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Thailand Shooting: How Could My Son's Life Be Taken So Recklessly?: Stephen Ashton's Family


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As far as the parents reaction ..... they are in shock and not the best time to make public statements.

It's just another senseless tragedy in the world , could happen anyplace at any time in a numerous different ways. It's not Thailands fault , it's not the sons fault , it's just another person in the wrong place at the wrong time that is a victum of another poorly behaved human.

How could it happen ? Because humans are imperfect and do stupid things all the time.

Edited by MrRealDeal
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Hope the killer gets life, but really we all know no chance just another worthless life worth maybe 70,000 baht if you are Thai but jack sh....t if a farang, still we choose to live here.

I would hope he gets whatever penalty is normal in Thailand for an accedental killing ..... it's tragic and a life was lost but lets keep it in perspective ...... it was not a pre medetated killing it was reckless manslaughter , which in most places carrys a slightly less punishment as it probabbly should.
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Hope the killer gets life, but really we all know no chance just another worthless life worth maybe 70,000 baht if you are Thai but jack sh....t if a farang, still we choose to live here.

I would hope he gets whatever penalty is normal in Thailand for an accedental killing ..... it's tragic and a life was lost but lets keep it in perspective ...... it was not a pre medetated killing it was reckless manslaughter , which in most places carrys a slightly less punishment as it probabbly should.

it was murder...he took the gun outwith him as he knew there would be a rival gang, he opened fire on the other gang members but hit someone else in the process....that is murder. it wasnt as if he found a gun and the gun went off accidentally!!!! the fact it hit the wrong person is incidental. lock him away for life.

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Thats quite true ..... it was reckless manslaughter or 2nd degree murder.

The problem I have with giving the maxumum penalty is that 1st degree murder is worse so giving the same penalty for a lesser crime is not what I would favor.

And not what is done most anyplace in the world either. But I can see you disagree with that concept.

PS ..... please keep things in perspective and factual ..... he did in fact kill that unfortunate man accidentally, although with neglegence and recklessness which is why it's a 2nd degree murder not 1st.

I guess the word unintentionally would be a better choice than accidentally.

Edited by MrRealDeal
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Thats quite true ..... it was reckless manslaughter or 2nd degree murder.

The problem I have with giving the maxumum penalty is that 1st degree murder is worse so giving the same penalty for a lesser crime is not what I would favor.

And not what is done most anyplace in the world either. But I can see you disagree with that concept.

PS ..... please keep things in perspective and factual ..... he did in fact kill that unfortunate man accidentally, although with neglegence and recklessness which is why it's a 2nd degree murder not 1st.

I guess the word unintentionally would be a better choice than accidentally.

granted.....2nd degree murder i would say yes, manslaughter no. a good discription of the correct terminology. Thanks RealDeal. i still believe life imprisonment is the best he should get.....it was an accident that he killed one man and not the other, yes thats true, but his intention was there to shoot someone and more than likely kill. This poor lad was just out enjoying himself and got taken down in a petty gang bickering. Whether he was a target or not the shooters intentions were clear - to kill or seriously injure someone.

again i am so saddened and to see the picture of this poor lad in the prime of his life with a bright future ahead just breaks my heart :(

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I dont want to get into a big argument about this ........ I have a hard time believing that a shot that went so far off the mark shows that he intended to kill anyone , more than likely he was shooting the gun to scare people not to actually kill anyone as evedenced by the fact that the shot went in an entirely different direction than the people he was trying to scare. But I guess thats up to the courts to decide in the end.

What I see is someone who fired a gun in a different direction than the people he was bickering with which indicates to me his intention was to just fire the gun not to actually shoot someone.

Tragic as it is it looks to me like another case of neglegent bad behavior resulting in a tragedy that the shooter didn't intend and is probabbly sorry about and wishes he had not been so stupid as to discharge his gun without thinking of the possibile results.

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Hope the killer gets life, but really we all know no chance just another worthless life worth maybe 70,000 baht if you are Thai but jack sh....t if a farang, still we choose to live here.

I would hope he gets whatever penalty is normal in Thailand for an accedental killing ..... it's tragic and a life was lost but lets keep it in perspective ...... it was not a pre medetated killing it was reckless manslaughter , which in most places carrys a slightly less punishment as it probabbly should.

it was murder...he took the gun outwith him as he knew there would be a rival gang, he opened fire on the other gang members but hit someone else in the process....that is murder. it wasnt as if he found a gun and the gun went off accidentally!!!! the fact it hit the wrong person is incidental. lock him away for life.

Agreed - his defence seem's to be based on the fact he was trying to shoot somebody else!

Knowing this place, it'll probably help too.

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I dont want to get into a big argument about this ........ I have a hard time believing that a shot that went so far off the mark shows that he intended to kill anyone , more than likely he was shooting the gun to scare people not to actually kill anyone as evedenced by the fact that the shot went in an entirely different direction than the people he was trying to scare. But I guess thats up to the courts to decide in the end.

What I see is someone who fired a gun in a different direction than the people he was bickering with which indicates to me his intention was to just fire the gun not to actually shoot someone.

Tragic as it is it looks to me like another case of neglegent bad behavior resulting in a tragedy that the shooter didn't intend and is probabbly sorry about and wishes he had not been so stupid as to discharge his gun without thinking of the possibile results.

I don't see any legal justification to fire a gun in a crowded place in this situation. In Malaysia discharging a firearm in the direction of a person or people is a capital offence, even if you miss. No need for the prosecution to prove intent or negligence of any kind and that seems appropriate to me (although not the death penalty). Even in the Thai Penal Code negligence resulting in death can be booked as murder, if the negligent party should have known that death would be a likely result of his negligence but I see this as intent rather than negligence. I think the suspect's initial reported comments to the police suggested an attempt to claim self defence but that is not going to wash in the context of an illegal weapon used in a gang fight. Just carrying thing shows clear intent to cause death or serious injury.

I think the feelings of remorse you suggest may be wishful thinking. These gang members think they are heroes because they dare to carry and use guns. This guy has probably fired his gun in gang fights before but wouldn't normally choose to hang around to find out what happened to anyone he shot. Regretting getting caught - yes. Remorse - no.

Edited by Arkady
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Hope the killer gets life, but really we all know no chance just another worthless life worth maybe 70,000 baht if you are Thai but jack sh....t if a farang, still we choose to live here.

I would hope he gets whatever penalty is normal in Thailand for an accedental killing ..... it's tragic and a life was lost but lets keep it in perspective ...... it was not a pre medetated killing it was reckless manslaughter , which in most places carrys a slightly less punishment as it probabbly should.

Hope the killer gets life, but really we all know no chance just another worthless life worth maybe 70,000 baht if you are Thai but jack sh....t if a farang, still we choose to live here.

I would hope he gets whatever penalty is normal in Thailand for an accedental killing ..... it's tragic and a life was lost but lets keep it in perspective ...... it was not a pre medetated killing it was reckless manslaughter , which in most places carrys a slightly less punishment as it probabbly should.

This was not an accidental killing. He intended to kill or maim someone and succeeded. The only reason the police knew for sure the victim was not a rival gang member is because he was a farang. A charge of causing accidental death through negligence or recklessness would be appropriate in the case of a traffic accident, as happened in the case of the 17 year who killed those people in a passenger van in Bangkok. Her intent was to drive around drunk not to discharge a deadly weapon in a crowded place, even though the results were the same.

This guy will be charged and convicted of murder very soon. Watch this space.

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The Sun's point of view here:


Very sad. RIP. I hope the Thai justice system will provide closure for the family.

I think I meet this guy in koh samui tourist police station , he was stabbed by another local , was getting hassle due to his hospital bill

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As far as the parents reaction ..... they are in shock and not the best time to make public statements.

It's just another senseless tragedy in the world , could happen anyplace at any time in a numerous different ways. It's not Thailands fault , it's not the sons fault , it's just another person in the wrong place at the wrong time that is a victum of another poorly behaved human.

How could it happen ? Because humans are imperfect and do stupid things all the time.

What a preposterous comment. "It's not the right time for the parents to comment." What would be "the right time?" A "poorly behaved human." What another preposterous comment. As if the owners of a public for profit business have no responsibility for assuring customer safety, security, and well being. It's analogous to claiming that the owners of a nightclub or bar need not be concerned about fire exits and safety from concealed weapons in "their" establishment.

This comment is a preposterous, narrow example of limited perspective on the issue of "excusing away" Thai criminal behavior because they were a "Thai youth of 26 years" just doing a little payback shooting out at a public place. Or secondly, rationalizing criminal behavior and killing as "being in the wrong place at the wrong time." This comment is a pitiful example of head in the sand thinking.

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As far as the parents reaction ..... they are in shock and not the best time to make public statements.

It's just another senseless tragedy in the world , could happen anyplace at any time in a numerous different ways. It's not Thailands fault , it's not the sons fault , it's just another person in the wrong place at the wrong time that is a victum of another poorly behaved human.

How could it happen ? Because humans are imperfect and do stupid things all the time.

Or it could happen because since time began Thai police turn a blind eye to the wild west esq violence at such places, unless its profitable.

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Tragic as it is it looks to me like another case of neglegent bad behavior resulting in a tragedy that the shooter didn't intend and is probabbly sorry about and wishes he had not been so stupid as to discharge his gun without thinking of the possibile results.

He doesn't look 'sorry'; smug I'd say. It is this type of thinking that has the justice system in the state it is regards bad people not getting punished. Regardless of premeditated or accidental, the guy needs to be swinging from a rope.

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Tragic as it is it looks to me like another case of neglegent bad behavior resulting in a tragedy that the shooter didn't intend and is probabbly sorry about and wishes he had not been so stupid as to discharge his gun without thinking of the possibile results.

He doesn't look 'sorry'; smug I'd say. It is this type of thinking that has the justice system in the state it is regards bad people not getting punished. Regardless of premeditated or accidental, the guy needs to be swinging from a rope.

If you don't understand the difference between 'accidental' and 'premeditated' you really aren't qualified to make pronouncements on justice systems.

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Tragic as it is it looks to me like another case of neglegent bad behavior resulting in a tragedy that the shooter didn't intend and is probabbly sorry about and wishes he had not been so stupid as to discharge his gun without thinking of the possibile results.

He doesn't look 'sorry'; smug I'd say. It is this type of thinking that has the justice system in the state it is regards bad people not getting punished. Regardless of premeditated or accidental, the guy needs to be swinging from a rope.

If you don't understand the difference between 'accidental' and 'premeditated' you really aren't qualified to make pronouncements on justice systems.

Sorry, but this was not a negligent discharge of a gun or an accident. these guys were not down at the shooting range. The guy took out his gun with the express intent of firing at other gang members, he missed and hit this unfortunate lad, it is therefore Murder, it is not manslaughter and it is not an accident. We also only have the criminals word for it that he was actually firing at someone else, was he? or was he taking a pot shot at a group of farangs? That is of course irrelevant , the best thing that can happen to protect the Thai tourist industry if that is what Thailand are trying to do is to apply the law rigorously and make sure this thug goes down for as long as possible (which will be 5 years max with annual Kings pardons). If the authorities do or indeed do not do this, either way it will be in the British media back home.

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Condolences to the Ashton family. What was the newspaper's objective in publishing the value of the Ashton family home? Were they seeking to sensationalize the status of the family? Or were they attempting to strike fear in the hearts of Thais who recklessly fire away or hit and run people on the streets? Hard to figure what their motive in this was.

If the Ashton family's wealth is substantial, it would be very just is they sued the bar for allowing customers to carry guns in the bar. In the US a bar can be sued for a substantial sum if a customer were to be hit by a shot fired by a customer or staff of the bar. A law suit by the Ashtons might raise visibility about the lack of due diligence, legal surveillance and risk to tourists in Thailand.

Laws? In Thailand?

Laws in Los Angeles California? Let's be fair now.
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