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What Women Want!


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My gf is a great cook, Ive put on 15 ks last last year or so just from her cooking.

She complains i eat to much now but she cooks a shit load of food and when i finish she gets the rest in the pan and says eat more, i say no im full and then she goes im wasting food????

It tastes really nice and most times i think ###### it and eat it, now i never have second plate because im trying to lose my chubby cheeks.

But man why do females complain so much.

If there not complaining about one thing its something else.

Is it just a part of being a woman??

And i heard it gets worse after marriage :D

Please tell me thats not really true?? :o

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i´m not complaining. just leave me T F(·&/$ alone to wallow in my misery. I don´t ask what you want, I don´t care what you want, and neither do you of me.....

I´m in a black mood today. Sorry.

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Perhaps this sounds a little obnoxious of me, and I'm sorry if that's the case. I'm sure it sounds pretty arrogant, actually - but I know myself fairly well, and I know that this is something that's true of me: smart people turn me on.

Stimulating my brain and challenging my ideas is sexy in the world of me. I mean, looking like Heath Ledger or Angelina Jolie - also sexy. But there's got to be a mind in there, or the prettiest packaging in the world is just not going to cut it. Wit and brains, though - that's what wins you the brownie points.

Wit and brains and heart, and I'm in trouble.

(And if they also like The Lord of the Rings/ Buffy the Vampire Slayer/ Batman/ Musicals/ Shakespeare/ TS Eliot/ GM Hopkins, can get worked up about apostrophe use or wax lyrical about a sunset ...man, I'm in BIG trouble.)

I think you are in big trouble then... a smart girl who likes Batman and Buffy and who knows how to spell Shakespeare... get your coat... you've pulled!! :D

Clever women are just soooo sexy.... I for one am bored of having to explain everything on Horizon. Brains are a definite plus in a quality relationship.


So SophiaP... :D

Oh no!!! hang on... I've just seen it... you like musicals..... :o

so close and yet so far!! :D

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Wow. Dude. You really do have issues, don't you?

hel_l, I'll even elaborate, because although I think you're being willfully perverse (and you seem to have a massive chip about degrees)

you seem to be upset that I didn't condemn possession of a degree.

Let me see, do I have issues with degrees? Well I surely do and I will admit it everyday of the week and twice on Sundays! :o

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i´m not complaining. just leave me T F(·&/$ alone to wallow in my misery. I don´t ask what you want, I don´t care what you want, and neither do you of me.....

I´m in a black mood today. Sorry.

It is a The Cure day today. :o

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All this talk of intelligence being a factor in a persons choice for a lover,partner, friend, sidekick, whatever, is nice and all but I think over looks other traits in people that are necessary for a good realtionship.

Have you ever meant someone who was too smart for their own good? Someone who was so busy being smart and witty and clever, that they didn't see the pile of %$#^ that they sunk their foot into.

Sometimes the smartest thing a person can do is clam it and listen. :o

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Well My hand is up Bambina. I think I cuold do all of those things lol. I would at least try very hard. I am new to this board so just trying to learn some things and meet some people. So please drop me a line and say what up...

Tate [email protected]


i want

- open mined

-easy understanding

- smart , intelleligent converation

- no cheat no betray

- stable job

- respect other people

- love my family

- love me the way i am

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Perhaps this sounds a little obnoxious of me, and I'm sorry if that's the case. I'm sure it sounds pretty arrogant, actually - but I know myself fairly well, and I know that this is something that's true of me: smart people turn me on.

Stimulating my brain and challenging my ideas is sexy in the world of me. I mean, looking like Heath Ledger or Angelina Jolie - also sexy. But there's got to be a mind in there, or the prettiest packaging in the world is just not going to cut it. Wit and brains, though - that's what wins you the brownie points.

Wit and brains and heart, and I'm in trouble.

(And if they also like The Lord of the Rings/ Buffy the Vampire Slayer/ Batman/ Musicals/ Shakespeare/ TS Eliot/ GM Hopkins, can get worked up about apostrophe use or wax lyrical about a sunset ...man, I'm in BIG trouble.)

I think you are in big trouble then... a smart girl who likes Batman and Buffy and who knows how to spell Shakespeare... get your coat... you've pulled!! :D

Clever women are just soooo sexy.... I for one am bored of having to explain everything on Horizon. Brains are a definite plus in a quality relationship.


So SophiaP... :D

Oh no!!! hang on... I've just seen it... you like musicals..... :D

so close and yet so far!! :D

Bwah! Yes, the musicals thing - you know, it hit me just yesterday that when I was six my favourite movie was 'The King and I' - I just loved it to bits, so much so that my parents took me down to London to see the stage production in the West End for my 7th birthday. And a gazillion years later, here I am heading out to be a teacher in Bangkok myself. :D Who'd've thunk? (I'm more than slightly tempted to take a hoop skirt with me, just because it would make me laugh like a drain. Although upon rewatching the movie the other day...man, it's pretty cringe-inducingly patronising stuff, isn't it, and about as historically accurate as a not very historically accurate thing, I'm guessing. Still, as I said, I was six.)

Let me see, do I have issues with degrees? Well I surely do and I will admit it everyday of the week and twice on Sundays!

Can't say fairer than that, mate! I'm sure you have your reasons.

Didn't know there were lots of American ESL teachers working in Cairo.

Well, I have done some (unqualified, make-it-up-as-you-go-along) ESL teaching in Eastern Europe, but I went back to Uni, got my PGCE and now I'm teaching the UK curriculum in an International School. It can be knackering, but I love it to bits.


...I know that it's probably mostly ESL teachers here. Um. Hope that you won't hold the whole Primary Teaching thing against me?

But man why do females complain so much.

If there not complaining about one thing its something else.

Is it just a part of being a woman??



::bites tongue::


....and I totally can't help rising to the bait. You ARE taking the piss, right?

Edited by SophiaP
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Let me see, do I have issues with degrees? Well I surely do and I will admit it everyday of the week and twice on Sundays!

Can't say fairer than that, mate! I'm sure you have your reasons.

Thank you! :o

...I know that it's probably mostly ESL teachers here. Um. Hope that you won't hold the whole Primary Teaching thing against me?

Oh no, I am not holding that against you at all. Please don't misinterpret my questions posed to you as malicious or mean. They most certainly were not meant that way. I really was, just curious. No hard feelings. :D

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Wow. Dude. You really do have issues, don't you?

hel_l, I'll even elaborate, because although I think you're being willfully perverse (and you seem to have a massive chip about degrees)

you seem to be upset that I didn't condemn possession of a degree.

Let me see, do I have issues with degrees? Well I surely do and I will admit it everyday of the week and twice on Sundays! :o

I have degrees in Sociology, Cultural Anthropology and Economics. I have a difficult time speaking with people on those subjects because there has been such a tremendous amount of drivel written in those areas.

People read a book or listen to talk shows and think they have a basis for making judgments. Sometimes I want to scream, do you know just how much time I spent learning and reading to give you my educated opinion.

I find, however that my knowledge or education does not effect my personal relationships. I even find just a bachelors degree in sociology to be a dangerous thing. Like in a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. By the time one gets a masters they have a little handle on understanding the subject and work experience is even a better teacher.

In Thailand most Farang are given the opportunity to meet people who still think the earth is flat or that internet censorship has even a ghost of a chance of preventing people from getting information (Yo does the word proxy server ring a bell).

My Thai significant other is a farmers daughter and introduces me to all her friends as hi so. We have hi so and lo so friends and they seem to interact well together although I only see it for brief periods of time they spend in our home.

Although I only taught at a University for a brief period of time she always mentions the fact that I was a professor.

I can understand a Thai woman wanting a man to have a degree. I don’t think it is for conversation but simply another status symbol for a people that are consumed with status symbols. I think it is a trade off. You can have a lot of money and not need a degree as long as the Mercedes is in the driveway but if it is a Toyota then the degree helps keep face with the neighbors.

Personally I get along best with people who are or were entrepreneurs. Degrees rarely come up in the conversation. I am impressed by the guts it takes to start a business whether it is a beauty shop or an international bank. I like guts, balls or whatever you want to call it. I like the guys or girls who have had the courage to be the person where the buck stops.

I like the failures and the successes because I like the courage it took to put it all on the line and have no one else to blame if it fails.

I really don’t think intelligence or education has an overwhelming influence on the successful entrepreneurs. I would suggest hard work and persistence and luck are all equally important.

Edited by mark45y
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I have degrees in Sociology, Cultural Anthropology and Economics. I have a difficult time speaking with people on those subjects because there has been such a tremendous amount of drivel written in those areas.

People read a book or listen to talk shows and think they have a basis for making judgments. Sometimes I want to scream, do you know just how much time I spent learning and reading to give you my educated opinion.

I find, however that my knowledge or education does not effect my personal relationships. I even find just a bachelors degree in sociology to be a dangerous thing. Like in a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. By the time one gets a masters they have a little handle on understanding the subject and work experience is even a better teacher.

In Thailand most Farang are given the opportunity to meet people who still think the earth is flat or that internet censorship has even a ghost of a chance of preventing people from getting information (Yo does the word proxy server ring a bell).

My Thai significant other is a farmers daughter and introduces me to all her friends as hi so. We have hi so and lo so friends and they seem to interact well together although I only see it for brief periods of time they spend in our home.

Although I only taught at a University for a brief period of time she always mentions the fact that I was a professor.

I can understand a Thai woman wanting a man to have a degree. I don’t think it is for conversation but simply another status symbol for a people that are consumed with status symbols. I think it is a trade off. You can have a lot of money and not need a degree as long as the Mercedes is in the driveway but if it is a Toyota then the degree helps keep face with the neighbors.

Personally I get along best with people who are or were entrepreneurs. Degrees rarely come up in the conversation. I am impressed by the guts it takes to start a business whether it is a beauty shop or an international bank. I like guts, balls or whatever you want to call it. I like the guys or girls who have had the courage to be the person where the buck stops.

I like the failures and the successes because I like the courage it took to put it all on the line and have no one else to blame if it fails.

I really don’t think intelligence or education has an overwhelming influence on the successful entrepreneurs. I would suggest hard work and persistence and luck are all equally important.

:o Fair enough.

edit - very natural funny stuff with good bits of wisdom mixed in.

Edited by kat
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That's it.

By whichever means women derive comfort - through their career, through knowing their partner / husband has status, through loving and being loved, through their home environment, through their bank balance, being surrounded by friends, their children, whatever - emotional and financial stability is the end goal. It all boils down to this. That's what we are programmed for, after all.

Personally, I don't want anything. Except maybe a new laptop.

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What women want in a man the truth:

Power 50%. This is power defined in its broadest terms to include for example money.

Attraction 40%. This is attraction defined in its broadest terms to include not just physical beauty but also rarity value, are their friends jealous, do their parents disapprove etc.

Things women say they care about but do not 10%. This includes humour, honesty, sensitivity yada yada yada.

Simple as.

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What women want in a man the truth:

Power 50%. This is power defined in its broadest terms to include for example money.

Attraction 40%. This is attraction defined in its broadest terms to include not just physical beauty but also rarity value, are their friends jealous, do their parents disapprove etc.

Things women say they care about but do not 10%. This includes humour, honesty, sensitivity yada yada yada.

Simple as.

Yarpy, Yarpy, Yarpy..... :D <deleted>? Try again in the morning honey! :o

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Hello everyone.

I'm Jb, 35 yr male from Texas.

Sorry if I offend anyone.

Women want the 'Night in shining armor'.

They want a man who is rich, handsome, honest and who's gonna treat them like a queen.

The perfect man does not exist. One quick example.

Many women think that Brad Pitt is the perfect man.

He dummped Jennifer Anniston, she's pregnant. Then he married Angelina Jolie.


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The perfect man does not exist. One quick example.

Many women think that Brad Pitt is the perfect man.

He dummped Jennifer Anniston, she's pregnant. Then he married Angelina Jolie.


Aniston is pregnant??? That's news to me. Last I heard it was Jolie that was pregnant. I think you got that one wrong, my friend. :o

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Classic ladder theory. Do a goggle on Intellectual Whores for the full sp.


Jennifer Anniston is famously NOT pregnant. Not wanting a family is stated as the reason Brad dumped her.

Angelina Jolie is apparently pregnant by Pitt.

I met her when we were both staying at the Amanjaya in Phnom Penh. We had a few drinks. Unbelievably beautiful but obviously mad as a hatter. I wish Brad luck he'll need it.

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Classic ladder theory. Do a goggle on Intellectual Whores for the full sp.


Jennifer Anniston is famously NOT pregnant. Not wanting a family is stated as the reason Brad dumped her.

Angelina Jolie is apparently pregnant by Pitt.

I met her when we were both staying at the Amanjaya in Phnom Penh. We had a few drinks. Unbelievably beautiful but obviously mad as a hatter. I wish Brad luck he'll need it.

yarpy, yarpy. yarpy.... who cares? :o

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Women want a good seeing to

yeah but our version of a "seeing to" might be a bit different than yours and that's the secret :o

2 minutes of sweaty bump n grind followed by the male passing out, on his back, starmanned, complete with tongue hanging out?!! :D

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What women want in a man the truth:

Power 50%. This is power defined in its broadest terms to include for example money.

Attraction 40%. This is attraction defined in its broadest terms to include not just physical beauty but also rarity value, are their friends jealous, do their parents disapprove etc.

Things women say they care about but do not 10%. This includes humour, honesty, sensitivity yada yada yada.

Simple as.

Are you a woman?

Somehow, I think not :o

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Aniston is pregnant??? That's news to me. Last I heard it was Jolie that was pregnant. I think you got that one wrong, my friend. :D

Maybe he was tired after being up all night in shining armor.... :o:D

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