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Bali Drug Trial: British Woman Gets Death Sentence


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What a silly woman. She is now claiming that she was forced to carry the drugs, but earlier on she said that she was doing it to help her kids ! Whatever, she had no consideration of the harm she would be doing as is the case of all mules and dealers, they only think of themselves and that "big" payday. Well now knows what hers is !

No sympathy at all.

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Sad for her loved ones

In another statement read out in court, her son Eliot said he believed his mother was forced into trafficking after a disagreement over rent money she paid on his behalf.

Her loved ones should have taken care of their own problems.

Gosh ! they all seem to have a different story don't they !

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It serves a lesson. Asia for those caught , is intolerant in the extreme. She could have easily gone to authorities over this prior to travelling and had support. The weight of the risk simply tells me the woman is not that smart. Some people really have no idea so sadly grandma, your use-by date has been set and I doubt with the amount you were caught with, there is much chance of appeal.

That is exactly what i would have done, told the authorities before i left what was going on.

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Well if she got away with it and now living the good life of her immoral earnings she would have won, well she lost let this serve as a lesson to those that want to take this path.

totally agree ..they r only sorry when they get caught ......grandmother ..what the fxxk is she doing ....rot in hell u silly moo
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She must be confused 'cos in today's Britain you don't have to take responsibilty for your own actions and trangressions rarely have any serious consequences.

so true..... well she wont need to visit a fortune teller. ...

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Well if she got away with it and now living the good life of her immoral earnings she would have won, well she lost let this serve as a lesson to those that want to take this path.

totally agree ..they r only sorry when they get caught ......grandmother ..what the fxxk is she doing ....rot in hell u silly moo

yup... sympathy is in the dictionary between shit and syphillis... thats the only place she will find it

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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< Snip! > Indonesia, then.

People can be terrible, ugly animals.

Going to kill this woman for breaking your stupid, arbitrary rule. That's civilization right there.

Yes she broke thier stupid rule but she did it of her own free choice. She is an adult and she knew very well what the consequences would be if she choose to break the rule. Don't blame the country or it's laws blame the idiots who choose to ignore them.
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If it's true that the lives of her kids or grandchildren were threatened, which wouldn't surprise me depending on who it was who made the threats, then it's unbelievable that they gave her the death sentence, especially since the prosecution asked for only 15 years!!!

Makes you wonder what would have happened if they asked for the death sentence?

15 years?
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this granny is packed with lies and that had probably earned herself the death sentence. first she denied, then claimed to be exploited and the crap stuff for her child safety. suprised she got a death sentence? nope, right till the end she is still fabricating lies and & lies. apparently not only is she a drug mule, but a drug dealer, and a well known one and had been smuggling and dealing hashish for quite awhile. the authorities had been watching her and nailed her this time.

in contrast to other cases like the australian van tuong nguyen who got death sentence in singapore, this woman does not deserve any form of sympathy at all.

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It serves a lesson. Asia for those caught , is intolerant in the extreme. She could have easily gone to authorities over this prior to travelling and had support. The weight of the risk simply tells me the woman is not that smart. Some people really have no idea so sadly grandma, your use-by date has been set and I doubt with the amount you were caught with, there is much chance of appeal.

If Indonesia were stupid enough to murder a British national you may be right .but I doubt they want that publicity

Why not ? it did'nt seem to bother the Singaporeian govt.

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She must be confused 'cos in today's Britain you don't have to take responsibilty for your own actions and trangressions rarely have any serious consequences.

so true..... well she wont need to visit a fortune teller. ...

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Nor a weight loss resort !

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It serves a lesson. Asia for those caught , is intolerant in the extreme. She could have easily gone to authorities over this prior to travelling and had support. The weight of the risk simply tells me the woman is not that smart. Some people really have no idea so sadly grandma, your use-by date has been set and I doubt with the amount you were caught with, there is much chance of appeal.

If Indonesia were stupid enough to murder a British national you may be right .but I doubt they want that publicity

Why not ? it did'nt seem to bother the Singaporeian govt.

True Indoneasia couldn't care less if she was British or not. This British woman is not alone on death row there are Australians, Americans, Dutch you name it all waiting to face the firing squad and there is still plenty of room for more if they want to join the club.
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I would be surprised if they do go ahead with an execution, if they don't I hope she is held at Indonesia's expense and not the UK's as no doubt do gooders will try and get her home to serve time.

I will have a 100 on they do go through with it. Nothing has stopped them yet.
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I would be surprised if they do go ahead with an execution, if they don't I hope she is held at Indonesia's expense and not the UK's as no doubt do gooders will try and get her home to serve time.

sorry but if you know the laws of the land and you blatantly disregard them then som nom na...

just because shes British doesnt give her any more right for clemency than anyone else. In Singapore and Malaysia if you are a trafficker you WILL be executed what makes you think Indonesia will care what do gooders think...I know I live there half the year

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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