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U.s. Woman Is Latest Gang-Rape Victim In India


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She was stupid?

Part of the contingent that wants women to never travel alone and - god forbid- be out at night alone.

The Taleban is alive and well in the western male's attitude

Definitely a shame, but how stupid could this woman be??????? Hitchhiking in India at 1 am?????????

MacChine, this has nothing to do with chauvinism. It has to do with being wise enough to take precautions. You completely failed to understand the import of my comment, which was far from justifying an unforgivable action. Ok, I will put it in 6th grade language: she should be careful when going out at night and talking to strangers, and getting on a truck with 3 strangers. Is it clearer now for you?

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She was stupid?

Part of the contingent that wants women to never travel alone and - god forbid- be out at night alone.

The Taleban is alive and well in the western male's attitude

Definitely a shame, but how stupid could this woman be??????? Hitchhiking in India at 1 am?????????

MacChine, this has nothing to do with chauvinism. It has to do with being wise enough to take precautions. You completely failed to understand the import of my comment, which was far from justifying an unforgivable action. Ok, I will put it in 6th grade language: she should be careful when going out at night and talking to strangers, and getting on a truck with 3 strangers. Is it clearer now for you?

And why India?

Would she be better off in similar circumstances in California? Texas? Russia?

Would you teach your daughter to do this in any country, including yours?

Edited by ABCer
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  • 1 month later...

In a country of 1.24 billion people there are bound to be sexual deviants. As awfulk as some aspects of India are, I don't think these cases are an indication of the overall nation. The positive aspect of the case is that the Indian press is reporting on the case and the Indian population is upset by these incidents.

in a country of 1.344 billion people, china doesn't have nearly as much of these cases as india.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There was just a reporter on CNN -- one of the females who spent 5 years in India and talked about how prevalent sexual assaults were. She showed a clip of one of her broadcasts where the men behind her were groping her.

I was busy so I don't know which reporter, but the point is it is catching some international attention, that's for sure.

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I first travelled around India in mid 1975, and then continually for almost 30 years back and forth to the West [ I was involved in Import/Export] and my father was born in Bangalore--but, I have witnessed the sad downwards spiral in attitudes to women in the country--I used to take my first wife with me until she gradually felt less safe--then a second female partner travelled with me and felt threatened--nowadays I would be very wary to take a woman to India. I have also, on occasions, been involved in physical altercations with the dumber members of the Indian populace--but, these days that is far from a sensible option. I always advise any female friends planning to travel there to take extreme precautions--and stress that they never go anywhere alone.

A very different place from 20 to 30 years ago.

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There was just a reporter on CNN -- one of the females who spent 5 years in India and talked about how prevalent sexual assaults were. She showed a clip of one of her broadcasts where the men behind her were groping her.

I was busy so I don't know which reporter, but the point is it is catching some international attention, that's for sure.

This is known locally as 'Eve Teasing'--which makes it sound sort of harmless--it is anything but harmless fun--it is serious physical harassment.

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Vashist is a location notorious for hash and ganja smoking.

I'm guessing she was stoned out of her mind, and wasn't thinking clearly when she tried to get back to Manali.

The whole of the Kulu valley including the town of Manali with the village of Vashisht is well known for the production and, to some extent consumption of ganja---but, also, in vashisht is a Hot Spring Baths--it is also possible that she had been there to bathe.

I have lived around Vashisht, on and off, for many years during late Seventies and Eighties--and would not assume that rape was 'normal' for that area, no matter how 'stoned' the girl may have been--but, times have changed I guess.

There have been a few documented murder cases in the Valley--but no more than anywhere else.

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I stayed in Vashisht for a while 15 yrs ago. I remember it being a 20-30 min walk down the mountain to Manali. Before the bridge into Manali, you would pass a Tibetan village and then a Military check point. Rickshaws make it up and down the mountainside and you can walk down safely during daytime. Why would one wait until 1 am to make their way down? Where did she stay until 1am? Being a tourist destination with lots of hotels, hostels why not get a room? No excuse for rape or the misconduct of the Indians in this case! It is an amazing part of the world to visit, don't let it put you off. Just make reasonable decisions!

Edited by pluto_manibo
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India, like China, has a significantly higher ratio of males to females - and getting more unbalanced week by week. Probably not a direct factor in this particular case, which is despicable, but a factor in the bigger picture of things.

India and China kill baby girls (and female foetuses) for different reasons, but those barbaric habits are deeply ingrained in their cultural proclivities.

I heard a story of an Indian couple who fed unhusked wheat grains to their baby girls - until they died - with grains getting caught in their throats.

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If I can bring this back to Thailand for a moment, many Thai ladies flat out refuse to use taxi services alone at night, and if they do they will call a friend and talk to them all the way through the journey. I can't think of seeing many Thai ladies walking the streets alone at night either, and my ex gf resolutely refused to stay alone as she was scared of being attacked.

That took me aback a little bit, then she explained that people are always watching, and if they find out you are alone then you have a problem. Thais seem to have an inbuilt antenna for every scam, every dangerous situation going. Far more than we.

On the subject of antenna, we can all see that to be alone at 1.00am on a dark night in India is not the wisest move. It wouldn't be for a man either.m

On the subject of prevalence, as India is a country of 1.3 billion, statistically I suppose you are correct. The media have got the hots for these stories now, and they will be actively scouring for them. The media loves a headline, and there's no point saying " 1.3 Billion people did not rape anyone last night ".


For all the faults that are charged by us against our Western countries, the one thing we should be proud of is that in the last century or so our women were lifted from being third class citizens, they went through a period of being second class and some may argue on some points they still are, however the vast majority are now first class, equal in every way, and beyond that, leaving menfolk behind in their educational achievements and ever increasingly business.

Things could always be better, but time will make that so. In far too many countries women's rights are centuries behind the West. I feel in the longer term that's the issue that will make the biggest difference to World society. The West should set it's obsession with Islam to the side and start demanding improvements in Women's Rights throughout the World.

That will improve the quality of life for so many people it has to be worth fighting for.

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It is difficult to compare. The number of tourists and the freedom of movement around the country is probably quite different in the two countries.

Plus, rape has always been under-reported, everywhere, and for thousands of years. Then there's 'date-rape' which is more of an American term - and that's prevalent everywhere also. If all men guilty of date-rape were in prison, there would a whole lot less men walking around - and the world's population would be about 1/10th of what it is now.

You could even say that 'date-rape' is a drug related crime - roughly 95% of the time. If you agree that alcoholic drinks are drugs (which they are).

Imagine if the girl was raped by men using speed or heroin of LSD. The headlines would be screaming something like; "Drug Related Rape" But because the men were probably just drunk, the intoxication factor is accepted, and considered no big deal by society.

PS: rapes are rarely instigated by men on the above mentioned illegal drugs. With speed (amphetimine) it's not easy to get a hard-on. With heroin or opiates or pot, the user is usually too spaced out to get violent. With LSD, it's essentially impossible, because it would be a total mind-f#ck to contribute to someone's terror or pain.

Conclusion: The drugs which are most motivating for rape (alcoholic drinks) are legal, and the drugs which rarely if ever fuel rape are illegal. Go figure: The alcohol lobby is mighty powerful, all over the world - in maintaining its product as the only legal recreational drug.

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It is a sad case, but can people really be so naive to hitchhike in the middle of the night and get in a truck with three guys. It seems some people leave their common sense behind when going on holiday.

Hitchhiking in the middle of the night? Answer post number 9 thumbsup.gif

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If I can bring this back to Thailand for a moment, many Thai ladies flat out refuse to use taxi services alone at night, and if they do they will call a friend and talk to them all the way through the journey. I can't think of seeing many Thai ladies walking the streets alone at night either, and my ex gf resolutely refused to stay alone as she was scared of being attacked.

That took me aback a little bit, then she explained that people are always watching, and if they find out you are alone then you have a problem. Thais seem to have an inbuilt antenna for every scam, every dangerous situation going. Far more than we.


I am often asked to drive my next door neighbours 14 year old daughter on my m/c from CM to visit her family at Mae Tang, as they dare not put her on the regular songtaw for fear of rape during the day.

A very attractive young lady I know was dressed like a bag lady yesterday. When I asked why she said she had recently had several Thai men following her m/c around CM during the day. So dressed as unattractively as possible.

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The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world:

Women in India are looked upon as a burden since birth. If gender is revealed during ultrasound most of the girl fetuses wouldn't even make it to pass 19 weeks. When baby girls are born there is stress, sadness and even shame in the family. Some of them even kill them or abandon them somewhere in a hope that someone will find the babies. Only some family value girls in India. Most girls are looked down by their fathers and brothers. The men treat the women they meet everyday just like their father treats the women (mothers, sisters etc) in their family. To them, abusing women is normal because that's how their dad treats every female in the family.

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