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Selling My Rice


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Send a E mail to the Minister of Agriculture, give him your location, type of rice, amount planted, expected amount to be sold, what price you want, date, etc.

Or you could do a little research on TV, which you are now a proud member, and see what all the members have said.

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Most people only grow enough to see themselves and their families throughout the year janis.

How many rai are you farming and what rice are you growing? (if you don't mind me asking)

btw...a warm welcome to the forum wai.gif

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My g/f and family are growing rubber trees and cassava.

Depending on what area of Thailand you live in it might be worth holding on to your rice for a while and selling it later on in the year.

The lack of rain in many places could mean a lower rice yield this year and your rice could maybe be sold locally at a better price.

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Every fairly large village in the rice growing areas has rice purchasing depots. The prices they pay are posted outside on boards so pretty transparent. All you have to do is arrrive at the depot, they will weigh and test your rice then payment in cash immediately after.

Ask your missus' family I am sure they will know where to sell.

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Thank you. So is there only government as a buyer nobody private or other countries?

There are many dealers that are private operations. But forget other countries, export is controlled. My advice would be to study the types of rice that are grown in your area and why those strains. Is it short or long season growing. Is your land capable of being machine harvested economically or is it a pile of tiny paddys. Lots to learn for the new players. Many people here will not plant until after the Royal Plowing ceremony. Others follow the weather and plant earlier, if they get rain when needed they will get better prices for early crops. Ask a lot of questions.

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