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Selling A Condo In Thailand...

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...what is the transferral of ownership cost? Is it a percentage of the sale price? I understand that usually this cost is split between the buyer and seller.

Also, does the seller have to pay an additional fee/tax based on the sale price? I guess this is some kind of stamp duty?

Thanks in advance for your answers :-)

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If we declare less do we pay less ?

If you declare less than the estimated land office valuation then the taxes are

calculated based on their estimated valuation.

If you declare more than the estimated valuation, then the taxes are calculated on that

figure instead, hence the taxes will be higher.

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when I transfered my condo I paid transfers fees which equated to less than the sales price of the condo, not much difference but when I transferred the land office said my fees were based on a lower amount than I actually paid which surprised me.

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