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23 Million Foreign Tourist Arrivals In Thailand In 2013


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Apart from these stats on number of tourists (or arrivals?) can we have some data on income generate, spending pattern, historical data and projections ?

How are effects incorporated of Europe still struggling, America slowly recovering and Asian countries hit by dropping exports ?

I know that this may come as a shock for some of you contintental volk, but Thailand isn't dependent upon the EU for tourists. China's economy still is putting a lot of cash into the hands of the middle class and they are easily filling the spots vacated by the europeans. US economy is coming back, Australia and Canada benefit from solid economies, Scandanavia is doing fine and the middle class of India have rupees burning a hole in their pockets. The Russians also have money to throw around that makes the Europeans feel even more insignificant.

Ask a Thai who they loathe the most in the world and most will probably say Nigerians, then Russians..."have no respect for lady. no like." The Russians treat the Thais the way American's treat Mexico--it doesn't endear them to the locals much. just sayin'

90% of Thai people have never met a Russian or Nigerian much less know where their countries are or that some of them visit Thailand. Just saying.... biggrin.png

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Arrival does not mean that they will stay in Thailand

A friend of mine landed in Bangkok and will stay here only one night just for us to have a dinner, a couple of beers and talk about the good old time. Then, he and his family are on their way to Cambodia where they will stay almost 2 weeks, just to come back in BKK and catch a plane back home.

So, yes, they will be accounted as "arrival" and Thai authorities will be so happy. But what kind of money are they going to spend here? Nothing. The whole amount is going to Cambodia.

Plan for next year? A similar one, with just a different destination to be decided (Malaysia maybe)

So much for the high numbers

They will actually be counted as 2 arrivals each, once coming from their home country, and another time coming from Cambodia.

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That's tremendous news. Well done Thailand, TAT and PM Yingluck.

Just one thing, these figures didn't come from Kittirat's office did they?

These numbers are coming out of someones behind...

Thailand has done well the past year across the board including tourism.

Stocks in the Philippines and Thailand have gained about 25 percent this year.

CNBC says, “We still like Thailand, it is strong fundamentally. The government has done a lot to boost local consumption, for instance raising the minimum wage, boosting farm subsidies and a lot of fiscal expansion," said David Poh, regional head of asset management at Societe Generale in Singapore.”

In addition, economists said strong domestic demand and tourism in Thailand have acted as a strong buffer to weak exports, which fell 3 percent in the third quarter from a year earlier as global demand for Asian goods deteriorated.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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And probably 22 million flying off from Thailand to other destinations. No tourists in Pattaya ( that is westerners ) and none up north, so where are they all hiding ????

My long time friend has a Guest House on Phuket, He also said when we spoke on the phone today. It´s not many westerners on Phuket.
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That's tremendous news. Well done Thailand, TAT and PM Yingluck.

Just one thing, these figures didn't come from Kittirat's office did they?

These numbers are coming out of someones behind...

Thailand has done well the past year across the board including tourism.

Stocks in the Philippines and Thailand have gained about 25 percent this year.

CNBC says, “We still like Thailand, it is strong fundamentally. The government has done a lot to boost local consumption, for instance raising the minimum wage, boosting farm subsidies and a lot of fiscal expansion," said David Poh, regional head of asset management at Societe Generale in Singapore.”

In addition, economists said strong domestic demand and tourism in Thailand have acted as a strong buffer to weak exports, which fell 3 percent in the third quarter from a year earlier as global demand for Asian goods deteriorated.

Most of understand 'tv so called economists'> Here today gone tomorrow. Just making a song and dance so that they can rip you off further.. Total buffalo crap!

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I don't mean to poke holes in the report, however the vast majority of travellers book direct with airlines and hotels these days, no airline I know of will share load factors pre/post with any travel agent associations. 23 Million tourists would be wonderful but the source lost me when they claim 5 million members and on their own site they have 1013 members and 321 allied members. 5 Million travellers used 1013 Thai based agents could be plausible.


I'll wait for the TAT estimates.

TAT will estimate about the same 23 mil and then claim they exceeded it with 24 - pure fantasy especially when they use the UNWTO method of counting anyone that arrives in Thailand and stays less than one year as a tourist.

And since the TAT website is part of the sovereign country of Thailand, everybody that visits it no doubt gets added to the dream.

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Arrival does not mean that they will stay in Thailand

A friend of mine landed in Bangkok and will stay here only one night just for us to have a dinner, a couple of beers and talk about the good old time. Then, he and his family are on their way to Cambodia where they will stay almost 2 weeks, just to come back in BKK and catch a plane back home.

So, yes, they will be accounted as "arrival" and Thai authorities will be so happy. But what kind of money are they going to spend here? Nothing. The whole amount is going to Cambodia.

Plan for next year? A similar one, with just a different destination to be decided (Malaysia maybe)

So much for the high numbers

They will actually be counted as 2 arrivals each, once coming from their home country, and another time coming from Cambodia.


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I don't mean to poke holes in the report, however the vast majority of travellers book direct with airlines and hotels these days, no airline I know of will share load factors pre/post with any travel agent associations. 23 Million tourists would be wonderful but the source lost me when they claim 5 million members and on their own site they have 1013 members and 321 allied members. 5 Million travellers used 1013 Thai based agents could be plausible.


I'll wait for the TAT estimates.

TAT will estimate about the same 23 mil and then claim they exceeded it with 24 - pure fantasy especially when they use the UNWTO method of counting anyone that arrives in Thailand and stays less than one year as a tourist.

And since the TAT website is part of the sovereign country of Thailand, everybody that visits it no doubt gets added to the dream.

Over the next 12 months, 83 per cent of the CEOs in Thailand said they planned to boost investment and only 5 per cent said they planned to cut investment.

Thailand has no unemployment and the only real problems are a shortage of labor. Why would you think it is a dream to expect more tourists?

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That's tremendous news. Well done Thailand, TAT and PM Yingluck.

Just one thing, these figures didn't come from Kittirat's office did they?

These numbers are coming out of someones behind...

When you see tourism numbers you must remember they are as authentic as the smiles here, the hair color, and the muay Thai.

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That's tremendous news. Well done Thailand, TAT and PM Yingluck.

Just one thing, these figures didn't come from Kittirat's office did they?

These numbers are coming out of someones behind...

When you see tourism numbers you must remember they are as authentic as the smiles here, the hair color, and the muay Thai.

Thailand's economy is booming as well as tourism. Why would you think this is not the case?

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I'm not a nay sayer, and I've condemned those professional Thai bashers, the ones who don't believe anything good about Thailand, but I have to say this is fantasy.

Break down 23,000,000 to a daily figure, and it's 63,000 a day arriving!! Broken down to aircraft, that's 180 747's with 350 pax on each, not to capacity, but a decent load. I just can't believe it. Bearing in mind that there would be a lot of smaller aircraft from regional Asian centers, it would be 200+ aircraft inbound with only tourists bound for Thailand, and of course 200+ outbound, not taking into account transits.

I googled 'aircraft movements at Suvarnabhumi', came up with the actual airport site, http://www.suvarnabh...a_w_face_en.PDF, and a daily figure of 728 movements is mentioned. I've spent quite a bit of time in the airport over the years, odd hours, and I don't believe that there is, on average, a takeoff or landing every 2 and a bit minutes, not even close, maybe at a couple/few peak times, but not throughout the day.

Looking at the third column on that site, there was a grand total of 13.7 million disembarkations in 2010, but almost 3 million were Thais, international pax, and no doubt Thais returning from overseas. That's 10 million 'tourists', and it's difficult to believe that could go to 23 million in 3 years. There were a total of over 26 million embarkations and disembarkations, so perhaps they're counting twice??

Edited by F4UCorsair
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I'm not a nay sayer, and I've condemned those professional Thai bashers, the ones who don't believe anything good about Thailand, but I have to say this is fantasy.

Break down 23,000,000 to a daily figure, and it's 63,000 a day arriving!! Broken down to aircraft, that's 180 747's with 350 pax on each. I just can't believe it. Bearing in mind that there would be a lot of smaller aircraft from regional Asian centers, it would be 200+ aircraft inbound with only tourists bound for Thailand, and of course 200+ outbound, not taking into account transits.

I googled 'aircraft movements at Suvarnabhumi', came up with the actual airport site, http://www.suvarnabh...a_w_face_en.PDF, and a daily figure of 728 movements is mentioned. I've spent quite a bit of time in the airport over the years, odd hours, and I don't believe that there is, on average, a takeoff or landing every 2 and a bit minutes, not even close, maybe at a couple/few peak times, but not throughout the day.

Looking at the third column on that site, there was a grand total of 13.7 million disembarkations in 2010, but almost 3 million were Thais, international pax, but no doubt Thais returning from overseas. That's 10 million 'tourists', and it's difficult to believe that could go to 23 million in 3 years. There were a total of over 26 million embarkations and disembarkations, so perhaps they're counting twice??

Maybe I missed but does it say they are all coming by air through only one airport?

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And probably 22 million flying off from Thailand to other destinations. No tourists in Pattaya ( that is westerners ) and none up north, so where are they all hiding ????

are you counting russians as westerners ??,...............there seems to be 23m of them in pattaya alone ! , as for "real" farangs , i think many are seeking pastures new to escape the cabbage crunchers , ....funny how there are so many these days as the hosts smile for nothing but nothing it seems can make a russian smile ,....from what i see , i reckon the russian tourists are increasing while europeans are decreasing in numbers , just hope the majority stay in pattaya as we have enough hilarity down here without them .
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Apart from these stats on number of tourists (or arrivals?) can we have some data on income generate, spending pattern, historical data and projections ?

How are effects incorporated of Europe still struggling, America slowly recovering and Asian countries hit by dropping exports ?

I know that this may come as a shock for some of you contintental volk, but Thailand isn't dependent upon the EU for tourists. China's economy still is putting a lot of cash into the hands of the middle class and they are easily filling the spots vacated by the europeans. US economy is coming back, Australia and Canada benefit from solid economies, Scandanavia is doing fine and the middle class of India have rupees burning a hole in their pockets. The Russians also have money to throw around that makes the Europeans feel even more insignificant.

Sure, but are the Chinese really squirting much cash into the real Thai economy like the average white guy, straight into the Thai families or are they paying for everything at home, in tour groups that only go to Chinese owned facilities? w00t.gif

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I know that this may come as a shock for some of you contintental volk, but Thailand isn't dependent upon the EU for tourists. China's economy still is putting a lot of cash into the hands of the middle class and they are easily filling the spots vacated by the europeans. US economy is coming back, Australia and Canada benefit from solid economies, Scandanavia is doing fine and the middle class of India have rupees burning a hole in their pockets. The Russians also have money to throw around that makes the Europeans feel even more insignificant.

Sure, but are the Chinese really squirting much cash into the real Thai economy like the average white guy, straight into the Thai families or are they paying for everything at home, in tour groups that only go to Chinese owned facilities? w00t.gif

Tourism is expected to grow by 10% and the GDP by 7.5%.

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I still think that there would be more of a cash " injections " to more Thai families from westerns.

and also, from the OP, "The projection is based on an assumption that there will be no political violence, he said." Yeah Right, as if that is going to happen.

Edited by jcw
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23 million going once, twice....do I hear a 24 million estimate?....yes, yes, a new govt report now estimates 24 million....going once, twice,....yes, yes, we now have a 25 million estimate from a tourism group....hard telling where this guessing bidding will end. Note: these estimates are based on the assumption of a perfect world and the gullible.

Even 20 million tourists seems a bit far fetched. Here in the Pattaya area there is enough licensed accommodation to accommodate 30,000 tourists per day based on a room occupancy averaging two people to a room. Multiply 30,000 by 365 days in the year and we have 10.95 million tourists at the 100% occupancy rate. I know that Pattaya has never achieved a year round occupancy rate of 100%. It's More like 48%. However I think that in quintessentially ideal circumstances to 6 - 7 million might be achievable in 2013. I guess Phuket, Bangkok and the minor resorts will have to accommodate the remaining 17 - 19 million.
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Apart from these stats on number of tourists (or arrivals?) can we have some data on income generate, spending pattern, historical data and projections ?

How are effects incorporated of Europe still struggling, America slowly recovering and Asian countries hit by dropping exports ?

I know that this may come as a shock for some of you contintental volk, but Thailand isn't dependent upon the EU for tourists. China's economy still is putting a lot of cash into the hands of the middle class and they are easily filling the spots vacated by the europeans. US economy is coming back, Australia and Canada benefit from solid economies, Scandanavia is doing fine and the middle class of India have rupees burning a hole in their pockets. The Russians also have money to throw around that makes the Europeans feel even more insignificant.

Russians, Chinese, Indians, Koreans, Malaysians will be big growth areas. For some reason a lot of people here seem to forget about their larte populations

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I'm not a nay sayer, and I've condemned those professional Thai bashers, the ones who don't believe anything good about Thailand, but I have to say this is fantasy.

Break down 23,000,000 to a daily figure, and it's 63,000 a day arriving!! Broken down to aircraft, that's 180 747's with 350 pax on each. I just can't believe it. Bearing in mind that there would be a lot of smaller aircraft from regional Asian centers, it would be 200+ aircraft inbound with only tourists bound for Thailand, and of course 200+ outbound, not taking into account transits.

I googled 'aircraft movements at Suvarnabhumi', came up with the actual airport site, http://www.suvarnabh...a_w_face_en.PDF, and a daily figure of 728 movements is mentioned. I've spent quite a bit of time in the airport over the years, odd hours, and I don't believe that there is, on average, a takeoff or landing every 2 and a bit minutes, not even close, maybe at a couple/few peak times, but not throughout the day.

Looking at the third column on that site, there was a grand total of 13.7 million disembarkations in 2010, but almost 3 million were Thais, international pax, but no doubt Thais returning from overseas. That's 10 million 'tourists', and it's difficult to believe that could go to 23 million in 3 years. There were a total of over 26 million embarkations and disembarkations, so perhaps they're counting twice??

Maybe I missed but does it say they are all coming by air through only one airport?

No , but I'd imagine the number of domestic movements through Swampy , counted in the equation made ,probably offsets the number of direct international flt arrivals through the other "international "gateways, ie Phuket ,Chiang Mai . Of course , I'm not really that interested to check it out !!!
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Saturday night around 2am i was just seat and was talking to a girl on beach road then two very drunk Russian guys walk past us... ? I was also surprised they could still walk the amount of piss inside them anyway they must of lost one and other so one of them came back and walked past us again but this time i was slap on the head... ?

I know this Pattaya had it that's for sure Russian have taken over the place i was also surprised i did not see many indians in groups like i use to back in the day ... ?

Edited by Notstupid30
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23 million going once, twice....do I hear a 24 million estimate?....yes, yes, a new govt report now estimates 24 million....going once, twice,....yes, yes, we now have a 25 million estimate from a tourism group....hard telling where this guessing bidding will end. Note: these estimates are based on the assumption of a perfect world and the gullible.

Even 20 million tourists seems a bit far fetched. Here in the Pattaya area there is enough licensed accommodation to accommodate 30,000 tourists per day based on a room occupancy averaging two people to a room. Multiply 30,000 by 365 days in the year and we have 10.95 million tourists at the 100% occupancy rate. I know that Pattaya has never achieved a year round occupancy rate of 100%. It's More like 48%. However I think that in quintessentially ideal circumstances to 6 - 7 million might be achievable in 2013. I guess Phuket, Bangkok and the minor resorts will have to accommodate the remaining 17 - 19 million.

Bangkok and surrounding area 40,000 rooms how many in that little minor city of Chiang Mai?

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Just wondering if there are enough hotels to accomidate these 23 million tourist? How many new hotels have been built in the last 3 or 4 years?

63,000 people per day. There are 30,000 rooms in downtown Bangkok alone.

Maybe ....but in a week there will be 448,000 people ,,,but there will still only be those 30,000 rooms .
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