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Buying A Motorbike Without Driving Licence - Problem/s?


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I want to buy a motorbike, well scooter, Honda PCX 150 (red!), but I don't have a licence yet. Is that a problem in terms of paperwork when buying it?

I wouldn't drive it out of the shop because I would probably crash - I would get it delivered to my apartment, or get a friend with a licence to drive it for me. Then I can learn to ride in the quiet backstreets here, and then take the test.

What's the test like? Any written part, or just someone watching you ride around a bit? smile.png

Finally, just wondering, what do all the tourists do when they rent a bike for a week or so. Surely some / most don't have licences, or do they?

Very finally, where's good place to buy one in CM? Niyom Panit do them I think ....



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Yes their is a test you undertake for understanding the road rules. Don't know about CM, but in Pattaya it's a computer based Q&A, need to get 23 out of 30 questions to pass. If you fail first time can retake same day. Actual driving test is a farce, so easy to pass.

Do not omit to obtain accident & medical insurance coverage.

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Yes their is a test you undertake for understanding the road rules. Don't know about CM, but in Pattaya it's a computer based Q&A, need to get 23 out of 30 questions to pass. If you fail first time can retake same day. Actual driving test is a farce, so easy to pass.

Do not omit to obtain accident & medical insurance coverage.

Can you send me the questions? biggrin.png

They are in English presumably? I doubt the pass rate would be very high if they were in Thai 555

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Yes their is a test you undertake for understanding the road rules. Don't know about CM, but in Pattaya it's a computer based Q&A, need to get 23 out of 30 questions to pass. If you fail first time can retake same day. Actual driving test is a farce, so easy to pass.

Do not omit to obtain accident & medical insurance coverage.

Can you send me the questions? biggrin.png

They are in English presumably? I doubt the pass rate would be very high if they were in Thai 555

If you passed the questionnaire in your home country should easily pass here, first test, no preparation, I achieved 22 correct answers, second test 30 minutes later, after a quick review, 29 out of 30 correct. In Pattaya questions in English for foreigners, imagine same in CM, but someone will confirm soon. Got caught out by a question if military tanks can drive on civilian roads, stupid me said no.

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Some questions on the computer test are vary ambiguous. Could possibly think that at least two of the 4 answers would be correct.

One I got wrong was when should you not drive. (a) after having a drink - I presumed alcohol (cool.png If you think you are going to have a heart attack. Can't remember other two answers. Anyway I put (a) but the correct answer was (cool.png!!! Now I think about going for a medical check each time I feel like going for a ride. Another one was when are you not allowed to overtake. (a) on a zebra crossing, (cool.png when passing a school entrance © where there is a bridge (d) can't remember. All could have been correct but the one they want is when there is a bridge. If you can think like a Thai then you should pass - think logically then you could fail.

Fail the computer test and you can retake after about an hour. Fail again and can come back the next day to try again. You are also allowed to have three goes on passing the practical but on three differnt dates.

Yes the practical is easy with the exception of the raised concrete strip about 20 metres long and 3 inches wide. I failed the first time as I could not understand the Thai instructions given before the practical which apparently were to 'not to go slow but to keep up a reasonable speed on the raised concrete slip'. Come off the concrete slip or put your foot down then it is a fail. Some places don't have this raised slip.

Yes you are right most tourists who rent motorbikes here do not hold a valid licence. But the rental shops don't care, it's the money they want.

Purchase a decent helmut if not given one free when you purchase the bike, then wear it. You might not be the cause of an accident, but the victim, The majority of motorbike divers here have no road sense or care about other traffic. Don't be another name added to the statistics of those killed while riding a motorbike and not wearing head protection. Not saying a helmut would save your life but you have a better chance of surviving an accident if you do. While on my preachers pedastal- don't drink and drive.

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Can buy in Nut motor along huaykeaw road after passing the junction of nimman/superhighway on the left side, friendly staff and maybe can ask their help to ride it back with you together......not forgetting to tip that "driver" for his trip back to shop.

If need to get a top case box for your red PCX to match with, go to Coocase Boutique showroom just beside nut motor....Just got my new Scoopy with Coocase thumbsup.gif

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Can buy in Nut motor along huaykeaw road after passing the junction of nimman/superhighway on the left side, friendly staff and maybe can ask their help to ride it back with you together......not forgetting to tip that "driver" for his trip back to shop.

If need to get a top case box for your red PCX to match with, go to Coocase Boutique showroom just beside nut motor....Just got my new Scoopy with Coocase thumbsup.gif

I'll check it out, and yes, I would like the top case box as well, so will check out the other place. Need to compare prices as well. I think from seeing an advert outside Niyom Panit, they throw in 7,000B of 'free stuff' but I can't remember what that is. A helmet was one thing, but definitely not a 7,000B helmet so must be other stuff as well. I'll check it all out today.

Thanks everyone!!

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Yes their is a test you undertake for understanding the road rules. Don't know about CM, but in Pattaya it's a computer based Q&A, need to get 23 out of 30 questions to pass. If you fail first time can retake same day. Actual driving test is a farce, so easy to pass.

Do not omit to obtain accident & medical insurance coverage.

Can you send me the questions? biggrin.png

They are in English presumably? I doubt the pass rate would be very high if they were in Thai 555

In Pattaya questions in English for foreigners, imagine same in CM, but someone will confirm soon. Got caught out by a question if military tanks can drive on civilian roads, stupid me said no.

Yes they are in English. And I failed on the same 'tank' question, thought the military could do anything. biggrin.png

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What a bizarre question - "can military tanks drive on civilian roads"? In what circumstance would knowing the answer help you? You gonna call the police and report one?

I've seen several driving around Nontaburi during coup times.

Still confused though. Is the answer yes or no? :)

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Some questions on the computer test are vary ambiguous. Could possibly think that at least two of the 4 answers would be correct.

One I got wrong was when should you not drive. (a) after having a drink - I presumed alcohol (cool.png If you think you are going to have a heart attack. Can't remember other two answers. Anyway I put (a) but the correct answer was (cool.png!!! Now I think about going for a medical check each time I feel like going for a ride. Another one was when are you not allowed to overtake. (a) on a zebra crossing, (cool.png when passing a school entrance © where there is a bridge (d) can't remember. All could have been correct but the one they want is when there is a bridge. If you can think like a Thai then you should pass - think logically then you could fail.

Fail the computer test and you can retake after about an hour. Fail again and can come back the next day to try again. You are also allowed to have three goes on passing the practical but on three differnt dates.

Yes the practical is easy with the exception of the raised concrete strip about 20 metres long and 3 inches wide. I failed the first time as I could not understand the Thai instructions given before the practical which apparently were to 'not to go slow but to keep up a reasonable speed on the raised concrete slip'. Come off the concrete slip or put your foot down then it is a fail. Some places don't have this raised slip.

Yes you are right most tourists who rent motorbikes here do not hold a valid licence. But the rental shops don't care, it's the money they want.

Purchase a decent helmut if not given one free when you purchase the bike, then wear it. You might not be the cause of an accident, but the victim, The majority of motorbike divers here have no road sense or care about other traffic. Don't be another name added to the statistics of those killed while riding a motorbike and not wearing head protection. Not saying a helmut would save your life but you have a better chance of surviving an accident if you do. While on my preachers pedastal- don't drink and drive.

A friend of mine could not do s part of her practical but it didn't matter the tester was not watching.

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What a bizarre question - "can military tanks drive on civilian roads"? In what circumstance would knowing the answer help you? You gonna call the police and report one?

I've seen several driving around Nontaburi during coup times.

Still confused though. Is the answer yes or no? smile.png

Well after reading this thread I am a little confused on it also. If it is illegal how much tea money would be involved?whistling.gif

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What a bizarre question - "can military tanks drive on civilian roads"? In what circumstance would knowing the answer help you? You gonna call the police and report one?

I've seen several driving around Nontaburi during coup times.

Still confused though. Is the answer yes or no? smile.png

from memory it's part of a multi choice question on what's illegal to drive on the roads - from memory it's a car without a windscreen - but don't stress as you only need to pass 23 out of 30 questions

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Guess Thailand is a easier place whereby law enforcement not too strong and pete66 can learn at some quiet street as he mention till he's ready for the test....good luck and be safe always.

BWPattaya is right about going to immigration to get a letter for 500 baht (most motorcycle shop will advice him and can ask for sample and procedure to get that letter) to confirm current residential address and purpose of this letter (buy a motorcycle).

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to answer the original question.

Does one need a Thai drivers license to purchase a motorbike?

No not at all.

One needs a letter from immigration showing some form of residence. Fee is a few hundred baht.

In my case I took a copy of my condo lease and it was in english as my landlord is German

Then take that residency letter to the motor vehicle dept. Often times the dealer who sold you the bike will take it for you. The one wrinkle is that tourist visa is not enough to register the bike. They are looking for a Non Imm type visa such as education etc. They did check my current visa.

Next one can obtain insurance coverage without a Thai Drivers license

Where it becomes an issue is if the Thai police give you a ticket for not having a license or the insurance company refusing to cover an incident for lack of drivers license.

Best to get a license but not necessary when buying, licensing and insuring a bike.

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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Some questions on the computer test are vary ambiguous. Could possibly think that at least two of the 4 answers would be correct.

One I got wrong was when should you not drive. (a) after having a drink - I presumed alcohol (cool.png If you think you are going to have a heart attack. Can't remember other two answers. Anyway I put (a) but the correct answer was (cool.png!!! Now I think about going for a medical check each time I feel like going for a ride. Another one was when are you not allowed to overtake. (a) on a zebra crossing, (cool.png when passing a school entrance © where there is a bridge (d) can't remember. All could have been correct but the one they want is when there is a bridge. If you can think like a Thai then you should pass - think logically then you could fail.

Fail the computer test and you can retake after about an hour. Fail again and can come back the next day to try again. You are also allowed to have three goes on passing the practical but on three differnt dates.

Yes the practical is easy with the exception of the raised concrete strip about 20 metres long and 3 inches wide. I failed the first time as I could not understand the Thai instructions given before the practical which apparently were to 'not to go slow but to keep up a reasonable speed on the raised concrete slip'. Come off the concrete slip or put your foot down then it is a fail. Some places don't have this raised slip.

Yes you are right most tourists who rent motorbikes here do not hold a valid licence. But the rental shops don't care, it's the money they want.

Purchase a decent helmut if not given one free when you purchase the bike, then wear it. You might not be the cause of an accident, but the victim, The majority of motorbike divers here have no road sense or care about other traffic. Don't be another name added to the statistics of those killed while riding a motorbike and not wearing head protection. Not saying a helmut would save your life but you have a better chance of surviving an accident if you do. While on my preachers pedastal- don't drink and drive.

A friend of mine could not do s part of her practical

How is this possible? blink.png

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"The one wrinkle is that tourist visa is not enough to register the bike. They are looking for a Non Imm type visa such as education etc. They did check my current visa"

Incorrect, I bought a bike from a Honda dealer a few months ago on a tourist visa. I have the green book and the bike is registered.

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To the OP:

Firstly, those who have little or no experience of driving motorbikes on Thailand’s roads and then suddenly take to the highways, have a very short lifespan. So please gain yourself plenty of experience and confidence before setting out on any suicide rides. Trust me, they`re all out to get you..

The driving test:

This involves several stages.

1. You will view a video in English of the correct ways to drive in Thailand. If you can control your fits of laughter while watching the video, you must note the highlights and after you will be given a question sheet on the main points in the video. You only need to tick one of three possible answers to each question. A, B and C.
2. You will have to undertake 3 eyesight tests. 1 to check if you are colour blind or not, the next is a machine with flashing coloured lights and will be asked the colours of the lights as they flash, then they place you about a mile away from a large metal box. Inside the box are 2 erect sliding rods. They move and you must stop them when you consider them level to each other. This is the part most fail on.
3. Third and final part, you take the bike around a circuit. Have to drive over a thin wedge and go through and around cones. Lasts for about 2 minutes. But take someone that speaks Thai with you, because they instruct you what to do and what is expected in Thai only.

If you pass, they process your license, pay the fee and that’s it. First license is for one year only, after that, they give you a 5-year license. But each time you require a new updated driving license you still need to take most of the tests again, excluding driving around the circuit part.

When you purchase your motorbike, go to Immigration and ask for a residency certificate, otherwise the dealer will not be able to register the bike in your name. The dealer will require 2, one for you and one for the dealers records, they do not accept copies. You will need a special form, Application Form For Residence Certificate In Thailand. Can be obtained online. No need to queue as the 500 baht fee goes straight into they’re pockets towards the poor sweet little orphans fund (if you can believe that?) and do not expect or ask for a receipt.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Thai drivers licence in Chiangmai takes all daybto do, classroom from 9am till 1400, then your test, and if you pass you go do the driving immediately. - while the examiner stands at a safe distance, obviously from experience or fellow late examiners not surviving the track.....lol


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