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Chalerm: Thailand Is Not Terrorism Land


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"He however noted that he has been working closely with the authorities and is aware of the situation in the region"

And bad tongues say he is dim and detached

What authorities they change them so often that you need a scorecard to keep up with the players..I have an idea the Government can put an end once and for all to this rumor of Thailand being a terroist counntry. Have there floating caabinet meetings in the deep south for 6 months. With a full attendence and allow Thaksin to come in person instead of calling in. Give him a free get out of jail card for each sesion.Each meeting to be chaired by Yingluck. She can do her shopping and photo posing before and after each meeting.

Edited by hellodolly
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Well Mr Chalerm...

Guess you missed this didn't ya. Tell me one thing...where were you educated and what

drugs are you on? Oh...sorry...that's two things...tell me anyway ya bastard.

Armed men storm volunteer base

Parez Lohasan,

Santhiti Khorjitmet

The Nation

PATTANI: -- Close to dawn yesterday some 30 men stormed into the base of territorial defence volunteers in Pattani's Kapho district and made off with all the weaponry available.

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Oh Yeah Mr. Chalerm....

I forgot to mention that if Thailand is not terrorism land

then why was Mr. Riduan Isamuddin...aka...Hambali

arrested in Ayutthaya back in 2003? Was he just

overstaying his tourist visa? And why do Iranian

meth labs seem to be sprouting up all over Thailand?

Edited by sunshine51
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Chalerm also says that firing RPGs at the temple of the emerald Buddha and airport fuel tanks was not terrorism. He has a rather narrow definition.

Deadly bombings, murders and terrorizing a whole population, not terrorism. Blocking an airport for a few days, terrorism. (PDF file)

This is the man in charge of security in the Kingdom, remember Yingluck's promise, only the most capable and qualified people to run the government.

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Perhaps Charlerm doesn't have access to a proper dictionary.

ter·ror·ism (tebreve.gifrprime.gifschwa.gif-ribreve.gifzlprime.gifschwa.gifm)


The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

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Thailand way has always been to deny anything that makes it look bad, Thailand also does not have any prostitution according to senior gov officials, which they also failed to see when visiting Pattaya.

Not a bad way to react, shame the rest of the world could not care less and just looks at the figureswai2.gif

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Perhaps Charlerm doesn't have access to a proper dictionary.

ter·ror·ism (tebreve.gifrprime.gifschwa.gif-ribreve.gifzlprime.gifschwa.gifm)


The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

He wouldn't want to use that definition, it fits the Red Shirts electoral campaign too well.

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He's a perfect representative for the people that elected him and his party.


He is a perfect example for the whole country: we don't like it, we will never admit something is wrong, we will just pretend nothing happened and we will come up with a bad excuse for it!

Nothing "red" specific!

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A "Police Captain" is a Deputy Prime Minister . . . . . . duuuuuuh ! ? ! ?

That scares me a helluva lot more than 'Terrorism'

Enough said !

Thailand: Such a Sad State of Affairs ! !


If that scares you then think on this.

He is the FIRST Deputy Prime Minister so be nice to Yingluck because if anything happens to her then guess who gets to be in charge...................................

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Chalerm also says that firing RPGs at the temple of the emerald Buddha and airport fuel tanks was not terrorism. He has a rather narrow definition.

Deadly bombings, murders and terrorizing a whole population, not terrorism. Blocking an airport for a few days, terrorism. (PDF file)

This is the man in charge of security in the Kingdom, remember Yingluck's promise, only the most capable and qualified people to run the government.

And lets not forget several failed attempts to bring down high tension power lines feeding Bangkok. With explosives.

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this man needs a shock collar installed on his person. When he starts spouting nonsense, hit him with a jolt to try to get his brain and mouth in step with reality.

Shock collar wont work, lobotomy is the only answer.

Chalerm says "Better a full bottle in front of me than a full frontal lobotomy!"

The alcohol is rapidly killing of his remaning braincells, all three of them.tongue.png
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BANGKOK, 8 December 2012 (NNT) - Deputy Prime Minister Police Captain Chalerm Yubamrung has affirmed yesterday that Thailand is not a country of terrorism after it was ranked eighth in the global terrorism index by the Institute for Economics and Peace.

Police Captain Chalerm downplayed the ranking by the US agency and attributed the misunderstanding to recent political protests in the country. He expressed confidence towards the operation of immigration police, the special branch police and other security units.

Forgetting 'misunderstandings' and definitions of what or what doesn't constitute terrorism for a moment, this self appointed expert on internal security and insurgencies should really get out more.

I doubt that the the dead, injured and bereaved see this mess as a 'misunderstanding', so I suggest that Police Captain Chalerm starts with an extended trip to Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat to see the 'misunderstanding' for himself.

this man needs a shock collar installed on his person. When he starts spouting nonsense, hit him with a jolt to try to get his brain and mouth in step with reality.

Think of it another way- "spin time!"

An arrogant foreign nation ranks some unflattering index, such as Corruption, Crime, Judicial Killings and Thailand happens to make the short list. Just bump and twist: Yes there is corruption in every country; however, Thailand has made remarkable progress and will eliminate that short comming by _____ (fill in the date.) Plays well with the local voters and a lot of the gentle folk on Thai Visa smile.png (Works super well in the USA where that little evasion tactic was invented) Why bother reporting this stuff? The US would be Thailands best budd if it were granted a military base and tourists will continue to come here in ever increasing numbers.

So lets all join hands and sing "I Love the Way You Lie" smile.png

I had doubts that this "Institute for Economics and Peace" was a "US agency" so I looked it up. My doubts were valid. The Wikipedia page for this organization states:

"The Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP),[1] chaired by entrepreneur Steve Killelea,[2] is a global non-profit research organization headquartered in Sydney, Australia with a branch in New York."

The organizations webpage states: "The Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit research organization dedicated to promoting a better understanding of the social and economic factors that develop a more peaceful society."

This organization is NOT a "US agency" or part of the U.S. government!

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Thailand not terrorist country????? "BULLSH%T"

In fact Thailand will be changing it's name again soon (Siam, Thailand...??????) from the 10th Parallel South. The country will be smaller and the religions and thinking will change with it.

QUOTE>>>>(Anyone want to have a $100 on it.......lol)..... Geeez!!!!! of course there are problems with terrorist activity in the south.

How many weapons did you loose today.....Will you depend on others outside Thailand, to sacrifice their life, to help????????? when you have left it too late to control it yourself..... It's a good country, why give it up?????????

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Didn't a silly Iranian guy lose his legs over a botched terrorist attempt last February around Valentine's Day? I also seem to recall a few instances where small bombs went off in buildings and the BTS. Ah well. As long as Charming Chalerm has it under control, I guess I'll just swallow his tripe.

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