. The ban is expected to start in summer 2007.

The government has agreed to stop smoking in all pubs and clubs in Northern Ireland, and the Scottish Executive has ordered a ban.

The Health Bill gives the Welsh Assembly the right to decide for itself whether to implement a ban it has already twice approved in principle.

The bill also contains measures relating to the control of MRSA, pharmaceutical provision in hospitals, the prevention of fraud in the NHS and the establishment of a new commission to appoint senior NHS managers and trustees.



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Hypocrites! :o

Goverments sure like the taxes the sales of tobacco products bring into their cofers.

But smokings an unhealthy habit that should be practiced away from those that don't indulge. I sure don't like trying to eat with a moron or more puffing away at the next table. I really don't like the fact that smokers feel that the worlds their ashtray and their butts can be thrown anywhere. Its one thing to be a responsible smoker, but they're few and far between.

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If only smokers hadnt been so inconsiderate,selfish and bloody minded over the last 300 years or so maybe this degree of legislation would not have been neccessary. :o

There was even an outcry by some grizzled old addics a few weeks ago when it was suggested that it should be banned..... in our local Hospital....what the fkuc.....cant do that ...your contravening our civil rights....KOF-KOF-honk...we are dieing anyway so why ......... :D

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Is funny how goverments have manage to influence people views " smokers are selfish, unrespectful, blah, blah,blah" well IMHO smokers are addicts therefore it should be considered as a illness therefore the goverment should pay for the treatment....

Tabacco advertasing has provoked all these addicts...so please stop complaining about your fellow smokers who are just sick people and victims of the sistem and ask the goverment for all bad habits they have put in the society such as alcohol,tabacco, gambling...

My grandfather die of cancer...he could not give up smoking...there are many people like him...

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Good idea. Hope Thailand will follow.

I agree. I hope this is one western trend they pick up. However, do they really have a problem with people smoking where they shouldn't. My in-laws don't smoke and they say that only when you go to certain places will people smoke without regard. I have been told that in some places, or perhaps circles, it's considered very rude. One of the reasons my in-laws don't smoke.

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Is it not further indicitive of a nanny state? I think so! I'm sick of being told what to do, how to live, what to eat, etc etc.

I am opposed to uncontrolled smoking, however, segregated smoking has to be the resonable alternative.

I did grow up in an era when nearly everybody smoked everywhere, but we seem to have come full circle!

Next, farting in a public place, all in favour? Go parrrp!

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Listen to a lot of folk whining about smokers health and so on, I'm a smoker and I don't care what other people think about my health in ten, twenty, thirty years time. If it gets me it gets and if it doesn't, it doesn't! All the boozers who drink enough drink to sink battleships mostly get passed by on the 'nanny state' laws.

BTW I agree with the anti-smoking laws in principle but not in implementation.

This talk about Thailand following suite, give me a break please! Nearly all of us who came here to LOS was because of the relaxed nature of the country, unlike our 'ram-it-down your throught', Nanny State restrictive policies present in GB.

Criticise smokers all you want but forget this 'importation of falang laws malarky', TiT not Britain.

If you really want a horror story about lung diseases then consider that Thailand (and almost all Asian countries) still use white aesbestos in buildings etc but specifically in brake pads. So next time you take a stroll down BKK central consider all the aesbestos micro fibres floating around! Like smoke-related diseases it can take affect in ten to twenty years time (statistically!).

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You might not care but when your health insurance has run out or you go the national health service and the rest of us have to pay for YOUR upkeep the rest of us bloody well do care.

By smoking you not only kill your self, you also kill people around you, stink the place out, create smoke stains of furniture, create fire hazards, litter.......

I want the right to smoke and kill myself and other people says you.

I want the right of self defence, so give me a gun so I can shoot any ######er that smokes near me says me. 1 life taken, many saved.

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If only smokers hadnt been so inconsiderate,selfish and bloody minded over the last 300 years or so maybe this degree of legislation would not have been neccessary. :o

I'm afraid that I have to agree.

I remember a few years ago when elevators, restaurants and other enclosed public spaces would be full of puffing pigs who were too inconsiderate to even stop smoking their stinky weeds for even a few moments, even though it was disgusting to others around them.

They had free reign for too long; The stench party is over! :D

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it's funny how public opinion changes like the wind,

30 years ago it was pretty cool to smoke and now it is not,

a lot of the people that make a big noise about not smoking are people that have smoked.

it will be interesting to see the amount of job losses this will cause over the next decade,

1 bar staff [pubs will nose dive in reveue]

2. delivery drivers[obvious]

3,hospital staff and doctors[ because if we must believe the government statistics, the amount of cancer, and heart and respitory problems would DRAMATICALLY decrease]

after that if they get thier wish and smoking becomes a thing of the past whom is going to fill the vast amount of money raised in tax from ciggies ? and paying out dole money to the jobless created by this.

then we all live longer, so we can collect our pensions longer, given that the present government has stated we do not have the resources for, all because some people go into a pub and winge about smoke,

everybody has a choice so if it is a smoking establishment and you don't smoke f+9k off somewhere else and let the smokers enjoy killing themselves in piece. :o

all makes economic sense to me ehh

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Now now, folks. Lets avoid the emotive posts and try to be rational. I actually thought this a great thread, however, I avoid threads where people become emotive as it serves no useful purpose and the threads just go down hill...

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If to believe............................. :o

Latest from the LANCET

Smoking should be completely banned in the UK, according to a top medical journal.

The Lancet said tens of thousands of lives would be saved by making tobacco an illegal substance and possession of cigarettes a crime.

It said 80% of Britons were non-smokers, who had "the right to freedom from exposure to proven carcinogens".

An estimated 1,000 people a year in Britain died from inhaling second-hand tobacco smoke, its editorial claimed.

According to the Lancet passive smoking not only kills, but makes it more difficult for smokers to quit.

It highlighted a study by the Royal College of Physicians, which said that if all the workplaces in the UK became smoke-free 300,000 more people would stop smoking.

That alone would save 150,000 lives, it said.

Dr Astrid James, deputy editor of the Lancet, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that smoking created a "public health burden", killing 120,000 in the UK and 4.2m worldwide every year. :D

She said bringing an end to smoking would prevent a third of deaths due to cancer in the UK, one in seven deaths from heart disease and most deaths and illness due to chronic lung disease.

"Why do we allow a product that kills?" she said.

"Why is the government not taking a stronger stance here?"

The Lancet also questioned the government's claim that the British public was still to be convinced of the need for a public smoking ban, as introduced in parts of the US, Canada, Thailand, and southern Australia.

killing 120,000 in the UK...to put this into a sort of prospectus I tend to imagine what.. say 240 FULL Jumbo Jets (airbus/747) crashing with all passengers DEAD yearly on the way into Heathrow Airport.

That works out at 20 a month or 5 a week...for as said every week of every year......nothing to get emotional about however ...right... :D A Lockerby five times a week.....but nobody believes that .....right

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The way to make something popular is to ban it!

What's next, alcohol, petrol (biggest killer of all is motor vehicles, polution and accidents), any dangerous pursuit, mountain climbing, diving, etc, etc. Let's think things through shall we...

Edited by suegha
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The way to make something popular is to ban it!

What's next, alcohol, petrol (biggest killer of all is motor vehicles, polution and accidents), any dangerous pursuit, mountain climbing, diving, etc, etc. Let's think things through shall we...

in time suaga thiere will be some idiot that will propose these measures of that i'm sure. :D

it has already been banded about that if you injure yourself and it is your fault then you should pay for the treatment, :D as in it has been banded about that if you smoke and get a related disease then you should not get treated, :D as it has been banded about that if you are obese and you suffer from a ralated disease then you will not receive tratment, :D obviously these ideas are started from perfectly healthy non drinkers, non smoking joggers, :D

now we may giggle at this but in 5 years time anything is possible these days :o

then every body will be safe staying in doors doing nothing but paying taxes to these quangoes that make up all these wonderfull life prolonging ideas :D

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Now now, folks. Lets avoid the emotive posts and try to be rational. I actually thought this a great thread, however, I avoid threads where people become emotive as it serves no useful purpose and the threads just go down hill...

On the Road to Modhood! :o

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Now now, folks. Lets avoid the emotive posts and try to be rational. I actually thought this a great thread, however, I avoid threads where people become emotive as it serves no useful purpose and the threads just go down hill...

On the Road to Modhood! :o

Certainly not! I have always been a non-conformist, and have always been accused as a person who likes to debate too much! However, I do like to keep all my debates respectful of the other debaters view-points. I can respect peoples differences, that's diversity! Respect due!!!

By the way, off topic, have you read 1984 by George Orwell (Alistair Blair)?

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while it's a good intention to ban this stinking, filthy, unhealthy addiction in Public I doubt it will have the desired result. Smoking is already 'banned' with, in theory heavy fines, on buses but as it is never enforced the ban has become merely a recommedation not to smoke. When was the last time someone was fined a few 100 quid for smoking on a bus? The drivers are told not to get involved, so the ban is a joke. I fear it will be pretty much the same with smoking in pubs, banned in theory only and widely ignored, rather like fox hunting, dogs shitting on pavements, bikes on pavements and cars driving in pedestrianised areas, all ignored due to lack of enforcement. The severity of the fines is meanigless unless there is as least some risk, however small, of being caught-peter

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Well I guess that everything depends on the way you see things.

MY grandfather (the one who died of cancer) used to smoke Celtas the smell of the cigarrettes was very strong. I always remember him smoking and drinking black coffe. Anytime i kissed him i had this tabacco smell from his shirt, i used to love that smell when i was a little girl.Even now when he has been dead for more than 12 years I still remember his smell and anytime I come across to someone smoking something similar i just enjoy the smell,it brings back so many nice memories.

Now this smell is filthy and desgusting...well not for me or at least not always...

My other grandfather used to drink Anis a strong spanish liquour...I have the same effect...all these nice memories come back to me...

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Now now, folks. Lets avoid the emotive posts and try to be rational. I actually thought this a great thread, however, I avoid threads where people become emotive as it serves no useful purpose and the threads just go down hill...

On the Road to Modhood! :D

Certainly not! I have always been a non-conformist, and have always been accused as a person who likes to debate too much! However, I do like to keep all my debates respectful of the other debaters view-points. I can respect peoples differences, that's diversity! Respect due!!!

By the way, off topic, have you read 1984 by George Orwell (Alistair Blair)?

Of course, I am an American, not a barbarian! :D:o

Bad joke I know, Americans don't read Orwell. :D

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Now now, folks. Lets avoid the emotive posts and try to be rational. I actually thought this a great thread, however, I avoid threads where people become emotive as it serves no useful purpose and the threads just go down hill...

On the Road to Modhood! :D

Certainly not! I have always been a non-conformist, and have always been accused as a person who likes to debate too much! However, I do like to keep all my debates respectful of the other debaters view-points. I can respect peoples differences, that's diversity! Respect due!!!

By the way, off topic, have you read 1984 by George Orwell (Alistair Blair)?

Of course, I am an American, not a barbarian! :D:D

Bad joke I know, Americans don't read Orwell. :D

American/Barbarian? Can't see the difference! :o

Americans don't read Orwell, I can't believe that! Surely it would accord with their 'commies under the bed' approach to life! Although, commies are no longer considered the enemy...

My advice, read Orwell, both 1984 and Animal farm, short though they may be, both show the effect of Totalitarianism and prejudice. They are now very old but oh so true - modern society could learn volumes from them.

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Now now, folks. Lets avoid the emotive posts and try to be rational. I actually thought this a great thread, however, I avoid threads where people become emotive as it serves no useful purpose and the threads just go down hill...

On the Road to Modhood! :D

Certainly not! I have always been a non-conformist, and have always been accused as a person who likes to debate too much! However, I do like to keep all my debates respectful of the other debaters view-points. I can respect peoples differences, that's diversity! Respect due!!!

By the way, off topic, have you read 1984 by George Orwell (Alistair Blair)?

Of course, I am an American, not a barbarian! :D

Bad joke I know, Americans don't read Orwell.

American/Barbarian? Can't see the difference! :o

Americans don't read Orwell, I can't believe that! Surely it would accord with their 'commies under the bed' approach to life! Although, commies are no longer considered the enemy...

My advice, read Orwell, both 1984 and Animal farm, short though they may be, both show the effect of Totalitarianism and prejudice. They are now very old but oh so true - modern society could learn volumes from them.

You just don't get my humor! :D

Of course I have read Orwell. I own both books along with Brave New World. :D

Both books are high school required reading in most states.

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