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Using Your Own Dsl Router With True ?


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I am an experienced end user/administrator. currently running consumer networking products on my home networks. I have configured multiple secure LAN and WiFi systems (MS & Linux) using hardware from multiple vendors in the USA.

I am now interested in setting up a shared wireless network in my home in Bangkok. Ultimately to allow for the whole residence to be able to be covered by the shared WiFi signal, allowing multiple MSWin and Linux systems to share the current TRUE connection. At present if I want to share the internet connection I need to physically move the TRUE modem and connect it to the MS Win32 computer (no sharing).

I have TRUE as my Bangkok ISP (I know... but it was not my choice) with a ADSL modem that connects to my Win32 computer via a USB connection. To access the network this computer must run a windows client application that accesses the modem via the USB cable and negotiates the connection using a provided username and password pair. This client application then remains open and running in the background throughout the length of the internet activity.

Of course this precludes easy connection sharing by any sort of standard WiFi Router and also prevents any sort of simple setup for a Linux computer to share the connection (as it can not run this MS Windows client application to establish the connection).

What I would like to do is purchase and install a device such as a D-Link DSL-G604T and/or DSL-504T that would replace the TRUE ADSL modem and allow for connection sharing.

Would you please advise if a D-Link DSL-G604T and/or DSL-504T interface with the TRUE ADSL system operating in Bangkok, allowing me to setup a WiFi in BKK? If so I plan to purchase these devices here in the USA and install them in the next month. What, if any configurations are needed to operate with Thailand's TRUE system?

If there are other, better, DSL modem options I would appreciate hearing of these as well.

Thanks for your help.

- Ahnan

[email protected]

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I use a SMC 7904 WBRA with my true account . ( ADSL modem / 4 port router / WiFi access point /firewall )

I just configured the built in PPPoE client with the true settings and it was all good.

if you intend to share with a few people you might need to think about throttling/shaping as you do not want bittorrent traffic to swamp your connection.

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I have the D-Link DSL-G604T setup on a TRUE ADSL connection here in Bangkok - works very well.

Setup was simple - I would advise upgrading your firmware for better performance but it is not a must.

Thanks very much for the speedy feedback.

Any advise what to do with the TRUE USB connected modem? It is too light to make a decent bookend.

Thanks again!

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All this talk about Internet sharing, wireless networking, and 4-port routers on a True home package is laughable. Don't you realize it's not allowed as per the contract you agree to? That's the reason they only give you a totally useless USB modem.

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All this talk about Internet sharing, wireless networking, and 4-port routers on a True home package is laughable. Don't you realize it's not allowed as per the contract you agree to? That's the reason they only give you a totally useless USB modem.

that would be the contract you signed up for 256/512/1024 download speed ? ... :o

you could share the usb modem also if you desired , very easy to set up a proxy server on the box with the modem.

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All this talk about Internet sharing, wireless networking, and 4-port routers on a True home package is laughable. Don't you realize it's not allowed as per the contract you agree to? That's the reason they only give you a totally useless USB modem.

Oh my god, i'm really shocked. So you mean, it's forbiden ?


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Most routers with ADSL modems sold at the IT centers are compatible with True. If it doesn't work at first, then download the latest firmware (that helped for me).

Yes, the contract says that you can't use the line for more than 1 computer (home connection). However, if you do, it's not likely that they'll know and come knocking at your door with a warrant.

On another note, I've been doing some research on True. I checked my friend's True "SME" 1mbit connection, and the speed tests to Speakeasy resulted in around 300-500k during the day, which is actually tolerable (considering that 2mbit "home" connections get around 10-100kbit). The price is actually not that bad, too... 2,300/month. But (of course there's a "but" with True) you *have* to have a company, and the phone line has to be in the company's name. So, for people at home, you *can't* get a decent ADSL line from True, period (I asked them, they said "home" packages are the only type allowed for lines owned by individuals).

While phoning True, I was complaining about the horrid (godawful) state of their "home" packages, and the lady said "we only guarantee 60% speed on home packages"... ha!!!!!!!!! Not likely, when you're lucky to get 10%... I told her as much, and she of course couldn't retort, since she probably gets a lot of complaints like this (and yet quotes meaningless drivel like "60%"). At least another lady *did* say that the SME LAN package used a different line, and therefore had better throughput. However, the cheaper SME single computer package used the exact same line as the home package... so no difference.

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