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Rup Law Boyfriend


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I have a wonderful Thai boyfriend for 2 years; he is very good-looking. I say that because my Thai girlfriends whom have Farang boyfriends always tell me so over and over and OVER. My western girlfriends also say he handsome, but then they leave it at that.

So here’s my question about their and other Thai woman’s actions when we are first out together (or probably when he’s not with me, I don’t know).

I know it’s polite in Thailand to be helpful but some of theses girls are practically throwing them selves at him. When they first meet “J”. They serve him, try to feed him, and rush to his every need. (One even tried to dig a splinter out of his foot!) Since being with him I’ve learned and its fun to serve him bits of food, as he dose it for me constantly. It’s a sweet and romantic action between us. And now I know it’s a nice way for us to show how much we care for each other and build intimacy. But when these Thai girls are gushing over him I find it a bit much. I’ve never said anything to him nor care too, but I want to know how much of this in normal polite behavior in Thai culture and when or is it crossing a line?

Anyway much of this gushing over “J” as I would call it seems to stem from the same kind of Thai Girl, she is very pretty, but with a super nice but not so handsome Farang partner and after a few weeks it begins to subside we all become good friends, but whenever a new Thai woman on the scene shows up it’s the exact same thing. I find it a bit disrespectful to me, his girlfriend and more to their partners. Although I got to admit their partners dont seem to notice it and it seems to happen when they are not present.

I should also add my boyfriend dose come from a low to middle class’s but he was a monk for 10 years if that makes any difference.

Has any other of you Farang girls had this experience?

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Hello hellohello :D

Can't say my ex had other women feeding him or pulling out splinters in his feet (well not that I knew or saw). He's mates with all the local girls and always chats and laughs with them - but they were always more than polite to me, so I never worried.

Sounds like you've got a good catch there - you esp know it's good if the locals want a piece :o . Seriously though try not to get upset about it - if you trust him and love each other than that's all that counts.

All the best and just be proud that you've got something everyone else wants :D

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I had a similar sort of problem when my husband and I first got married, he was quite a local catch, coming from a well-off family and being good-looking, hard working, non-smoking and not a drinker (yes, it is true! they do exist!). Anyway, there was one particular girl who continued to flirt with him even after we were married (nothing so blatant as what you have experienced tho) so, every time after that I gave her the evil eye. Well, she quickly got the hint and left him alone after that.

Yes, it is disrespectful to you and no, it is not socially acceptable. I wouldn't tolerate it and although you don't have to go so far as to say something outright a nice little hint ought to do the trick. Try the evil eye first, if that doesn't work then something along the lines, of "thanks but I can take care of my boyfriend, yours looks like he needs some help". :o

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