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  1. If it happens that regulation rather than recriminalisation will actually occur then this is the logical move. Let's see what plays out and what "laws" will come into play. One thing is for sure Thaksin will not be happy. I wonder what behind doors negotiations have taken place.
  2. A "virtue" clearly lacked by the Thais buying their beer and spirits from my local mom and pop shop yesterday (Sun) and all the other Thais across Thailand. You have your own pious ideals but as with religion in general it's not based in reality.
  3. Adult videos!!!!!!!! LOL. Millions available. Sex toys etc. is a different matter. Yes, I know it's available but the point is it should be freely available to purchase. Just more of the ultra conservative religious minority telling adults what they can and cannot do.
  4. Everybody knows or should know that drinking alcohol on Buddhist holidays cannot be prohibited. Ridiculous to think so and just goes to show how ridiculous this dictate from the Prime Minister's Office is. As I'm typing this at 8:30 in the morning the parties (Thai) will already be starting up and continue throughout the 3 day weekend. This is the reality. The law (if it's actually a law?) is a complete nonsense.
  5. Get rid of all the frauds in the Senate. That should do it. Most Senate seats would be emptied. National election to vote in new Senate with no stupid qualifications attached, free and fair with international scrutiny and then maybe Thailand can take a step down the road to being a grown up not a petulant adolescent.
  6. Interesting. I'm a bit confused. 12:00 pm is midday and 12:00 am is midnight. I have seen some "educational" books here that say otherwise.
  7. I rather get pissed occasionally than be a sanctimonious <deleted>. As for a crutch I have a question for you. Do you believe in God?
  8. Stupid comment. Very puerile indeed. Every foreigner who lives here and drinks knows where to get alcohol on the Buddhist alcohol prohibition days as do the Thais and will act accordingly. Stock up today or buy from the small shops over the weekend. Absolutely nothing to do with being an alcoholic and everything to do with being able to enjoy one's life without the intrusion of an anachronistic dictate.
  9. Not the point. The point is people including Thais will be drinking alcohol over these two days yet the sale of alcohol in supermarkets, 711 etc. is prohibited all because of some Buddhist dictate.
  10. We say you're guilty then you're guilty. Same goes for Pita and MFP. Decisions are supplied and ruled upon as such, not come to through a fair and balanced judicial process.
  11. This should be on the main forum not the Bangkok sub-forum.
  12. Nope. He's been doing it all the time. Dubai, Cambodia where ever.
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