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Dust Alert In All Eight Of Thailand's Northern Provinces


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Dust alert in all eight of Thailand's northern provinces
By Digital Media


BANGKOK, Mar 23 – The haze and dust situation in Thailand’s eight northern provinces may worsen, while Mae Hong Son residents were instructed to stay indoor and wear protective masks when going outdoor.

Nopporn Cheanklin, deputy director general of the Disease Control Department, said the level of small dust particles and haze in Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Phayao, Mae Hong Son, Lamphun, Lampang, Phrae and Nan may escalate but the situation should improve soon, as slash and burn for farming will be reduced in April.

The dust particle level in Mae Hong Son was measured at 428 microgrammes/cubic metre, Phrae was 236 microgrammes/cubic metre, and Chiang Mai was 200 microgrammes/cubic metre. The standard maximum safe level is 120 microgrammes/cubic metre.

Dr Nopporn said excessive dust particles will affect people suffering from respiratory problems or physical weakness as it lowers the volume of oxygen in the body and leads to eye, throat, respiratory, heart and circulatory problems.

He told people in the northern provinces to wear masks and spray water on rooftop to flush away dust.

Hospitals in the eight provinces of the North have treated 1,371 patients with eye infections, 16,977 patients with heart ailments and 22,644 patients with respiratory disease. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-03-23

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Dust what clown came up with that???? It is very serious smoke her in mae hong son it is difficult to breath outside. It burns the back of your throat.

The government should take a grip and jail the crazy bastards who are burning.

Yesterday my wife spoke to karen men who were burning asking them why. because we can was the answer. words fail me

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Perhaps it would help if those idle lazy buggers in the national embassy's would issue travel alerts to their nationals concerning the hazards to their health. Yet we all sit by and let it happen year after year. Take years of your life, visit Thailand.

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Cue Star Trek Music... Picard is tied to a chair, being subjected to psychological torture... "Do you see the dust Captain?"... "How much dust is there?"


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I'll coment whilst realising that nothing will change. The aticle states that the smog will start to clear in April when " slash and burn " stops. Slash and burn is " illegal " but the authorites can't or don't want to control or stop it. Yesterday there was a large area of land set on fire right on the edge of Mae Sariang town centre. Everyone was complaining, smoke was everywhere. What happened, nothing.

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Mid afternoon and I am watching billows of smoke coming up right off HWY 107 in Mae Taeng. No one can miss it but it's just business as usual so no worries.

Why don't the BIB set up mountainside checks for anyone with matches or a lighter, and fine them 300 bht.

But hand out 500 bht to anyone with a hose pipe.

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I think there has been a lot of action, verbal as usual and not intending any actual action of course. This thread will be running in 10 years time just like now, with the usual government comments of impending action that will never eventuate. Now if there was a dollar to be made...

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Down here in western Bangkok, we get floods every now and then. A year and a half ago we got the big one. Up north, you get the burn every year. I don't know which is worse. But I think I'd rather take my chances with the flood. Thailand, where we're either drowning or choking. That is, when the skeeters aren't biting us to death. Nonetheless, I do love it, here. Beats West Nile and the drug cartels and banksters back home.

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It is quite embarrasing that the heartland of PTP with their supposed power, cannot convince anyone that burning everything has a detrimental effect in general to EVERYONE>

you think so?

I know one of the politcal families a bit who is very connected to Chiangmai red politics. They have been part of a working group trying to come up with a way to solve this for 10 years, and whatever they come up with, the farmers and the villages simply will not stop burning stuff. The current structure of elected pooyai bans completely prevents any action.

The only eventuality, is that the solution has to be taken out of the local political structure, and a national control has to happen. By then I will be long gone, because that will never work in Thailand.

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Hello everyone :)
I've been following this forum for a month now and this is my first post.

I am planning to be a teacher in Chiang Mai for a year, but after reading this thread I am having some second thoughts...

Guys, please tell me this ridiculous burning and smog is happening only in March and the rest of the year is all nice and fresh? If it's not...

And I am guessing that the farmers are burning the forests so they can grow crop or are there any other reasons?

Kop khun for the info! :)

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As slash and burn is 'supposed' to be illegal, fine the perp's a set amount (obviously less the BiB cut) per rai burnt and maybe offer a reward for not burning.

Police and government inaction needs to be addressed seriously, in lots of other cases too.

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