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Thailand's Prostitution Image Is Embarrassing


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No worse than any other country in the world take a look at Germany, Amsterdam or London to name but a few If there is a way to make a good living then I can understand some of these ladies / girls as they have parents and family to support I also read that a lot of young girls do it so that they can pay to go to University in there eyes it is a quick fix to better themselves

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"The question is, why has prostitution become so huge inThailand that it is now famous for it?"

Are you serious? You don't know? It may be illegal on paper, but in terms of reality it is not only legal but almost impossible to avoid. Laws mean nothing if they are not inforced. I can't even take my 6 year old daughter bowling without seeing 65 year old men groping and grabbing teenage hookers in their underwear. If a family wants to come to any of the cities in Thailand and not be exposed to prostitution, they'd better stay locked up inside their hotel.

"Thailand is a Buddhist country"

Thailand CLAIMS to be a buddhist country. I have studied buddhisim and very very very little, if any of the every day behavior in the populated areas of Thailand has anything to do with the teachings of buddhisim.

"He explained that the TV clip really damaged the image of Thailand"

I've said it before on here... It's always amazing how the actions and policies of the Thai's, especially the government, are never considered damaging to the image of Thailand.

Where else can you get laid for £40 quid, that's the reason!

Sometimes Politicians should learn to keep their mouths shut, he is making a fool of himself and Thailand by even writing such a letter to the US embassy. It shows a lack of maturity in Thai politics, they have to ask another country to save the Thai image! Yet Thais do more than enough to damage that image without the help of some TV sketch.

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I think Thailand's "minister of culture" is drawing more attention to the country's prositution. True, it is the "sex tourist" that helps to support this industry; however, what does WORSE damage to the MAJORITY of the tourists that visit Thailand are the dishonest touts who tell one that the palace is closed... the rude hot head Phuket tuk tuk drivers...the jet ski scams in Pattaya and Phuket, the un maintained sidewalks that causes one to be injured when walking, the dishonest taxi drivers that are still working, and the poor customer service one gets in a "normal" shop (not counting the hotels).

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No worse than any other country in the world take a look at Germany, Amsterdam or London to name but a few If there is a way to make a good living then I can understand some of these ladies / girls as they have parents and family to support I also read that a lot of young girls do it so that they can pay to go to University in there eyes it is a quick fix to better themselves

Also an easier way to get the money to buy drugs and booze!!

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As you write in the article, it is the money that lures most girls in. And they have babies at home. Why not finally make laws that acknowledge the responsibility the fathers of these children have in supporting them at least financially. That way more of the girls will have something to chose between.

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Prostitution is not embarrassing. It is a fact of life. Deal with it. Buck up, and be a man. What is embarrassing are tiny minded men like Mr. Sonthaya Khunpluem from Thailand’s Ministry of Culture. He is a 13 year old in a man's body, with the mindset of a quaker, from the 17th century. A false puritan. A man without any sense of self. He is simply attempting to but a tiny band aid, on what is essentially a severed artery. I am not saying Thailand is in need of repair. All I am saying is that what he is doing is the opposite of addressing, this, or any other problem. Yak, yak yak. All talk, and no action, which in reality is probably a good thing. LOL.

But that's exactly the point! Feign concern until people stop paying attention! Then go back to business as usual.

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Thailand has a serious case of misplaced priorities. A totally corrupt government system and police allowing or turning a blind eye to human trafficking. I'm sure most of you have read or heard the horror story about the burned slave girl. Her treatment was an example of heartless people who will likely get away with kidnapping and torture.

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Why are they embarrassed? They sell their own daughters and elect pimps who made fortunes off the back of their women.

I thought they were proud...I mean, how else do a lot of these girls get so much gold and new iPhones and their parents can sip whiskey all day and not work?

(Sarcastic joke, no need to point out there are more honest, hard working girls than prostitutes)

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A racist article blaming non Thais for the prostitution situation here in LOS. Yes people come here for sex but the majority of users are Thai men. Blame tourists for the mess that pattaya and Phuket for example have become. Blame them for nana, cowboy etc, but these are just new forms of a Thai prostitution scene that existed long before sex tourism kicked in.

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Thailand's Prostitution Image Is Embarrassing ? ? ?

I believe the Way in Which the State 'Has Sex' With The Thai Population is a Million Times More Embarrassing ! ! ! !

They are getting 'done' Left, Right & Center:

1. Corruption !

2. State-Finances: Mismanagement !

3. Graft !

4. Poor Educational Standards designed to keep the masses dumb !

5. Very poor enforcement of the Law !

If Thailand is a Democracy, I'd HATE to see a Totalitarian Nation !


Edited by metisdead
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A disgraceful job? Is it more disgraceful than a journalist making things up? A banker stealing from society or a bribe taking politician or policeman? More disgraceful than a soldier killing a protestor or a monk demanding money from the poor to get a better chance on a good next life? And above all is it more disgraceful to be a prostitute or a to be a customer who scoff at the girls but visits her and than return to his family as if nothing has happened?

There is not so much wrong with prostitutes in a matter of fact they are the backbone of Asian societies who keep their families going.

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This continuing loss of face starts with the governance of the country. Since Thai's accept corruption and deem it okay, the rest is simply subsidiary loss of face on the way down the food chain until it gets to the streets.

Tarnished as Thailand is and remains, until it gets it's collective act into gear, starting by real law enforcement, remove all the corrupt political components, remove the incentive for young kids having to earn a living on their backs (or knees) then the whole article and what it is trying to pervade (evade) is a ridiculous thing to even write about.

You can't tarnish a reputation that is already the laughing stock of the world!

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A racist article blaming non Thais for the prostitution situation here in LOS. Yes people come here for sex but the majority of users are Thai men. Blame tourists for the mess that pattaya and Phuket for example have become. Blame them for nana, cowboy etc, but these are just new forms of a Thai prostitution scene that existed long before sex tourism kicked in.

In a matter of fact, sex tourism is just the tip of the iceberg. Blame the pearls of society the men with the great jobs who visit an massage parlour weekly. I can be mistaken but I see an awful lot of Mercedes's and BMW"s in the parking lot of brothels even being washed by the boys.

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Amsterdam - Las Vegas - Bangkok, and hundreds other cities, what a biggie>

ah, the problem is that In Thailand prostitution is illegal so Thai authorities "do not see the problem". just react when so TV station or program is "damaging Thai image". Lol

if the Thais would actually follow their own law, perhaps situation would be a bit different.

On the other hand it pisses me off when my friends in US or Europe "accuse me" of living in Thailand just because i want to enjoy Thai women. And that's because of the image Thailand has abroad they think i;m just another sex tourist...

anyway, <deleted>

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You think that's embarrassing, you just wait until you figure out how the rest of the world considers your level of corruption! clap2.gifcheesy.gifcrazy.gif

Thais live to maintain face! Once lost they take it on everybody... Corruption is the root of thailands proble and it needs to clear it first in its own Government and law force.
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Thailand is 'famous' for it, because Thai are open about it and allow foreigners to participate. Other Asian countries have just as much if not more prostitution than Thailand. It is omnipresent in every Asian society. But in other countries foreigners aren't even permitted to enter most of these places, and foreigners seen with a local female can get very hostile reactions and the woman herself sometimes will be openly insulted by native males. Additionally Thailand is an attractive coubntry to visit in general, so many people will go here and see it occur, and not realize that in China, Korea, etc it is everywhere too. So no, it is not 'fair' the reputation Thailand receives, when they are simply the more open about it.

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Seems like most Thai women are prostitutes on some level. If anyone thinks Thai women expecting compensation for their sex or even their time is limited to the bars they know nothing about this country. You can walk into pretty much any 7/11 anywhere in Thailand and most of the women will go with a man for the right price. Prostitution is part of the culture in Thailand whether they are willing to accept it or not.

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