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What Women Want!


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I've got to ask..... just to prove my earlier point really!!

So.. has what you want from a man changed since participating on this thread?... has anything we men have said " brought you to your senses" :o

Or are you going to be even more rigorous in sticking to what you want ??? Maybe we even made you add a few things to what you want list!! :D

Or maybe you just know what you certainly don't want... :D

Ciao bella bambinas!!

(cheesy grin) :D

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I've got to ask..... just to prove my earlier point really!!

So.. has what you want from a man changed since participating on this thread?... has anything we men have said " brought you to your senses" :D

Or are you going to be even more rigorous in sticking to what you want ??? Maybe we even made you add a few things to what you want list!! :D

Or maybe you just know what you certainly don't want... :D

Ciao bella bambinas!!

(cheesy grin) :D

Well, I for one - didn't want.......... someone who was not gonna be there for me. I guess that is why I told the 'love of my life" latino to go 'jump in the lake'...... :D ; could not take the American seriously (and thank goodness for that!) :D and the Algerian?... wellll yet to be seenish but...if only I could trust men more - however..... distance, again!

Crazy tho......... ever since I told latino to go away - once and for all- he WILL NOT! He refuses too! He will be back in my "part of the world" (as he puts it) - in 6 mths, and thinks that is no drama!

Would any of you lot put up with that? :o

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  • 4 weeks later...

women want a bloke like al bundy, but who drinks and smokes a lot.

That´s me.

He was executed, wasn't he.... :o ? I hope you are not, Kayo!! :D


That was Ted Bundy (executed serial killer). A sauve and charming guy none-the-less. Plenty of Al Bundys in USA. Many dumber than he is/was. Happy hunting.

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I was actually in Gainesville when Bundy was electrocuted. Everyone around had signs and were shouting "Tuesday is FryDay!" I used to have some of the morgue pictures, he had a few pock marks from the contact points. I was even there at the small funeral home that they snuck him into. The last part was merely by chance. I don't think that Bundy was that impressive. He was a sociopath incapable of feeling.

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  • 9 months later...

What men/women want is all very nice, but mostly it's more important what they can offer. And in comparison to a long list of must-have qualities it's often awfully little. That applies for both men and women. Claiming character to be important without having it yourself will always be a thing that amazes me :o

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This thread is entertaining and enlightening. I would like many of the qualities listed by women posters here in my mate. Is he available at Tesco's or another shop?

And how do you check education levels, a test? Einstein never finished high school, altho I don't think he would be my soul mate selection. I did uni, and based on the average level of stupidity I saw in that institution, I'd just as soon go with a journeyman electrician or carpenter; at least they can repair problems in the house. I know many guys with Trip's IQ level, and many never went to college. But articulate, wonderful people. Alternatively, I dated a Philosophy PHD grad, who was charming, witty and creative; unfortunately, he also had OCD, schizophrenia and a multitude of phobias. But, pure genius.


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TEinstein never finished high school, altho I don't think he would be my soul mate selection.


Einstein was a womanizer

:D True, sbk. But he was intelligent. That was one requirement on a lady's list here...pity about the Manhatten Project and the aftermath of applied intelligence.

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The older i get, the less i want or expect from others. I chose to marry my husband (the current and 2nd one) because he is kind, quietly funny, relaxed, self-directed, intelligent, faithful, and financially independent. And he can live peacefully with my impatience, whims, and occasional melt-downs. I can't imagine what more I could want.

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The older i get, the less i want or expect from others. I chose to marry my husband (the current and 2nd one) because he is kind, quietly funny, relaxed, self-directed, intelligent, faithful, and financially independent. And he can live peacefully with my impatience, whims, and occasional melt-downs. I can't imagine what more I could want.


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The older i get, the less i want or expect from others. I chose to marry my husband (the current and 2nd one) because he is kind, quietly funny, relaxed, self-directed, intelligent, faithful, and financially independent. And he can live peacefully with my impatience, whims, and occasional melt-downs. I can't imagine what more I could want.

I agree with Nov Rain, this is a very nice post.

But NR, Mrs Fruittbatt says, "I can't imagine what more I could want."

She hasn't met me yet! :D:o

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I don't normally get involve in this stuff but let me give these callow youths the benefit of my experience.

To get a woman, any woman no matter who you are or what you look like just give her what she wants.


She is the centre of your world you hang on her every word you acknowledge her you listen to her and take her opinions seriously. Its what every woman craves. Every sentence a woman utters can be reduced to one phrase 'validate me'.

Yes there is a line between maximum attention and creepy goggled eyed stalking behaviour but as long as you know where the line is take it to the very edge.

Works every time on woman of all ages and races.

I thank you...

(and before someone say it yes it is SIMILAR for men but not the same the need for attention is far more fundamental for women)

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It is interesting to hear what woman want. At the end of the day I want a Porche 911, but I can't have one. However, I am happy with what I have. A lot like life.

How does this sound?

I drink quite a lot, but wait till my better half is not around. Her family and kids have never seen me with more than a couple of drinks under my belt.

I do most of the cooking and cleaning as I like things done a certain way. On the flip side I am aware we own a washing machine and an iron, but I dont intend to ever use them.

I work hard yet try and find time to listen and comment on whatever she says, even when I have no idea what she is talking about.

The rent and bills are paid far in advance to take care of any lean months. However, I won't do without my gadgets and golf trips.

I have never slept in a bed that she didnt also share, apart from the time I passed out at a pals house and was found on the balcony.

I prefer the humour of good TV and movies, but try and 'get' the purile comedy on Thai tv.

When her friends or family come over I make them welcome and then find something to do in another room. They understand I am a private person.

I am easy to keep happy. Feed me, love me and f....find ways to keep me happy.

In exchange I go out of my way to give her the things she likes. She likes salmon and through a contact of mine the freezer is full of the best. At one hel_l of a price too.

I am a million miles from perfect, but what can anyone do?

Like anyone, I would like a millionaire model, but I am very happy with what I have and won't do anything to screw it up.

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Yes becuase you have something she never mentioned on her list.....MODESTY :D

Modesty?! :D I am so modest, I ooze in it, allowing moderation to copiously drown me... :D

Kayo better check: "Desirable men"... :o

Edited by khall64au
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  • 2 weeks later...

The perfect man is gentle

Never cruel or mean

He has a beautiful smile

And keeps his face so clean.

The perfect man likes children

And will raise them by your side

He will be a good father

As well as a good husband to his bride

The perfect man loves cooking

Cleaning and vacuuming too

He'll do anything in his power

To convey his feelings of love on to you.

The perfect man is sweet

Writing poetry from your name

He's a best friend to your mother

And kisses away your pain.

He never has made you cry

Or hurt you in any way

To hel_l with this endless poem

The perfect man is gay.


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The perfect man is gentle

Never cruel or mean

He has a beautiful smile

And keeps his face so clean.

The perfect man likes children

And will raise them by your side

He will be a good father

As well as a good husband to his bride

The perfect man loves cooking

Cleaning and vacuuming too

He'll do anything in his power

To convey his feelings of love on to you.

The perfect man is sweet

Writing poetry from your name

He's a best friend to your mother

And kisses away your pain.

He never has made you cry

Or hurt you in any way

To hel_l with this endless poem

The perfect man is gay.



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Not a hardcore smoker and drinker...depends on yor understanding of the word 'hardcore'.

Compassioned to all people regardless of race and class...even muslims?

Honest...hel_l yeah!

Charming...###### yeah!

Witty...have you heard the one about the vicar and the pattaya ho...?

Dresses with style...are torn jeans and Timberlands still in? Wha about Speedos and a mullet?

Laughs at my jokes..well..that's pushing it a bit!

Nods head when I'm talking...as long as I don't actually have to listen as well.

Full of thoughtful surprises..you'll really be surprised to see the new 'maid' I've got.

An imaginative, romantic lover...doggie style works every time!

Wears a shirt that covers his stomach....XXXL shirts are hard to find in LOS.

Doesn't require much money for upkeep...as long as it can pay for a few visits to Nana every week and at least one monthly long weekend in Pattaya.

Remembers that it's the weekend...see above.

Only snores lightly when asleep...don't snore...but I fart like a sonofabitch!

Shaves some on weekends...the face or the groin?

Doesn't re-tell the same joke too many times..well..that's pushing it quite a bit!

Doesn't nod off to sleep when I'm venting...now you're really asking a lot.

Oh….and can protect me from any harms...'harms'? Harm is an uncountable noun. Obviously you're not an English teacher. One point in your favour.

Come and get me, ladies!! Edited by RusticCharm
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- intelligent

- great conversationalist

- a geek

- someone who enjoys listening to Jack Johnson

- someone who enjoys my company

- someone who enjoys talking to me and spending time with me

- honest

- down to earth

- easy-going

- goofy

- goofball

- workaholic

- records/mixes songs for me

- someone I can talk to and learn new things from every day

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Nice looking (prefer hair on his head)

Smart and Educated (at least one bachelor degree)

Not a hardcore smoker and drinker

Compassioned to all people regardless of race and class




Good debater

Dresses with style

Adventurous and open mind

Financially successful (with solid & steady career)

Very very supportive of my career

In good shape to rearrange the furniture

Laughs at my jokes

Nods head when I'm talking

Full of thoughtful surprises

An imaginative, romantic lover

Wears a shirt that covers his stomach

Doesn't require much money for upkeep

Remembers that it's the weekend

Only snores lightly when asleep

Shaves some on weekends

Doesn't re-tell the same joke too many times

Doesn't nod off to sleep when I'm venting

Oh….and can protect me from any harms

Im out !

You never stood a chance Jeff.

Oh I'm out too.............

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Hey you guys…..don't give up yet!

If you have the following qualities….then there is still a chance for you

1. Still Breathing

2. Doesn't miss the toilet

3. Doesn't scare small children

4. Likes soft foods


5. Wears some clothes when at home

Those are What Women above 70….. Want in a Man …..

If you're not too picky that is :o:D:D

No 2 I'm not so good at that all the time, so I'm still out.

Edited by mpdkorat
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:bah: I had to do it... just couldn't help myself!

What do WOMEN want? You guys had your say and now it's our turn............... :o

I know what I want, but when I really think about it 'the confusion sets in'.

Nevertheless, I want:

* peace of mind

* security (of my own making, cos you can only really depend on yourself in the long run)

* love and support of my family and true friends

* discovery of this amazing planet we live on

* to help make a difference on this planet, in whatever small or big way. that I can

* dreams of future happiness with a beautiful soul who does exist with my same wish list :o

* And some great times in between.............. :D

I can't believe this thread is almost a year old!!! I could be changing nappies by now LOL :bah: well... I guess I almost got what I wished for.... except the soul with the same wish list! :D

Are we too picky? Do we set our sights so high that a future partner just cannot meet the expectations we desire in order to share lives in today's world?

Seems to me like winning the lottery - finding a compatible partner who commits, loves, shares, cares and doesn't drive me mad when spending lots of time together .... maybe I just value my own company too much!

Oh Romeo, Romeo - where for art thou? ;):D

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:o I had to do it... just couldn't help myself!

What do WOMEN want? You guys had your say and now it's our turn............... :o

I know what I want, but when I really think about it 'the confusion sets in'.

Nevertheless, I want:

* peace of mind

* security (of my own making, cos you can only really depend on yourself in the long run)

* love and support of my family and true friends

* discovery of this amazing planet we live on

* to help make a difference on this planet, in whatever small or big way. that I can

* dreams of future happiness with a beautiful soul who does exist with my same wish list ;)

* And some great times in between.............. :D

I can't believe this thread is almost a year old!!! I could be changing nappies by now LOL :bah: well... I guess I almost got what I wished for.... except the soul with the same wish list! :D

Are we too picky? Do we set our sights so high that a future partner just cannot meet the expectations we desire in order to share lives in today's world?

Seems to me like winning the lottery - finding a compatible partner who commits, loves, shares, cares and doesn't drive me mad when spending lots of time together .... maybe I just value my own company too much!

Oh Romeo, Romeo - where for art thou? :D:bah:

Your approach seems to lack a certain spontenaity.

One eye on a potential partner and one eye on your check list.

One suggestion.

You might appear more attractive if you changed your nappy more than once a year.


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