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Just Hit By The Music Scammers- But For Them It Was A Flop


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There has been some suggestions above about dealing with this through 'naming and shaming'. I am sure that if a few of the businesses 'at risk' got together and used media techniques: such as great posters and flyers, exposing these scammers then they will gradually realise that they are not wanted in this community.

Also: Where do they come from? Is it not beyond the wit of man to have these people followed back to base? Or how about 10 or so people following them around when they hit a neighbourhood. If they were in Loh Kroh for example, why not one person from each bar follow them down the street shouting protests "Scammers!" "Liars!" "Thieves!" etc. That would soon see them off.

Indeed anywhere else in the world where there are people continually acting against the interests of the community, community action is usually the way forward.

So you peeps who are affected: get together, have a meeting, set up a network, blow the whistle when these people arrive, and also do a joint appeal (letter via lawyer?) to the local police and tell them that this sort of scam is not wanted.

easier said than done, I know .... I know .... but do it!

Edited by ianf
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I see that you are in Chiang Mai, we are too and just had the same thing happen on Thursday the 21st. Maybe there is a way that we can exchange emails and talk about it more. I am sure you don't want to post the name of your shop online.

My wife has a new shop and only opened 5 days ago, they got about B12,500 from us and that was with our lawyer there! They wanted a lot more. I faded into the background as I do not have a work permit and was there helping. My wife said that she couldn't go to the station. Her sister went there in her stead. The trick is that they come late in the afternoon so if you choose to fight them in court it is too late to post bail so someone stay the night in jail.

I found out later from a friend that there is a citizens group that we can call and join that will at a moments notice show up at the police station maybe 30 people strong with a reporter or two. This tends to cool their fire because, although the local police are happy to let them set up camp at their station for a cut of the take, they dont want a lot of attention (most likely because higher ups will wonder why they didnt get anything) and tend to shut it down when a lot of people are involved. I will join this citizens group even if it means that I will have to show up for someone else. What a hoot, you have to admire the acting job of the guy in the red shirt. How he can act indignant that Sony isn't getting their share of the royalties on the CD being played in a little shop in CM.... that said. its sad that the amount they got was all the profit since opening. I didnt read the whole string so it may be answered but I wonder if they do this with Thai shops as well or is it just shops where a farang has been spotted?


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They are hitting Thais too I know of one tha owned Massage joint and also a nice lady that owns a very small bar she got hit with 40K from the bastards

Its amazing that you still had to pay with your Lawyer there I SUGGEST YOU GET A NEW LAWYER that have NO LEGAL RIGHT and he should of known that but sadly he was probably intimidated also.

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My wife has a new shop and only opened 5 days ago, they got about B12,500 from us and that was with our lawyer there!

As posted above, I also highly suggest finding a new lawyer. Anyone worth their salt would know this is a scam. Not saying this is the case but it wouldn't surprise me if the lawyer got a piece of the pie.

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Just had some interesting information from a friend. He said that one of his friends who runs a small jewelry and clothing manufacturing and sales outlet got hit for 50,000 Baht. The strange thing was they don't even have a radio or TV in the place and they don't play any music. The charge was for music that was on their computer , so it was said.

Anyone know of anything like this???? Cripes I don't play music or have a public radio or Tv,but sometimes I sing in the shower..... do you think that would be a problem.

Is this this legal or not ??? With all the publicity this thing has generated, you would think if it was totally a scam some police body would have cracked down by now. You know , that you try and do your best to be aware of all licenses and permits needed and then somebody comes up with something like this and its hits you out of the blue.

Edited by Gonzo the Face
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It's essentially 6 guys demanding money with menaces, police paid to look the other way.

If you can get 7 guys to back you up, then you don't have to pay and they go away.

Licences and permits are irrelevant.

dont need 7 guys, ....just one short word in English "NO" ; ......"ork pai" is another good one though...worked for us.

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Just had some interesting information from a friend. He said that one of his friends who runs a small jewelry and clothing manufacturing and sales outlet got hit for 50,000 Baht. The strange thing was they don't even have a radio or TV in the place and they don't play any music. The charge was for music that was on their computer , so it was said.

Anyone know of anything like this???? Cripes I don't play music or have a public radio or Tv,but sometimes I sing in the shower..... do you think that would be a problem.

Is this this legal or not ??? With all the publicity this thing has generated, you would think if it was totally a scam some police body would have cracked down by now. You know , that you try and do your best to be aware of all licenses and permits needed and then somebody comes up with something like this and its hits you out of the blue.

Excuse me, but what gives them the right to enter private property and look at your computer without a search warrant?? There could be valuable proprietary information on that computer!

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Just had some interesting information from a friend. He said that one of his friends who runs a small jewelry and clothing manufacturing and sales outlet got hit for 50,000 Baht. The strange thing was they don't even have a radio or TV in the place and they don't play any music. The charge was for music that was on their computer , so it was said.

Anyone know of anything like this???? Cripes I don't play music or have a public radio or Tv,but sometimes I sing in the shower..... do you think that would be a problem.

Is this this legal or not ??? With all the publicity this thing has generated, you would think if it was totally a scam some police body would have cracked down by now. You know , that you try and do your best to be aware of all licenses and permits needed and then somebody comes up with something like this and its hits you out of the blue.

Excuse me, but what gives them the right to enter private property and look at your computer without a search warrant?? There could be valuable proprietary information on that computer!

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Just had some interesting information from a friend. He said that one of his friends who runs a small jewelry and clothing manufacturing and sales outlet got hit for 50,000 Baht. The strange thing was they don't even have a radio or TV in the place and they don't play any music. The charge was for music that was on their computer , so it was said.

Anyone know of anything like this???? Cripes I don't play music or have a public radio or Tv,but sometimes I sing in the shower..... do you think that would be a problem.

Is this this legal or not ??? With all the publicity this thing has generated, you would think if it was totally a scam some police body would have cracked down by now. You know , that you try and do your best to be aware of all licenses and permits needed and then somebody comes up with something like this and its hits you out of the blue.

Excuse me, but what gives them the right to enter private property and look at your computer without a search warrant?? There could be valuable proprietary information on that computer!


Unfortunately, most folk, including the locals, don't know their rights.

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Sony Thailand Customer Service:


The right person should be able to eventually get the phone number to a person who knows whether these guys are connected to Sony at all. If it can be confirmed that they are not, it is possible that one could push the angle that they are hurting Sony's name by intimidating small business owners, and Sony might be inclined to try to take action against them. That would escalate things up to a level that trumps local police stations.

Also, the next people who get hit, try to get the following information:

- The official name of their organization?

- What ministry regulates their operations?

- What is their phone number and address?

- The name of their commanding officer?

- Vehicle license number(s)?

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You asked.....

My Girl called the music company today to get a license, yes the mob showed up tonight at 11pm.

My pub is down the river end of Loi Kroh. Managed to get the whole group photographed.

I refused to let them touch the 2 PC's which became a mexcan standoff.

No swearing or shouting, I jus asked to see their warrant papers ...no have of course.

Anyway, they were nice enough to drive My lady and our manager to the police station and back and she now has

a 7 thousand Bhat license for a year.

Same people..

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What if you refuse to go with them? Stalling is the best practice. If it takes them too long they will lose a lot more prospects.

Yep, avoid getting punchy; just be as awkward and slow as possible.

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attachicon.gif1 music rep.jpg

attachicon.gif2 Music man.jpg

attachicon.gif4 music man main player.jpg

You asked.....

My Girl called the music company today to get a license, yes the mob showed up tonight at 11pm.

My pub is down the river end of Loi Kroh. Managed to get the whole group photographed.

I refused to let them touch the 2 PC's which became a mexcan standoff.

No swearing or shouting, I jus asked to see their warrant papers ...no have of course.

Anyway, they were nice enough to drive My lady and our manager to the police station and back and she now has

a 7 thousand Bhat license for a year.

Same people..

what exactly did you buy for 7k baht, others bought for 12k baht and 20k baht, The reason we refused them in the first instance was they had photocopied pile of papers, representing no one. so exactly how do the local police become jursidiction on music and publicity rights/royalties. They simply are not licenced to offer a licence!

so you bought a piece of bog paper for 7k.............tescos is cheaper.

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I would never recommend getting in a car with them since a friend who owns a bar who's wife is an absolute sweetheart got in the car to go to the Police station and had to fight off being sexually abused all the way until being very clear that she was not going to put up with that, it does not change the fact that they already had already touched her inappropiately.

If you do have to go for whatever reason make sure its never alone always make sure several people go but like someone said what if you refuse.


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I would never recommend getting in a car with them since a friend who owns a bar who's wife is an absolute sweetheart got in the car to go to the Police station and had to fight off being sexually abused all the way until being very clear that she was not going to put up with that, it does not change the fact that they already had already touched her inappropiately.

If you do have to go for whatever reason make sure its never alone always make sure several people go but like someone said what if you refuse.


...yes,it would be my question as well... "what if you refuse?"...are they going to call police? giggle.gif

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Apology, My Mrs never rang the music co yesterday at all, she was going to she said later.

This company is called Inter music copyright co, Ltd. The License used to be 5 grand, now 7.

There's even contact numbers on it written in pen 0815958895 and 0876571597, hmmm, genuine?

yes, a useless piece of paper but at least is shows we have paid up and are "official "

I looked at the website for one of the other music co's last week, I would have been up for 20 thousand as we have lots of seating.

The girls returned from the cop shop in 40 minutes, undamaged. (my lady and the manager).

I did as advised on this forum ... not letting them touch the PC and demanding a warrant.

I even told the main player I have seen his face on the internet, haa haa.

The Mexican standoff seemed to take an hour...my Mrs even told me to go to bed as I was almost nose-to-nose with a plain-clothes policeman

... she would have been in the poo if I did that.

Not much sleep last night. They will never be back, sure...plenty of easier targets.

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...or just whack the first guy in the face with a pool cue.

The problem with that is, they can ALL jump you and beat you literally half to death and nothing comes of it. However, if you harm one of their fingers you will have to cash all of them out AND they will all jump you and beat you half to death anyway.

Four options here:

a) Pay them and continue to pay them.

B) Try to outsmart them, which you can if you put in the effort and are not easily intimidated.

c) Hire off-duty military to guard your business or have several of you group together to have them patrol the business area and protect a handful of you. They outrank the police and will put an end to this.

d) Agree to go to Puping station and shoot them dead along the way.

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...or just whack the first guy in the face with a pool cue.

Yeh ... right. You will be banged up in jail, after you get released from the hospital.

thats if you survive the beating

The amount of money getting handed over collectively could have paid to have these low level thugs disappear permanently a few times over.

Especially the guy who got hit 5 times- if that's going to happen year after year I'd be thinking its cheaper to be done with it than keep on shelling out like that.

I dont think the karmic ramifications would be too serious and police investigating motive wiise they have pissed off half the city.

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I had all music papers western and thai only to be told they were all bogus by the scammers and the local police i now have 2 sets hanging up so maybe ok unless theres a 3rd i wasnt there this time otherwise i would not have paid

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