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Anti-Thaksin Group ' White Faces' To Join Thai Spring


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The anti-Thaksin Shinawatra group that uses the Guy Fawkes mask as a symbol is planning to join up with Thai Spring, another anti-government group.

"We have held preliminary talks and are waiting for Thai Spring to consider. Whatever our future activity is, safety comes first as we emerge from cyberspace and into the real world."

Oh dear, oh dear, cheesy.gif .

Coming to a Starbucks near you soon, hordes of students sharing triple choco decaffe lattes and hogging the wifi waves, plotting the destruction of the government, waiting to see which of the western governments will send them arms, or do they send emissaries to Russis for a few left over missles earmarked for Syria?

Thai Spring, my A

A group of young Thais refusing to be spoonfed the Shinawatra buffalo manure is a good sign for this country. And it is very telling that you have nothing but abuse and insults for them.

Where is the abuse and insults in my post - I'll leave that to you and your peers. No, my friend, that is an example of richly deserved sarcasm. [...]

As those Starbucks customers and the student activists are most probably not the same group nor sharing the same interest your rather mediocre attempt at writing sarcasm serves at best as an example "how not to".

Why don't you apply the same yardstick to the Government's performance? They deserve all the sarcasm you can muster.

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"We also want to demonstrate our refusal to accept parliamentary dictatorship that puts the benefits of corrupt politicians above the interest of the nation and its people,"

Well, that's a start...actually been able to do anything about it is another thing

It's a positive step forward on a long journey.

Even the longest trip starts with a step.

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