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How Should The Govt Tackle Problems In The South?


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Some provinces in South Thailand have a muslim majority, and Thai rule has often gone through periods like the current unrest. What should the Government do to implement a permanent solution for the region? As I see it, they have a number of options.

1. Cede the territory. Let the muslims decide whether they want independence or a union with Malaysia.

2. Crack down extremely hard on anyone suspected of sympathising with the various independence movements.

3. Encourage more buddhists to migrate there, so people more in tune with mainstream Thai aspirations will be able vote down any changes to the status quo.

4. Expel any muslim who refuses to swear an oath of allegiance to Thailand.

5. Begin a "hearts and minds" campaign. Negotiate with moderate muslims and try to isolate the more radical elements. Make a few concessions, such as language and promoting more local people in provincial government and the police etc.

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#5 is the only one that I think won't lead to chaos. Fostering a sense in the south that they are important to the mosaic of the nation to instill more of a feeling that Thailand is their country, not their occupier.

In Canada having a second official language has worked fine, and to be honest most people who complain about it are really not affected by it in any way. If Yawi speakers were to have access to Government services at the national level, and could see their MPs on TV speaking yawi to parliment (cost: 1 or two translators, and some earphones) they would certainly have to feel that they were at home.


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Build a bloody great wall between Thailand and Malaysia; declare martial law and send out mysterious men in black to lynch arrestees released after questioning; build an atmosphere of mistrust and fear amongst the local law abiding popn; close down the schools; put in military leaders with zero local links and sensitivity to the south's problems; keep the rest of the nation ignorant of the seriousness of the situation; blame it all on "foreigners" etc.,. These are the first things i'd do, but luckily we have a wise leader in place who'd never contemplate such idiotic measures.

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1. Cede the territory. Let the muslims decide whether they want independence or a union with Malaysia.

2. Crack down extremely hard on anyone suspected of sympathising with the various independence movements.

3. Encourage more buddhists to migrate there, so people more in tune with mainstream Thai aspirations will be able vote down any changes to the status quo.

4. Expel any muslim who refuses to swear an oath of allegiance to Thailand.

5. Begin a "hearts and minds" campaign. Negotiate with moderate muslims and try to isolate the more radical elements. Make a few concessions, such as language and promoting more local people in provincial government and the police etc.

1- Not a chance

2- MY choice

3- That would take centuries

4-Taking an oath is as easy as taking a p-i-s-s when you're ready to strap explosive devices to your body or kill anyone on command.

5- Been tried elsewhere, seen any good final results?

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Build a bloody great wall between Thailand and Malaysia; declare martial law and send out mysterious men in black to lynch arrestees released after questioning; build an atmosphere of mistrust and fear amongst the local law abiding popn; close down the schools; put in military leaders with zero local links and sensitivity to the south's problems; keep the rest of the nation ignorant of the seriousness of the situation; blame it all on "foreigners" etc.,.

Will you please stop emailing stuff like this to the PM? He's taking it way to seriously. :o


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About ten years ago, the Malaysians decided to build a wall along their border with Thailand and the Thais went ballistic. One of their arguments against the wall (which was actually built in some places) was that there are a number of territorial disputes between the two neighbours, so a wall couldn't be built on disputed territory.

Thais also complained that the barrier was an insult to them.

Times have changed.

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In general, more autonomy at the province level would be good. Having a locally elected governor in each province who would ostensbly be sympathetic to local needs would also be a good start. These suggestions apply countrywide, not merely in Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat.

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I have to agree with another member on this one. Up2U says that Thailand should build a dual purpose wall in the form of a canal, like the Suez or Panamanian. This would be great for trade and the other nations around Thailand. Just think of the benefits for Thailand and even Cambodia and the relationship between them. Thailand should stop to think which country would be a better ally to have--a Buddhist ally or a muslim one. Think of the revenue!! Toxin would love that.

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