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Overtype Night Mare In Windows Xp


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I have a Compaq Presario 2500 laptop, which I purchased in 2003, and I have

a computer problem that is driving me round the bend. The problem is that the OVERTYPE key in WORD keeps coming on all the time and creating mayhem when I try to correct/edit my text. It also happens in outlook express and any website when I try to type messages (this forum included). I have already ‘googled’ this problem, and found that many people have had similar experiences. However, none of the suggested solutions work for me. Pressing the INSERT key does not solve the problem, and if I go into tools/option/edit and uncheck the overtype mode, it goes off for a few seconds, only reappear very quickly.

The OVR icon at the foot of the page stays on most of the time. If I click on it, it sometimes goes of briefly, only to reappear, or often it keeps flashing on and off. The problem has gradually got worse. It used to happen occasionally in Word, and I would just save the document and then re-open it and all would be OK. Ditto in Outlook Express. But now, saving the doc and re-opening doesn’t make any difference.

The problem is still there in brand new word files. Also, at one time I thought I had solved the problem by un-checking all the editing options in tools/options/edit. It was fine for a few days, only to suddenly reappear. I have tried uninstalling WORD, and re-installing. I have even re-installed Word from 2 different discs, but the problem is still there.

The notebook is almost unusable now due to this problem which comes up everywhere – even in Microsoft Scheduler and the like.

Is this a hardware problem, a software problem or is it a virus? (My notebook has been protected from day one by Norton anti virus software, and is scanned weekly – no reports of any viruses). Any ideas would be greatly appreciated as I am extremely reluctant to trust this machine into the hands of any Thai computer technicians.

Help! please! or I may have to dump thew poor thing!! :o

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I forgot to mention, I have another problem which may well be connected with the first problem. If I copy text by right clicking the mouse. the text so copied will often spew out onto my curent document, sometimes several times over, when I am typing text, without me doing anything to cause it to happen. Does this mean its a hardware problem? Have I (or someone) dropped some liquid onto the keyboard?

Thanks Phuketsam for your suggestion. Maybe it is a sticky key. How do I tell? How do I fix it? :o

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Sounds like a sticky keyboard.

You can test this by picking up a cheap dektop keyboard and plugging it into your laptop and use that instead

You're a genius! (and Phuketsam) :D

It looks like its a sticky key. I connected an external keyboard and the OVR turns on and off from the 'insert' key. It won't do that form my notebook keyboard.

Now for the 64k question. How do I fix it? Is there any spray I can buy? Should I try vacuuming it, or hair drying it??? :o

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You're a genius! (and Phuketsam) :D

It looks like its a sticky key. I connected an external keyboard and the OVR turns on and off from the 'insert' key. It won't do that form my notebook keyboard.

Now for the 64k question. How do I fix it? Is there any spray I can buy? Should I try vacuuming it, or hair drying it??? :o

Thank you for the compliment.

Usually, you can pop off these keys by simply using a paperclip as a lever. There might be some crap underneath it that causes it to get stuck. All you can really do is to clena it with a brush.

Try googling for 'sticky key' and your model number and see if they describe how to remove and replace it.

One sticky key usually means that the key is busted. More than 1 and it is likely that the whole keyboard needs to be replaced. It's actually very easy to swap out a keyboard, provided you can find the right replacement

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Dear Spoq and phuketsiam

I owe you both a debt of gratitude. Before I enquired on this forum I was getting close to ditching my notebook and buying a new one.

To cut a long story short, today I took my notebook to a computer shop in Pattaya and had a new keyboard fitted - took 10 minutes and cost 2,500 baht.

Back home and all is working perfectly. Even the touch pad, which hasn't worked properly in ages.

I reckon I've got at least another year out of this old darlin' and it's all thanks to you. If you're ever down this way, I'll buy you a beer.

Thanks guys - I'm now a happy computer freak. :D:o

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