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The Chinese Are Coming: Thai Opinion


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I wonder what they think of the t-shirts on koh San road that say "Tibet tianamen square Taiwan" or communist party shirts

I wonder how many spies are sent to Thailand to listen in on TV or your email accounts?

I've had experience with at least one. He is right here in Thailand.

I wonder how many american spies/military staff are here and have been here for many many years?

Plenty everywhere.

One up country was 6ft 7 and looked like a guy from zztop. He blended in magnificently

this big fella should marry a thai girl and play the chinese on their own turf rather than wasting his dollars in patpong

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I wonder what they think of the t-shirts on koh San road that say "Tibet tianamen square Taiwan" or communist party shirts

I wonder how many spies are sent to Thailand to listen in on TV or your email accounts?

I've had experience with at least one. He is right here in Thailand.

I wonder how many american spies/military staff are here and have been here for many many years?

Plenty everywhere.

One up country was 6ft 7 and looked like a guy from zztop. He blended in magnificently

this big fella should marry a thai girl and play the chinese on their own turf rather than wasting his dollars in patpong

He was an institution, part of a listening post up country. We spot the new guys easily. Pressed Chinos and ralph lauren shirts claiming to work in telecoms.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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"The Chinese population is 1.4 billion, or 20 per cent of the world's total," so noted the OP, as if this were a wonderously grand development of human history..

How many countries have a population of 1 billion or greater? One other country has a population of 1 billion or greater and we know it is India.

Third most populous is the United States, at 315 million, followed by Indonesia with 240 million (Indonesia by the way will dominate ASEAN, as Indonesia already has a USD $1 trillion GDP). The population of every country except China and India are counted in the millions (New Zealand at 4+ million), or the tens of millions (Germany at 85 million) or the very few countries that have a few hundred millions of population, e.g., Philippines (100 m), Mexico (115 m), Brazil (pushing 200 m), Russia (still pushing 200 million) and a few others. Although the planet is grossly overpopulated, these population data are the norm, the rule, the standard and the typical.

So it is the case that China and India are two countries that exist in their own category of population, i.e., the in excess of 1 billion population club - we might call them the C-2 (the Club of Two).. Together China and India account for more than 2.5 billion people on this hard-pressed planet. China and India, because they strain the earth's resources beyond capacity, and because they create a large mass of poor who live on less than USD $5 a day, are, plainly and directly stated, freak of nature countries Whatever on earth does one do with a country of more than a billion people?!? The answer is that one guards against it as they seek to inhale the earth's resources while pollution the air, land and water. The militant, censoring, punishing CCP dictators in Beijing covetously eye the lands and resources claimed or possessed by other countries, which is the classic historical recipie of war. So yes the Chinese are coming - they are coming with their genetic biological warfare (kills only caucasians) and their People's Liberation Army. Get ready Thailand and the world, you're going to be liberated of your freedoms, your independence and your historical and cultural values of democracy and liberty

You might want to check out this link concerning China, the United States and the hellish pollution that permeates the CCP's PRC, to include acid raid throught the PRChina: http://www.forbes.com/sites/gordonchang/2013/01/27/china-demands-u-s-taxpayers-clean-up-its-air/

Coming soon apparantely can't be soon enough for some unfortunate people, especially people who relate simple Old World mystical parables that are of little or no relevance to the present or to the future.

Great post and story.. thank you.. clap2.gif

I believe you must be getting your information from the tea party. USA probably consumes as much as both India & China and pollutes the world far in excess of these countries. And certainly starts more wars than both these countries put together. I am not fond of the thought that Chinese may take over the world in more ways than we may like, but their record shows that it will not be done using the bomb. It will probably done by men marrying into the country and setting up shops. And eventually things will balance out. A damn site better than bombing countries with such weapons as agent orange and silently watching the fruits of this policy as it destroys generations ..... if you are american, this is not meant to offend you, just an alternative to consider that may actually be true. just a thought

The Boyz in Beijing won't take over the world by using a bomb? Think again, because the CCP are not Sun Tzu. The CCP-PRC are censoring, punishing fascist dictators who are no better than Hitler or than the Showa Japanese (1926 - 45). The Chinese have become that which they fought (so weakly) against during WW2, i.e,. the racist and largely heartless Japanese of that era.

As to Beijing's designs on the world - the whole of it to include you and your loved ones - I refer you to the following article by MIT weapons researcher Dr. Geoffrey Forden, entitled "How China Loses the Coming Space War," which won't be started by the United States. http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2008/01/inside-the-chin/

And if you can hack it, you might want to try this one by the recently retired Defense Minister of the CCP-PRC in his presentation to the Politboro: "War Is the Midwife of the Chinese Century and Is Not Far From Us" http://www.theepochtimes.com/news/5-8-8/31055.html

I don't go to tea parties anywhere, anytime, least of all political ones in the United States. I voted twice for Obama and twice for Clinton, among other Democrats who ran for president. I get the strong feeling I'll be voting for a Clinton for prez again, in 2016 and pleased by the outcome of that election too.

Edited by Publicus
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"The Chinese population is 1.4 billion, or 20 per cent of the world's total," so noted the OP, as if this were a wonderously grand development of human history..

How many countries have a population of 1 billion or greater? One other country has a population of 1 billion or greater and we know it is India.

Third most populous is the United States, at 315 million, followed by Indonesia with 240 million (Indonesia by the way will dominate ASEAN, as Indonesia already has a USD $1 trillion GDP). The population of every country except China and India are counted in the millions (New Zealand at 4+ million), or the tens of millions (Germany at 85 million) or the very few countries that have a few hundred millions of population, e.g., Philippines (100 m), Mexico (115 m), Brazil (pushing 200 m), Russia (still pushing 200 million) and a few others. Although the planet is grossly overpopulated, these population data are the norm, the rule, the standard and the typical.

So it is the case that China and India are two countries that exist in their own category of population, i.e., the in excess of 1 billion population club - we might call them the C-2 (the Club of Two).. Together China and India account for more than 2.5 billion people on this hard-pressed planet. China and India, because they strain the earth's resources beyond capacity, and because they create a large mass of poor who live on less than USD $5 a day, are, plainly and directly stated, freak of nature countries Whatever on earth does one do with a country of more than a billion people?!? The answer is that one guards against it as they seek to inhale the earth's resources while pollution the air, land and water. The militant, censoring, punishing CCP dictators in Beijing covetously eye the lands and resources claimed or possessed by other countries, which is the classic historical recipie of war. So yes the Chinese are coming - they are coming with their genetic biological warfare (kills only caucasians) and their People's Liberation Army. Get ready Thailand and the world, you're going to be liberated of your freedoms, your independence and your historical and cultural values of democracy and liberty

You might want to check out this link concerning China, the United States and the hellish pollution that permeates the CCP's PRC, to include acid raid throught the PRChina: http://www.forbes.com/sites/gordonchang/2013/01/27/china-demands-u-s-taxpayers-clean-up-its-air/

Coming soon apparantely can't be soon enough for some unfortunate people, especially people who relate simple Old World mystical parables that are of little or no relevance to the present or to the future.

Great post and story.. thank you.. clap2.gif

I believe you must be getting your information from the tea party. USA probably consumes as much as both India & China and pollutes the world far in excess of these countries. And certainly starts more wars than both these countries put together. I am not fond of the thought that Chinese may take over the world in more ways than we may like, but their record shows that it will not be done using the bomb. It will probably done by men marrying into the country and setting up shops. And eventually things will balance out. A damn site better than bombing countries with such weapons as agent orange and silently watching the fruits of this policy as it destroys generations ..... if you are american, this is not meant to offend you, just an alternative to consider that may actually be true. just a thought

The Boyz in Beijing won't take over the world by using a bomb? Think again, because the CCP are not Sun Tzu. The CCP-PRC are censoring, punishing fascist dictators who are no better than Hitler or than the Showa Japanese (1926 - 45). The Chinese have become that which they fought (so weakly) against during WW2, i.e,. the racist and largely heartless Japanese of that era.

As to Beijing's designs on the world - the whole of it to include you and your loved ones - I refer you to the following article by MIT weapons researcher Dr. Geoffrey Forden, entitled "How China Loses the Coming Space War," which won't be started by the United States. http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2008/01/inside-the-chin/

Forget a space war, they haven't even settled ownership of parking spaces on the ground floor of apartments. Can't have a citizen claiming ownership to a 3 by 4 plot of land, right????

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I wonder what they think of the t-shirts on koh San road that say "Tibet tianamen square Taiwan" or communist party shirts

I wonder how many spies are sent to Thailand to listen in on TV or your email accounts?

I've had experience with at least one. He is right here in Thailand.

I wonder how many american spies/military staff are here and have been here for many many years?

Plenty everywhere.

One up country was 6ft 7 and looked like a guy from zztop. He blended in magnificently

this big fella should marry a thai girl and play the chinese on their own turf rather than wasting his dollars in patpong

He was an institution, part of a listening post up country. We spot the new guys easily. Pressed Chinos and ralph lauren shirts claiming to work in telecoms.

How old would you say he was?

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I wonder what they think of the t-shirts on koh San road that say "Tibet tianamen square Taiwan" or communist party shirts

I wonder how many spies are sent to Thailand to listen in on TV or your email accounts?

I've had experience with at least one. He is right here in Thailand.

I wonder how many american spies/military staff are here and have been here for many many years?

Plenty everywhere.

One up country was 6ft 7 and looked like a guy from zztop. He blended in magnificently

this big fella should marry a thai girl and play the chinese on their own turf rather than wasting his dollars in patpong

He was an institution, part of a listening post up country. We spot the new guys easily. Pressed Chinos and ralph lauren shirts claiming to work in telecoms.

How old would you say he was?

The new or the old guy?

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I wonder what they think of the t-shirts on koh San road that say "Tibet tianamen square Taiwan" or communist party shirts

I wonder how many spies are sent to Thailand to listen in on TV or your email accounts?

I've had experience with at least one. He is right here in Thailand.

I wonder how many american spies/military staff are here and have been here for many many years?

At the invitation of the Thai Government, a relationship that dates back to 1833. Thailand and the U.S. have a Joint Military Command Center here, one of the few in existence - the only other I can think of is in and with South Korea.

Methinks doth do see covert Americans hither and yon.

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I wonder what they think of the t-shirts on koh San road that say "Tibet tianamen square Taiwan" or communist party shirts

I wonder how many spies are sent to Thailand to listen in on TV or your email accounts?

I've had experience with at least one. He is right here in Thailand.

I wonder how many american spies/military staff are here and have been here for many many years?

Plenty everywhere.

One up country was 6ft 7 and looked like a guy from zztop. He blended in magnificently

this big fella should marry a thai girl and play the chinese on their own turf rather than wasting his dollars in patpong

He was an institution, part of a listening post up country. We spot the new guys easily. Pressed Chinos and ralph lauren shirts claiming to work in telecoms.

How old would you say he was?

The new or the old guy?

Both of course.I'd like to find out if they are within the age range for field operatives of the Feds in Washington.

Edited by Publicus
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I wonder what they think of the t-shirts on koh San road that say "Tibet tianamen square Taiwan" or communist party shirts

I wonder how many spies are sent to Thailand to listen in on TV or your email accounts?

I've had experience with at least one. He is right here in Thailand.

I wonder how many american spies/military staff are here and have been here for many many years?

Plenty everywhere.

One up country was 6ft 7 and looked like a guy from zztop. He blended in magnificently

this big fella should marry a thai girl and play the chinese on their own turf rather than wasting his dollars in patpong

He was an institution, part of a listening post up country. We spot the new guys easily. Pressed Chinos and ralph lauren shirts claiming to work in telecoms.

How old would you say he was?

The new or the old guy?

Both of course.I'd like to find out if they are within the age range for field operatives of the Feds in Washington.

The older guy was a hanger on from the Vietnam times, late 50's,. Retired now.

The younger guys then,(mid 00s), were mid 30s. Don't go out quite so much anymore, but AUA is a good cover.

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I wonder what they think of the t-shirts on koh San road that say "Tibet tianamen square Taiwan" or communist party shirts

I wonder how many spies are sent to Thailand to listen in on TV or your email accounts?

I've had experience with at least one. He is right here in Thailand.

I wonder how many american spies/military staff are here and have been here for many many years?

At the invitation of the Thai Government, a relationship that dates back to 1833. Thailand and the U.S. have a Joint Military Command Center here, one of the few in existence - the only other I can think of is in and with South Korea.

Methinks doth do see covert Americans hither and yon.

have the Americans closed down their torture houses in Thailand then?

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From the posts left here, it would appear that most farangs here do NOT like the Chinese. I suspect the vast majority are Americans. Prove me wrong by saying I am American and I like Chinese.

Have you ever been to China?

Yes, many times. In fact I am going again next week. I find the mainland Chinese much more pleasant then the Chinese in Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. In my opinion they are more innocent and genuine. The Malay & Singaporean Chinese are not my favorite drink buddies. But I think if I was American the mainland Chinese would probably treat me differently.

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From the posts left here, it would appear that most farangs here do NOT like the Chinese. I suspect the vast majority are Americans. Prove me wrong by saying I am American and I like Chinese.

Have you ever been to China?

Yes, many times. In fact I am going again next week. I find the mainland Chinese much more pleasant then the Chinese in Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. In my opinion they are more innocent and genuine. The Malay & Singaporean Chinese are not my favorite drink buddies. But I think if I was American the mainland Chinese would probably treat me differently.

Lived there for 3 years on and off myself. Fascinating, but troubled place.

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"The Chinese population is 1.4 billion, or 20 per cent of the world's total," so noted the OP, as if this were a wonderously grand development of human history..

How many countries have a population of 1 billion or greater? One other country has a population of 1 billion or greater and we know it is India.

Third most populous is the United States, at 315 million, followed by Indonesia with 240 million (Indonesia by the way will dominate ASEAN, as Indonesia already has a USD $1 trillion GDP). The population of every country except China and India are counted in the millions (New Zealand at 4+ million), or the tens of millions (Germany at 85 million) or the very few countries that have a few hundred millions of population, e.g., Philippines (100 m), Mexico (115 m), Brazil (pushing 200 m), Russia (still pushing 200 million) and a few others. Although the planet is grossly overpopulated, these population data are the norm, the rule, the standard and the typical.

So it is the case that China and India are two countries that exist in their own category of population, i.e., the in excess of 1 billion population club - we might call them the C-2 (the Club of Two).. Together China and India account for more than 2.5 billion people on this hard-pressed planet. China and India, because they strain the earth's resources beyond capacity, and because they create a large mass of poor who live on less than USD $5 a day, are, plainly and directly stated, freak of nature countries Whatever on earth does one do with a country of more than a billion people?!? The answer is that one guards against it as they seek to inhale the earth's resources while pollution the air, land and water. The militant, censoring, punishing CCP dictators in Beijing covetously eye the lands and resources claimed or possessed by other countries, which is the classic historical recipie of war. So yes the Chinese are coming - they are coming with their genetic biological warfare (kills only caucasians) and their People's Liberation Army. Get ready Thailand and the world, you're going to be liberated of your freedoms, your independence and your historical and cultural values of democracy and liberty

You might want to check out this link concerning China, the United States and the hellish pollution that permeates the CCP's PRC, to include acid raid throught the PRChina: http://www.forbes.com/sites/gordonchang/2013/01/27/china-demands-u-s-taxpayers-clean-up-its-air/

Coming soon apparantely can't be soon enough for some unfortunate people, especially people who relate simple Old World mystical parables that are of little or no relevance to the present or to the future.

Great post and story.. thank you.. clap2.gif

I believe you must be getting your information from the tea party. USA probably consumes as much as both India & China and pollutes the world far in excess of these countries. And certainly starts more wars than both these countries put together. I am not fond of the thought that Chinese may take over the world in more ways than we may like, but their record shows that it will not be done using the bomb. It will probably done by men marrying into the country and setting up shops. And eventually things will balance out. A damn site better than bombing countries with such weapons as agent orange and silently watching the fruits of this policy as it destroys generations ..... if you are american, this is not meant to offend you, just an alternative to consider that may actually be true. just a thought

No, China has the largest of any pollution in the world, their land water and air is completely ruined forever in many places, the air pollution from China reaches the west coast of the US.

Who cares about borders and countries, the fact of the matter is humans are stipping and ruining mother earth forever and any humans that are on this planet in 100 years will feel the effects as the we couldn't imagine.

Money Money Money, that is all the idiots of the world can consider, selfish arrogant fools we ALL are in every country.

The thing I don't think some people in China get that this rapid development might take them out of poverty, but the enviroment after will not be able to be fixed, they will be stuck in a toxic waste dump and even if you go inside of a nice home, have a nice car, and a gold necklace you will still be living in such poverty that will be so much more than it is now...

And it isn't just China, it is the whole stinking world !

You can't clean up a barren forest land, you can't bring back the animals and fish, you can't replace whales, you can't fix the ozone layer, you can't stop the polar ice caps from melting, you can't stop the ocean rising, you can't stop the extinction of the web of live humans need to survive...

Humans are kind of doomed, there is now place to hide, you can find trash and plastic in ANY shore of any place on earth including the way up in the arctic..

the whole oceans are turning into plastic, there is no water on earth in the ociean that if you took a sq meter of it you wouldn't find some plastic and other toxins, there is no truly clean water.

Everyone fears the China is to blame, but the reality is it is EVERYWHERE.. Africa they eat the last of the great apes or sell them to China, the last elephants are being slaughered again for the ivory for some little <deleted> in Japan can have something cool on his wall, they hunt down the last of the best tuna on earth and whales in Japan...

In mexico and the USA they have oil rigs in the water that are all leaking some amount of oil, Brazil they are hacking away the earths lungs in the Amazon every year by satilite it looks like a bad hair cut,

Now one thing we could do to help the world is spread awareness and shame for the Rich who demand rare meats, woods, and other things ... SHame on you rich idiots that decide you little worthless dinner is worth the extinction of the rare animals.. we have to show that eating a tiger penis does NOTHING for yours (go with vaigra)

It's all based on money all the way down the line, greedy, stupid brainwashed people all over the globe think money is better than a nice cool walk in the woods and some sex on a unpolluted beach, some fresh abundant seafood, shit like that....

The world is changing, it is the old school that doesn't know the effects, but there is hundreds of millions of skinny little hands reaching up saying they should be able to pollute a little too...

well it is to late !

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A beautiful Buddhist tale. I will copy and keep.

Correct me if I am wrong but on the darks side of town in Bangkok, girls are getting paid more by relatively wealthy, cashed up, middle class Koreans, Japanese and Chinese men, willing to reward the sexiest women on the planet for their time and favours.

"Experienced" farangs have been complaining it is forcing prices up. Some girls refusing to service well hung, tight arse farangs with a long list of expectations, and access to the latest in enhancement substances and injectables.

Also correct me if I'm wrong, but in Thailand similarly to her neighbours, at least to the south, the Chinese, like the jews in Europe have been marrying into the wealthy local families for decades.

For sensible people, love is less important than money.

Now its Chinese/ Thai families that control Bangkok and have those traditional connections to America, the World Bank, etc which Thaksin was so eager to shift out.

This ruling ethnic elite are also present in Indonesia and where this economic clout is going to affect us, is in their traditional disregard for the environment. As the Chinese continue their economic domination of the world, we may have to stand by and watch as the Chinese first buy and then "eat" Thailand, and everywhere else around here.

I thought I was the only one that noticed this. I find that all the businesses are run by the Chinese. That the ethnic Thai are left in the fringes. When I complain about late deliveries for my orders, the boss sometimes says 'Thai workers are lazy/stupid/drink too much'. I did not know what they meant by this because I was surprised to hear a 'Thai' talk about fellow Thai like this. It puzzled me then I came to realize that the boss was Chinese 'Thai'.

When I look at the red shirt movement, most of them are dark skinned ethnic Thai. From speaking to many of them (usually Taxi drivers), I know they feel racially discriminated against by the ruling class (Chinese 'Thai'). It is alarming how calculating, decisive and forward planning the Chinese are. I feel very sorry for the ethnic Thai. They are already second class citizens. I get the feeling it will get worse for them. The funny thing is the Thai cannot see the difference between Chinese 'Thai' and Thai. But the Chinese 'Thai' certainly do. Just a thought

They should take a close look at their heroes background then. He won't change their lot either.
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"The Chinese population is 1.4 billion, or 20 per cent of the world's total," so noted the OP, as if this were a wonderously grand development of human history..

How many countries have a population of 1 billion or greater? One other country has a population of 1 billion or greater and we know it is India.

Third most populous is the United States, at 315 million, followed by Indonesia with 240 million (Indonesia by the way will dominate ASEAN, as Indonesia already has a USD $1 trillion GDP). The population of every country except China and India are counted in the millions (New Zealand at 4+ million), or the tens of millions (Germany at 85 million) or the very few countries that have a few hundred millions of population, e.g., Philippines (100 m), Mexico (115 m), Brazil (pushing 200 m), Russia (still pushing 200 million) and a few others. Although the planet is grossly overpopulated, these population data are the norm, the rule, the standard and the typical.

So it is the case that China and India are two countries that exist in their own category of population, i.e., the in excess of 1 billion population club - we might call them the C-2 (the Club of Two).. Together China and India account for more than 2.5 billion people on this hard-pressed planet. China and India, because they strain the earth's resources beyond capacity, and because they create a large mass of poor who live on less than USD $5 a day, are, plainly and directly stated, freak of nature countries Whatever on earth does one do with a country of more than a billion people?!? The answer is that one guards against it as they seek to inhale the earth's resources while pollution the air, land and water. The militant, censoring, punishing CCP dictators in Beijing covetously eye the lands and resources claimed or possessed by other countries, which is the classic historical recipie of war. So yes the Chinese are coming - they are coming with their genetic biological warfare (kills only caucasians) and their People's Liberation Army. Get ready Thailand and the world, you're going to be liberated of your freedoms, your independence and your historical and cultural values of democracy and liberty

You might want to check out this link concerning China, the United States and the hellish pollution that permeates the CCP's PRC, to include acid raid throught the PRChina: http://www.forbes.com/sites/gordonchang/2013/01/27/china-demands-u-s-taxpayers-clean-up-its-air/

Coming soon apparantely can't be soon enough for some unfortunate people, especially people who relate simple Old World mystical parables that are of little or no relevance to the present or to the future.

Great post and story.. thank you.. clap2.gif

I believe you must be getting your information from the tea party. USA probably consumes as much as both India & China and pollutes the world far in excess of these countries. And certainly starts more wars than both these countries put together. I am not fond of the thought that Chinese may take over the world in more ways than we may like, but their record shows that it will not be done using the bomb. It will probably done by men marrying into the country and setting up shops. And eventually things will balance out. A damn site better than bombing countries with such weapons as agent orange and silently watching the fruits of this policy as it destroys generations ..... if you are american, this is not meant to offend you, just an alternative to consider that may actually be true. just a thought

No, China has the largest of any pollution in the world, their land water and air is completely ruined forever in many places, the air pollution from China reaches the west coast of the US.

Who cares about borders and countries, the fact of the matter is humans are stipping and ruining mother earth forever and any humans that are on this planet in 100 years will feel the effects as the we couldn't imagine.

Money Money Money, that is all the idiots of the world can consider, selfish arrogant fools we ALL are in every country.

The thing I don't think some people in China get that this rapid development might take them out of poverty, but the enviroment after will not be able to be fixed, they will be stuck in a toxic waste dump and even if you go inside of a nice home, have a nice car, and a gold necklace you will still be living in such poverty that will be so much more than it is now...

And it isn't just China, it is the whole stinking world !

You can't clean up a barren forest land, you can't bring back the animals and fish, you can't replace whales, you can't fix the ozone layer, you can't stop the polar ice caps from melting, you can't stop the ocean rising, you can't stop the extinction of the web of live humans need to survive...

Humans are kind of doomed, there is now place to hide, you can find trash and plastic in ANY shore of any place on earth including the way up in the arctic..

the whole oceans are turning into plastic, there is no water on earth in the ociean that if you took a sq meter of it you wouldn't find some plastic and other toxins, there is no truly clean water.

Everyone fears the China is to blame, but the reality is it is EVERYWHERE.. Africa they eat the last of the great apes or sell them to China, the last elephants are being slaughered again for the ivory for some little <deleted> in Japan can have something cool on his wall, they hunt down the last of the best tuna on earth and whales in Japan...

In mexico and the USA they have oil rigs in the water that are all leaking some amount of oil, Brazil they are hacking away the earths lungs in the Amazon every year by satilite it looks like a bad hair cut,

Now one thing we could do to help the world is spread awareness and shame for the Rich who demand rare meats, woods, and other things ... SHame on you rich idiots that decide you little worthless dinner is worth the extinction of the rare animals.. we have to show that eating a tiger penis does NOTHING for yours (go with vaigra)

It's all based on money all the way down the line, greedy, stupid brainwashed people all over the globe think money is better than a nice cool walk in the woods and some sex on a unpolluted beach, some fresh abundant seafood, shit like that....

The world is changing, it is the old school that doesn't know the effects, but there is hundreds of millions of skinny little hands reaching up saying they should be able to pollute a little too...

well it is to late !

You should check out the carbon foot print by capita.
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justathought asked me about alleged U.S. "torture houses" in Thailand.

Around 2005, under then Prez G. Dumbya Bush, the terrorist Abu Zubaida, captured in Thailand, was believed to have spent some time being interrogated in the former LOS. One of the interrogation techniques, as reported in U.S and Thai newspapers/media, was to surround him with naked women. That "torture house" was probably in Patpong or, more likely, in Pattaya. Lemme know what you might know or find out about this 'cause I might want to join the CIA for a while. I might even want to be seconded to that oxymoron, Thai Intelligence.

Do you know any militant extremist Islamists mass murders of innocent civilians? I was thinking you might have some nuggets from them about your torture houses here in Thailand - you know, stuff you personally could share with us.


Edited by Publicus
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