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Farm Photos


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Here's a 15 second exposure of me on the back of a motorbike following another motorbike underway to an Isaan wedding party avereging 40km/h on bumby roads.

I thought this thorough explanation was necessary...


Interesting. i am sure there is a clue to a winning lottery ticket in there somewhere.

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Edit: Did you ever wonder why KC never stops when it reaches the apparent safety of the other side of the road....but keeps on going?


I like it, TEL.clap2.gif Do you have one for the farm peacock? It got jitterish..

Once a roadrunner crossed my path(front wheel) when I was doing 50kmh on the motorbike. I slightly adjusted my steering to avoid contact. After the incident my wife, who was on the back, told me never to do that again. She advised me: it's better to mourn a dead chicken then two dead persons..

A wise person your wife, was told that by my driving instructor many a moon ago - better to hit the thing than kill yerself.

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hi shaggy very nice photo,my question is how you keep the weed out from your trees? Use chemical or ...?

Hi moench,thanks for your kind comment.

The trees in question are actually our neighbors one year old trees.

Judging by the weed/grass still left in between their trees I would say that they have used a tractor.

My family have been using weed killer over the past 4 years but decided (with a little push from me)

to use a tractor and strimmer in the future............not a big fan of weedkiller bah.gif

Looks like you have got your work cut out for you next week...chok dee thumbsup.gif

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Sweet shots, Shaggy! Keep 'm coming.thumbsup.gif

Thanks DAL for your kind comment,much appreciated.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the wonderful photos that have been posted.

I really enjoy looking at your wonderful photos and also seeing places I have never been before.

It really is a treat to the eyes and imagination.Keep up the great work folks wai.gif

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