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QUOTE MARSHY: "You'll be ok----- starch is Pretty much torch proof. :D:D "

Personally I don't know about the combustable properties of starch - never having had any on my person . . . .unlike yourself who seems to be an expert on the matter!

However I'd guarentee it doesn't carry quite the same rancid stench as bullsh1t!! - torch proof or not! :o

[it appears by the smilies that you're licking your lips!! Mmmmmm - nice!!] :D

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Marshy Posted on Fri 2004-03-05, 02:45:29

  QUOTE (Boo @ Sat 2004-02-28, 08:02:18)

Think about it 

Boo Not trying to start anything but I have heard those words (If you think about it) (thing) spoken to myself and other men many times in recent years, and always buy females never another man. I really can't decide if it's just a poke, a reminder that men don't think about things the first time around, or a feeble attempt to add some measure of validity to a point they are haveing trouble getting across. Annoying words-----If you think about it   

Sorry marhy, no idea what point your trying to make with this.!

The phrase "think about it" taken out of it's context here, by the way, refers to my point that flummoxed needs to think about what he writes before he writes it, as making the comments he did can also refer to members of his own family & therefore, his original post, obviously wasn't thought over before being made. Unless he intended to insult his female relatives at the same time!

As for whether women make the comment more than men, no idea, not something i have really noticed. Taking a phrase out of context or twisting something is a dangerous act, what i write here are my thoughts about something at the time, not a femanist statement or propaganda. Hope that clears it up.

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Guest IT Manager

FWIW I suspect dear old Marshy may have a bourbon or two prior to getting into the girls forum... but thats just my view.

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I suspect dear old Marshy may have a bourbon or two prior to getting into the girls forum... but thats just my view.

Drunkeness is never an excuse for bad behavior. Unless of course, it makes one nicer instead of meaner. Not the norm, but then it has been known to occur, my hubby is usually quite nice to me after a few drinks :o

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As for whether women make the comment more than men, no idea, not something i have really noticed.  Taking a phrase out of context or twisting something is a dangerous act, what i write here are my thoughts about something at the time, not a femanist statement or propaganda. Hope that clears it up.

Way ta go grrrrrrrlfriend . . .

That's all any of us [female] contributors to this forum do. Appears the male contingent however, feels the need for some farang chick-bashing! Get's tiresome after a while! :o

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Drunkeness is never an excuse for bad behavior. Unless of course, it makes one nicer instead of meaner. Not the norm, but then it has been known to occur, my hubby is usually quite nice to me after a few drinks :o

Alcohol exacerbates feelings by making your inhibitions disappear.

You love somebody and you can not say it (quite common in men), you will say it and show it when drunk (even a little),... :D

You do not like or love somebody or worse hate him/her, you will also show it and very often in the worst possible way,...

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Bluecat, I meant, he is really nice to me! Not just a little friendlier! :D

Nat, not stupid behavior, more like foolish :D ... and certainly you wouldn't be foolish and embarassing :o

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I had a lenthly reply to many recent posts and it was deleted
Darn, I am sure we would have all been enlightened by your attitudes. :o
I will not try again.

Nice to see someone finally gets the idea that baiting and flaming of women in the girls forum isn't acceptable.

Too bad he had to get his posts deleted to figure it out :D

Girls, as for stupid and embarassing behavior, I already told you, it's not necessarily always stupid, just foolish. I try not to dwell on past mistakes, just makes me feel silly all over again. Best to learn from them and then try to do different foolish things next time :D

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I just read impy_la_blimpy's first email and thought I'd throw my reply into the fray for those of you who're still following this.

I'm a "Western caucasian" woman working and living in Bangkok but I don't fall into the usual categories of English teacher or all-expenses-paid company exec. In the 1.5 years I've lived here, I've really enjoyed working with Thai people and attempting to integrate into many aspects of Thai culture. My farang boyfriend joined me here during the first year, before annoying visa hassles and other events sent him packing. We have some good friends, mostly Thai/farang couples. Obviously it's easy to meet Thai people, though language and certain cultural taboos can be a barrier to forming close relationships. I should point out that even if I were single, I wouldn't have a thai boyfriend. No offense to Thai men, but I am taller (and bigger-chested) than over 99% of them...any basketball players out there? :D

In my experience, it's more difficult to find down-to-earth farang women who stay here longer than a few months. I dont' play the established hi-so circuit for expats - embassy functions, the elitist clubs, and the like. Since my boyfriend left, the flat can feel a bit empty during the week (when I'm working), but I get out and see people at the weekend. So back to what everyone else was saying earlier: make of it what you will, whether you like chocolate, rabbits, big pantz or whatever. :o

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So back to what everyone else was saying earlier: make of it what you will, whether you like chocolate, rabbits, big pantz or whatever.  :D [/color][/font]

I love basketball [although I'm a bit of a short ass! :o ] . . .guess that's why ma pantz alwayz look big! hee hee . . .[or is it to hold ma tummy in! :D ???] I intend to make of it what I can . . . .you sound like you're having a chippa time!! Way ta go :D

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Welcome BangkokBee to Thailand Expat forum & the farang girls section.

Your post reflects what most of us western girls feel during our time here in LOS & particually if you live in the big city & being able to go out & make the best of the situation is what separates the girls from the women. :D

Most of the ladies who post here don't live a hi-so expat life either, (as far as I know) we are all down to earth, normal women, who happen to find ourselves living in the land of smiles, for one reason or another & our contact with each other here is a way for us to interact with other women where we wouldn't normally find it, such as at work or the area that we live. So feel free to post thoughts, vent, rage, be silly, anything you feel like, thats what we are here for :D

Boo (Moderator, Farang girls in Thailand.) :o

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Bangkokbee, I have found southern guys generally larger than the usual central or northerner. Perhaps better nutrition over the years. I know what you mean, I lived in Taiwan before here and never found the guys attractive as I just couldn't get myself worked up over a guy who had to wrap his belt around twice :D

I, too, have had difficulty forming friendships here as alot of the women who do come, get Thai boyfriends for the 2 months or so they are here then go home. All the while proclaiming how local they are, fisherman trousers and no shoes does not a local make :o And then moan when they come back a year later and he has had another girlfriend while they have been gone. Either it's a real relationship with commitment or its a fun holiday fling.

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All the while proclaiming how local they are, fisherman trousers and no shoes does not a local make :o

###### . . . .I've been wearing my fisherman/'thai pantz' from a previous Thai experience, round the house for the last month to get me 'in the mood'!! :D [Means I've had to forego the 'big pantz' for a bit - but needs must an' all!]

Have to say in concurance . . .don't really go a big masseeeve on Thai guys as a rule [not that I'm prone to generalizations! hee hee!] howEVA - as I was looking through sites on gyms in Bangkok - saw quite a few muscles rippling along the way!! Maybe that's the place to look!

As I haven't arrived in Bangkok as yet I can't comment on the friendship base thang! [Although I kinda feel like I am there already coz of this forum!! . . .big up to the girlz for making me feel so welcome here! :D] This site has a most excellent vibe - and has made me feel pretty :D about coming over!

peace y'all :D

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Nat Posted on Fri 2004-03-12, 01:54:13

  Hi bangkokbee and welcome - basketball players? Think you'd give Boo a run for her money in the height department  .

ha ha, thats right BkkBee, all 6ft of me happily married to a Thai man shorter than me. :D Saying that though, I never before really went for guys shorter than me but never say never, right? :o

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impy - fisherman pants?  :D Got the beaded plaits also?  :D

beaded plaits . . . .jesus sandals and acoustic guitar . . .yeh . . .why?? :o

all is good just as long as you don't break into a chorus of kum ba yah :D

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impy - fisherman pants?  :D Got the beaded plaits also?  :D

beaded plaits . . . .jesus sandals and acoustic guitar . . .yeh . . .why??

all is good just as long as you don't break into a chorus of kum ba yah :D

me lord . . . . . :o

Nat it's ma fave grrrrrrrrrrl!! . . . .

[just occurred to me why my dates go from bad to worse!!] hee hee :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey again, I just got back in town and plugged into the ether again. cheers for welcoming me to the forum (Nat & Boo). After I said I don't fancy Thai men (generally coz they're way too short), the other day I saw the most gorgeous half thai-half farang guy on the BTS. Almost broke out into song but thought better of it :o

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After I said I don't fancy Thai men (generally coz they're way too short), the other day I saw the most gorgeous half thai-half farang guy on the BTS. Almost broke out into song but thought better of it :o

hey bangkokbee :D

Some of the half-thai half-farang men are gorgeous. Will never forget two brothers (american-thai) I once met on samet - beautiful speciments, could easily pass as calvin klein models and were oblivious of their looks (just a bit too young for me) :D

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After I said I don't fancy Thai men (generally coz they're way too short), the other day I saw the most gorgeous half thai-half farang guy on the BTS. Almost broke out into song but thought better of it :D

hey bangkokbee :D

Some of the half-thai half-farang men are gorgeous. Will never forget two brothers (american-thai) I once met on samet - beautiful speciments

what the hel's a "speciment" Nat . . . :o

Some breed of man that I never heard of . . . .???????????? :D

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Hey girls, glad to see that the Farang Girl Forum is nicely hosted by such a cool bunch of babes :D

quite entertaining to browse all the posts - i missed quite a lot actually but will work on it to seize more the "who-is-who"... :o

so as for the last posts... any idea where to find the "Nat's speciment" breed in town? :D


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