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Uk Man Thai Wife New Baby Keeping It All Legal And Easy.


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Hi all , I have just got married here in Thailand 3 days ago , we have 2 flowery marriage certs and a( Khor hor 2) document . I foolishly forgot to take copies of the affirmation to marry original and the translated certified document from Bangkok Office . I have a copy of the translated affermation but from before it was authenticated .

Q1 Will i require this for the future and if so is it worth rushing back to the local Amphur to see if they can dig it out to photocopy ???.

Q2 do i need to do anything else re my marriage either in Thailand or UK ?? for legal purpose or to make life easier with future visas settlement, baby pasport etc etc .

My Wife is expecting my first and her second child in 3 months time , she will have it here in Thailand (not sure where yet I have seen the local free hospital and was shocked and a little concerned , A private hospital may be a better option but will ask for advise on another thread !!).

Q3 we hope to get a 6 month visitor visa ( already had a 6 month last year thanks to all the help on this Forum !!) but this time will be taking new born and maybe her 3 year old MIL permitting ). So we need a pasport for the baby as soon as possible after the birth .what do i need for this documents ,visits to Bangkok Embassy's Etc etc,

Q4 what is a reasonable turn around for all this at the moment ??

In my mind i had imagined the baby born mid April when we would apply for a 6 month visitor visa for my Thai wife , and at the same visit to Bangkok we would do the baby passport and anything else we need to do e.g get passport for her 3 year old , after the wait for the visa ( visa's ) we could then start to plan the trip to the UK i think this would be around 6 weeks .

hopefully all fly to UK for 6 months Where i can get back to work , before returning to Thailand at the end of the year . where i would join her for extended holiday . and hope to do the same again the year after .

We hope to spend at least 8 months of the year together this way for the next few years , until a more permanent solution either here in Thailand or in the uk .

Any one with good info will be greatly appreciated and even opinions will be happily received .

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The local hospitals are usually very good for child birth. Don't worry about it.

Passport will be delivered in about 6 weeks, if you do the application promptly.

The Amphur office should be able to issue a photocopy of your affirmation, get it now.

Kids visa If the 3YO is living with you now, it shouldn't be a problem, if the 3YO is living with someone else, no chance.

Wife visa ......... does she have a good reason to return to Thailand? If not forget it.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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If you think the local hospital is bad then check out the schools.

Then check out the price of private schooling.

Possible consider spouse settlement visa instead of visitor visa, start working towards what you want for your children and their future now as the time passes quickly. All the best.

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Q.1: That might be best, if it is not too much trouble. Some immigraiton offices want to see (a copy of) the embassy confirmation letter for an extension of stay based on marriage to a Thai.

Q.2: That depends on your situation. You might want to inform the tax office in your home country and think about pensions etc. pension fonds might also want to know if you are married (and have kids).

There is an option to register the marriage in the UK so you can get evidence of your marriage from the UK registar. But most times it is enough to show a copy of the Thai marriage certifcate, legalised by your embassy.

Q3: The baby will have both Thai and UK nationality. You should apply for both passports, so the child doesn't need a visa for either country.

First you register the birth at the local amphur where the child is born and also put it on a household registration book. Now you can apply for a Thai passport for a price of 1,000 baht (for 35 baht they wil send the passport to your home a few days later).

With the Thai birth certificate you can apply for a UK-birth certificate (if needed) and UK-passport. The embassy website has detailed information on what to do.

Unless you expect a complicated birth, a local hospital will be fine. Local government hopsitals will also have private rooms, for a price. It is normal that the family stays with the expecting mother and takes care of her.

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Well on the baby front in my area i went to St mary`s (mid range pricing) also have Bangkok

But the problem with these private hospitals is that they dont have intensive care facilities for children (in my area anyway) so ended up at the local due to Preclampsier (cut vertically (not good) )

I still have to do my sons foriegn cit. but am also advised by lawyers there are 2 different type of document

Noturised & Staturised ?

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Q.1: That might be best, if it is not too much trouble. Some immigraiton offices want to see (a copy of) the embassy confirmation letter for an extension of stay based on marriage to a Thai.

Q.2: That depends on your situation. You might want to inform the tax office in your home country and think about pensions etc. pension fonds might also want to know if you are married (and have kids).

There is an option to register the marriage in the UK so you can get evidence of your marriage from the UK registar. But most times it is enough to show a copy of the Thai marriage certifcate, legalised by your embassy.

Q3: The baby will have both Thai and UK nationality. You should apply for both passports, so the child doesn't need a visa for either country.

First you register the birth at the local amphur where the child is born and also put it on a household registration book. Now you can apply for a Thai passport for a price of 1,000 baht (for 35 baht they wil send the passport to your home a few days later).

With the Thai birth certificate you can apply for a UK-birth certificate (if needed) and UK-passport. The embassy website has detailed information on what to do.

Unless you expect a complicated birth, a local hospital will be fine. Local government hopsitals will also have private rooms, for a price. It is normal that the family stays with the expecting mother and takes care of her.

Thanks for the replys guys , All great info .

I managed to get a copy of the affirmation and all the other documents the local Amphur handed the lot over and pointed us in the direction of the nearest copy shop . Amazing you wouldn't see that in the UK .

I think i have not fully understood my responsibility's regarding the marriage documentation though . Should i now have a translation done of the certificates and Khoro song and then do i need to visit the British embassy , and if so when ??

I had a look at the British embassy first passport link . the one problem i see is the fact they i ask for a proffesional counter signature . I dont know anyone in her locality for 2 years who would qualify . It does say a letter explaining why this is the case would be ok , i just wondered if anyone has done this already .

I will check lots of your posts Mario as you seem to very clued up on all this stiuff , I will be away from the computer a lot over the next few weeks though ,so please don't think i am being rude by not commenting on your reply's .

I appreciate all the other comments , I am aware the school situation is far from perfect here in Thailand . but my view of British kids is not great. they seem to have little respect for anyone and the level of there education also leaves a lot to be desired . So its not a simple decision .

I have looked into the UK settlement situation and that is not an option at the moment with the new rules as of June last year .


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how do you qualify as British, by birth or descent?

Am sure that if you are British by birth the baby that is due is British, however if by descent then it cannot be British, but best wait for others to confirm this before biting my head off.

For the marriage certificate you take it to the Embassy, and they take money from you to deposit it in the GRO, for me I believe it is not worth doing.

Edited by beano2274
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