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Joy,s Pharmacy , High Price Increases

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For quite some time i have purchased Alprazolam 1.0mg, always from Joy's Pharmacy

December 2012 (140bt for 10)

January 2013 (200bt for 10)

February 2013 (250bt for 10)

Can they be bought elsewhere and for how much, an almost 80% rise in 3 months feels like a rip off

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I have same problem, since Tesco's pharmacy (Health up) was replaced by Morya, I have no fair place to go.

Some talk about the Gai pharmacy in Maenam.

So unfortunately now when I have to buy an expensive med I have to negociate, compare, ...

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Alprazolam aka Xanax has recently been banned by Thai government. Everyone is panic-buying to try and stock up for when the ban comes into effect on June 17. That's why you are paying inflated prices, to reflect the increasing difficulty of getting it.


The price has gone up in every pharmacy, not just the one you use. Price has increased from 170baht to 280 baht in my local pharmacy.

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I used to pay around 140 baht for them about 18 months ago. Last time I purchased was at Christmas time and I paid 200 baht.............although the "Aussie Pharmacy" in Chaweng on the road from the roundabout to the back road, by the turning to the airport tried to charge me 300 "because his rent is more expensive than most pharmacies that sell for 200".

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One thing that happened perhaps about a year ago, the pharmacies were stopped from selling the "fake stuff" ... so the price people were used to are no longer, as only genuine stuff can be sold... (well at least that what I was told)

Gai's pharmacy Maenam, won't sell Xanax unless she knows you well.... (regular customer)... she's strict on a few things like that... I think her price is / was.... 20 baht each, I've not brought any for a while. .

Perhaps check with the Moyra Wholesale in Maenam... They have a discount card too.

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Just out of interest,are you providing a prescription for these drugs? I would assume not. If not then the price seems fair as it is in essence not legal to sell this to you.

Only state hospitals can provides this,in health related cases only and under strict supervision.

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Just out of interest,are you providing a prescription for these drugs? I would assume not. If not then the price seems fair as it is in essence not legal to sell this to you.

Only state hospitals can provides this,in health related cases only and under strict supervision.

Not only state hospitals - local doctors with private clinics as well.

I was told to go to the doctor's clinic opposite macro when I asked my local pharmacist for a drug that was 'prescription' only.

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The rules state hospitals and medical schools, my Pharmasist can legally sell due to his licence now, but he says when his stock is gone that's it. Seems strange to single out state hospitals which presumably rules out private hospitals.

"Under the decrees, drug stores will be prohibited from selling the drug and required to return all stockpiles to dealers or manufacturers.

Only state hospitals and medical schools are exempt.

Other medical units and private clinics must seek approval before they can possess the drug."

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