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Thank You, Us Embassy

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Thank you, for another painless success. My GF’s kids were issued visas, good for 10 years. And, as always the staff were nothing but professional from start to finish. In and out in about 35 minutes.

Helloooooooooooooooooooooo Southern CA


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GF? Not married? Easy Visa for children, 10 years? There must be the important parts be missing on that story.

She must be working already in USA or have an excellent job, or be wealthy in TH.

I hear always, USA is much stricter with Visa than most Schengen Europe countries.


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We'll be going in June. Redwoods and Oregon coast for sure. A bit of hoping around, but Lake Shasta and wine country would be good. Just putting it together now. The loop sounds fun, but have family in Southern WA and LA that have never met my kids, so we're kind of locked into that route. Maybe walk across the Golden Gate, but skip San Fran itself. smile.png

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I am Glad you had a positive experience with the Us embassy, not every one is so lucky.

They do seem to do a relatively good job under difficult circumstances, trying to weed the immigration scams from the legitimate cases, But their communications department can surely use a lot of improvement.

When my now wife of many years went through the process of getting her fiance visa, after her interview, was given a paper saying, "visa refused, case under administrative review" no further explanation.

We tried to communicate with the embassy , to find out what it meant , but the only way to do it was by Email and using a specific format, and the only answer we got back, was a form letter stating "the case is under administrative review" no explanation of what administrative review was, and how long it might take.

It as only after i posted in this forum, and the good members here, explained to me what "administrative review" meant, that we were able to calm down.

It would had being very easy for them to have had included a simple sentence in their reply , explaining that the visa was not really denied yet, and that "administrative review" meant that they needed additional information, and based on that additional information, they will make a final derision

Our case was a legitimate one .and a few months later it was resolved with a positive outcome, but not with out causing us a lot of unnecessary difficulties, and unhappiness..

IMHO they can certainly use a lot improvement in communications and compassion.

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