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What Women Want!


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But, all in all, I can't really complain when I wake up in the morning, look out my front door and see this: post-4641-1142589222_thumb.jpg

The view to the left is blocked by palmtrees a bit, isn't it? :o

LaoPo :D

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What i want


2.self respect and respect to me

3.love and caring


5.open mind

6."Don´t you worry glauka things will be better,we can do it my love"


8.lots of kissing and holding hands...

9.knows lots of stories that he can tell me before i fall a sleep.


So prince charming where are you? :o

This, Glauka, is a great list!

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women want a bloke like al bundy, but who drinks and smokes a lot.

That´s me.

He was executed, wasn't he.... :o ? I hope you are not, Kayo!! :D


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Smart and Educated (at least one bachelor degree)

Are you serious??????? What a ridiculous statement.

Why is so ridiculous to you?

Understand that not every women want this....but for me this is important and what I'm looking for. What is wrong with that? I'm not a person who want to many a dumb man with only money.

I have 2 degrees...so this is what I want in a man....so naturally I want someone with the same intellectual level and understanding of things out there with all his critical thinking and analytical skills.

I am not saying it's ridiculous that you want an intelligent man. Surely everyone would like an intelligent partner. What I find ridiculous is that you seem to be another one of those people that think only people with a degree can be smart. That is completely asinine. I have met countless people that had degree's coming out of their ears and they couldn't even spell properly. I went to college, didn't finish and never got my degree. Can you honestly say that it's impossible for me to be smart? Even when I have a 146 IQ?

Please tell me I am wrong and you are not one of those people. Please! :o

It appears that most persons who have achieved success in the world of ideas are cynical about formal education. I think these people are a select few, who often achieved success in spite of their education, or even without it.

For the rest of us, including me, neither geniuses nor hopeless fools, formal education is a useful thing – to be able to approach problems with logical spirit, eager, open mind, and a rationally skeptical attitude, and most importantly the ability to listen/read to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.

Formal education is worth what you think its worth to you or to me. The whole object of education to me… is.to develop the mind. Being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don't. It's knowing where to go to find out what you need to know; and it's knowing how to use the information once you get it.

In my line of work, as an architect and urban planner, I absolutely need to have a formal education, without it my future/career is non-existed. I can not work in these fields without the formal education. And I can not also work with coworkers who without the formal education in the same or similar fields. The principal goal of education in my line of work is to be able to create and capable of doing new things, not simply of repeating what other generations have done!

I know that education is an admirable thing to me, but I also acknowledge and well to remember from time to time that something out there that is also worth knowing can not be taught. I also understand that some young nitwits were produced in our schools system…. is because they have no contact with anything of any use in everyday life

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I asked my significant other what she wanted.

She said,

1. No boxing

2. No butterfly

3. No drinking.

I said, “I no boxing, no butterfly.”

She said, “OK OK, I get you another beer.”

:D That´s my kind of girl... Seriously (for a change).. we all have our ideal wants and desires, but nothing like a good compromise to make a happy reltionship.

Right then, where´s my beer..-...

women want a bloke like al bundy, but who drinks and smokes a lot.

That´s me.

He was executed, wasn't he.... :o ? I hope you are not, Kayo!! :D


Yeah, er.. No! Not THAT bundy-..... THIS AL BUNDY

Ah, Peg. You're down here. ######. Then I was dreaming you ran off with the dwarf down at the bookstore, and I was living in sin with a Playboy centerfold and her eight friends who could speak but chose not to.
Edited by kayo
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It appears that most persons who have achieved success in the world of ideas are cynical about formal education. I think these people are a select few, who often achieved success in spite of their education, or even without it.

For the rest of us, including me, neither geniuses nor hopeless fools, formal education is a useful thing – to be able to approach problems with logical spirit, eager, open mind, and a rationally skeptical attitude, and most importantly the ability to listen/read to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.

Formal education is worth what you think its worth to you or to me. The whole object of education to me… is.to develop the mind. Being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don't. It's knowing where to go to find out what you need to know; and it's knowing how to use the information once you get it.

In my line of work, as an architect and urban planner, I absolutely need to have a formal education, without it my future/career is non-existed. I can not work in these fields without the formal education. And I can not also work with coworkers who without the formal education in the same or similar fields. The principal goal of education in my line of work is to be able to create and capable of doing new things, not simply of repeating what other generations have done!

I know that education is an admirable thing to me, but I also acknowledge and well to remember from time to time that something out there that is also worth knowing can not be taught. I also understand that some young nitwits were produced in our schools system…. is because they have no contact with anything of any use in everyday life

BKK90210, no harm intended in previous posts, you don't have to explain yourself to anyone :D .

I just found it strange that you think a degree is essential for your ideal man.

put it this way, say you have fallen madly in love with someone, he's perfect, got the looks, everything else you could ever want from a man, then you find out he doesnt have a degree.........would you finish with him just because he didnt go to university? :o:D

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....put it this way, say you have fallen madly in love with someone, he's perfect, got the looks, everything else you could ever want from a man, then you find out he doesnt have a degree.........would you finish with him just because he didnt go to university? :o:D

Well…what was the reason behind this?

1) no opportunity?

2) No money?

3) To him, an A is just three sticks?


4)Simply …..just plain lazy!

If just for the reason #1 and 2., then I can accept this.

I guess you can’t choose who to fall in love with. Without having a degree I guess it’s ok if he has most of the 30 qualities I was looking for above, plus natural ability to learn and explore. I have to learn to accept that his life itself is also an education. What makes marriage a good and bad thing is who you chose to be married with, how you socialize with each other, and how you support yourself and each other.

Especially being a women I know I must have an education and career – something to fall back on if my married doesn’t work out. He can easily leave me for someone else if I married to him just for his money. What would I to do then? I want to get married and have kids but I also want to live my life too. The most important to me…. Is he being very very supportive of my goals and career? Is he looking for a mother of his children or a servant to do his biddings? I’m not looking for a boss or a life time as a servant. What I’m looking for is a partner in life. I can not throw away my few dreams or goals in order to satisfy his needs and wants. It likes throwing away my life, but it's really up to each person.

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Hello ladies...

I've just read the thread, and I must say that I think all you ladies are very sensible, you seem to know exactly what you want in a man!

Now.... how many of you actually stick to that list? Or do you still go for the "bad boys" even after all these years???


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Hello ladies...

I've just read the thread, and I must say that I think all you ladies are very sensible, you seem to know exactly what you want in a man!

Now.... how many of you actually stick to that list? Or do you still go for the "bad boys" even after all these years???


Even nice guys have a dash of "bad boy" in them.... don't you guys? :o

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Hello ladies...

I've just read the thread, and I must say that I think all you ladies are very sensible, you seem to know exactly what you want in a man!

Now.... how many of you actually stick to that list? Or do you still go for the "bad boys" even after all these years???


I am fed up with bad boys that´s why i am single... :o

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In a man I want:

Someone who respects me for who I am.

Someone who I find appealing, not necessarily who the rest of the world finds appealing.

Someone who makes me laugh.

Someone to reassure me when I am down.

Someone to enjoy the good times with.

Someone who can catch the bloody rat living in my thatched roof right now.

Someone who has a dream, no matter how unrealistic this may be.

Someone who can give me space when I need it, and to understand that my male friends are no threat to him.

Someone who does not cheat, lie, or whack me in the face...

In life, I want:

To be able to make a difference to someones life.

To give from my heart, not from duty.

To be a good friend.

To see as much as I can in this world.

To be happy.

To be honest and reliable.

To do the right thing for me at the time.

To only regret things I have tried, not what I never tried.

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Now.... how many of you actually stick to that list? Or do you still go for the "bad boys" even after all these years???

Even nice guys have a dash of "bad boy" in them.... don't you guys? :D

Even if we don't, we like to think so :D

I am fed up with bad boys that´s why i am single... :o

You'll find another bad boy, Glauka :D

I just want a MAN..... Getting desperate!!!!

Who's going to tell your boyfriend? :D

In a man I want:

Someone who respects me for who I am.

Someone who I find appealing, not necessarily who the rest of the world finds appealing.

Someone who makes me laugh.

Someone to reassure me when I am down.

Someone to enjoy the good times with.

Someone who can catch the bloody rat living in my thatched roof right now.

Someone who has a dream, no matter how unrealistic this may be.

Someone who can give me space when I need it, and to understand that my male friends are no threat to him.

Someone who does not cheat, lie, or whack me in the face...

In life, I want:

To be able to make a difference to someones life.

To give from my heart, not from duty.

To be a good friend.

To see as much as I can in this world.

To be happy.

To be honest and reliable.

To do the right thing for me at the time.

To only regret things I have tried, not what I never tried.

See PatsyCats post Donna :D

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I think the problem is that men from a very young age in their dealings with the many women around them from, mums to girlfriends, colleagues and close friends etc , realise ( if they have the slightest grain of sense!! ) that "what women want" is a statement that is in a continual state of flux... and the simple idiots we are, we just cannot deal with that!!

Men are incredibly simple compared to you all... when you realise that I think you will all get what you want.. Hooray!!


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I think the problem is that men from a very young age in their dealings with the many women around them from, mums to girlfriends, colleagues and close friends etc , realise ( if they have the slightest grain of sense!! ) that "what women want" is a statement that is in a continual state of flux... and the simple idiots we are, we just cannot deal with that!!

Men are incredibly simple compared to you all... when you realise that I think you will all get what you want.. Hooray!!


I think he's MAO- But.................... I think he knows what he's talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o

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....put it this way, say you have fallen madly in love with someone, he's perfect, got the looks, everything else you could ever want from a man, then you find out he doesnt have a degree.........would you finish with him just because he didnt go to university? :D:D

Well…what was the reason behind this?

1) no opportunity?

2) No money?

3) To him, an A is just three sticks?


4)Simply …..just plain lazy!


BKK90210, I dont want to get involved in a debate so maybe we should just agree to disagree!! :D

some have the opportunity for university but dont feel its relevant for what they want from life. :D To me that's more practical and cost-efficient, individually and nationally than others who go to uni for the wrong reasons then drop out or fail!! :o

some of the most intelligent, successful and articulate people I know dont have degrees and, personally, I would never judge intellect on academic qualifications alone. :D

Edited by game4shame
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some of the most intelligent, successful and articulate people I know dont have degrees and, personally, I would never judge intellect on academic qualifications alone. :o

Thats exactly how I feel abot it. Thank you, that was the perfect way to sum it up for me as well. :D

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I have been reading the posts and am quite shocked. I can understand Gauka's ideals... they're realistic. I can understand the others as well, except for the qualifier of "college degree". That one is I believe is a little unfair in todays world. A college education does not a good human make. I have a cousin that has so many degrees it would make your head spin. He's never been married and at 42, he's been a professional student all of his life. I've met plenty of men with college degrees that couldn't change a door knob.

I'm not selling myself, I don't need to. Only as an example... I studied psychology for a year at Indiana University, I finished the course with 112%... by completing the extra credit questions in each quiz. I completed the military entrance exam with 98 points out of 102 points possible. I applied for an Electricians Apprentice at General Motors my firt month out of high school and missed the hiring list by 5 points, that was unheard of at the time. I don't have a degree... I haven't needed one. I didn't say any of that to brag, because all of that and 50 bht may get me a cup of coffee, it doesn't mean anything. I work now with several degreed individuals, all in finance, accounting and engineering and guess who gets called on to parse our 65 page, mulit-million dollar contract? I do, poor little ignorant me.

There are several ways to become educated in this world and college is only one. There are many men that are well versed in the ways of the world. Most of the "educated people" that I've talked to can't communicate beyond the text book. I would rather listen and learn something from an uneducated person, man or woman, that started out in life with nothing, and worked and learned the wisdom that the world offered to succeed.

I believe that ladies that look for traits and standards will be the most succesful... she's looking for the parts of a man that make up his character. Statistics, degrees and bank accounts say little for the personality. :o:D

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I believe that ladies that look for traits and standards will be the most succesful... she's looking for the parts of a man that make up his character. Statistics, degrees and bank accounts say little for the personality.

exactly right soic :o

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