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Thai Flies When You're Having Fun: Denise Van Outen Visits Vibrant Koh Samui

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I first came to Koh Samui 13 years ago when it was still a bit of a hippy paradise. It was about the time that the film version of Alex Garland’s book The Beach – starring Leonardo DiCaprio – was released.

Suddenly there were lots of people all milling around Thailand looking for the perfect stretch of sand and hoping to find a never-ending party.

But while it had undoubtedly changed a lot from the island coconut plantation it had been when first discovered by tourists in the Seventies, it still seemed very authentic to me.


Happy as sandgirls: Denise and daughter Betsy on the beach - there was plenty for both to do

What I particularly loved were the local people, who were really kind and very nice – I remember how much I’d enjoyed that first visit and had been waiting to go back ever since.

This time around, however, I would be seeing the island in style. And I wasn’t simply coming on holiday, I was in Koh Samui for a friend’s wedding, someone very close to me whom I’ve known for 22 years.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/article-2315804/Denise-van-Outen-revisits-vibrant-Koh-Samui-Thailand.html#ixzz2S8dilasH

Edited by Boater
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