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Married Woman, What To Do


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OP, you're 26 years old and prepared to take someone who already has a child?

What's the problem with that ? I already take care of 2 childs.

Three children that's a lot of responsibility you have to take.

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My French colleague has 2 kids with 2 different GFs, lives with neither, still shags one of them with other men and women. Is there something wrong with the French?

Yes, Wine, Roquefort and Ménage à Trois ou Ménage à Quatre

Five is too crowded tongue.png

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There is really only one plausible solution here JohanBKK.

I am sure others will agree as it has yet to be brooched.

If the husband has been calling you, you will have his number.

Call him up and ask to meet him for a coffee as you have something to discuss. Now it is up to you if you think his wife should come or not. That ball is in your court.

Meet him and start talking in a friendly manner.

Tell him you have been shagging his wife but you didn't mean any harm. Make sure he understands that you do not want to break up the marriage as even though he is a poor Thai, against all odds he seems like a good man.

Tell him you know about the 200k sin sod.

Tell him you still want to continue shagging his wife as she is Thai and therefore shagging is all she is good for.

Now comes the business part, tell you want to make him an offer.

Start low, but suggest if you pay him THB 5,000 per month he continue to let you share his wife. Maybe alternate nights, his wife stays with you and he takes care of the baby, odd nights you take care of the baby and he gets his wife for the night.

If 5k is too low then up it a little. Mind you if it gets above 10k a month then you have to introduce a little more into the mix for yourself. Say, a friend every now and then. Suggest he can watch also if he would like.

I personally would not above 30k per month for a deal like this. But 30k per month would mean she is available to you any time you want, and you can also share her around with your friends. 30k is a lot of money for a poor Thai guy like her husband, so he will probably jump at the chance to make that kind of money.

YOU MUST reassure him that he will also be able to use his wife sometimes. But only if you or your friends are not busy with her. Perhaps you could buy a webcam and open an internet site so he can log on if he misses his wife, he can still watch her getting pounded by the Frenchman and his friends.

But here is the killer blow, charge him for membership to the website...


clap2.gif nice work, but you forgot to tell him how much to charge for the website?

for quality content like that and if having 24 hour access, i would ask for a clean thousand baht per day.

if he thinks its to expensive thren tell him you have to cover the costs of condoms, beer and KY jelly for the frenchman and all his friendscheesy.gif

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My French colleague has 2 kids with 2 different GFs, lives with neither, still shags one of them with other men and women. Is there something wrong with the French?

Well if we're going to generalize an entire populace from the actions of two people, it would have to be the English and the two English guys who were living together as a triple, with one ladyboy.

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76 posts before this and only one that is moderately supportive. Why does the OP think that that particular one is the only worthwhile answer? Simple. He is looking for validation of the course of action on which he has already decided.

I will add my suggestion that he looks elsewhere for his answers, and for the rest of his love life.

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BookMan, your comment is the only acceptable comment on this topic. Thank you very much for your thoughts.

Because he's the only one telling you what you want to hear? I don't even agree with his comment that "many relationships start in this way." But at least you've proven one thing: Being gullible and foolish applies to farang guys of all ages in Thailand, old or young.

Thailand ...or anywhere else on the planet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If this is genuine then I agree with someone early in the thread about it sounds like you're being set up for something. Obviously I don't know the people involved and how you met, etc but you mentioned the mother is introducing her to farang? That's alarm bells, right there.

Seems odd. I can see an angry situation ... demands for payment of money/something like that with a 'repay sinsod' excuse as you mentioned the sinsod figure so I guess it's been discussed or you're aware of it

I'd stay away but the fact you haven't already implies you don't want to.

Yes, things could turn nasty. Yes, someone may demand money from you. Perhaps the 'wife' is in it on it. Perhaps the Mother thinks you're a better long term option for paying out? How well do you know and trust the family involved?

Personally, I'd dial back my contact with her, not over discuss this day and night with her, calm down those feelings that this will be resolved quickly and with you and see if she keeps pushing it

Don't get into any discussions with the husband

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Why in a hurry, why hurt other people.

We all making mistakes, and maybe she is the woman for you.

Ones cheating big change she cheat again.

He paid a lots of money for her, she want to finish with him and should stay away from this all.

Be sure that you not the course of her finishing the relationship in him “husband” and his family.

Wait for a few months and see if she still into you.

Don’t be stupid and if still continue with this your next few post would be.

· Threatened by 6 Thai men on motorbikes.

· Can I get my sin sod back after 8 days as my wife left me for her previous Thai husband.

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