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Transporting Valued Goods in Thailand


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Hello all! Living, traveling and mildly working throughout Thailand makes me think should know this one, but I thought it would be best to seek this communities experiences and expertise on the subject of shipping goods, and doing it well.

Consider this: I have a nice street bike of decent quality and value. In recent weeks it has become clearer that I should probably relocate it from Petchaburi down to Krabi for business use or outright sale. Looking into shipping it I have thus far found unsettling. First and foremost the general transport in the back of a pick-up or even in some make-shift Thai trailer are worrisome. This is due mostly to haphazard shipping, safety and overall getting it there undamaged.

Does anyone have any recommendations for shipping a decent size street bike safely and cost effectively?

Some of the more decent shipping options seem a bit expensive. I have my own nice SUV, and while I already don't like the idea of even shipping in a pick-up, my options are nil as far as stuffing it into a semi-fancy-family oriented SUV. smile.png

Any help or suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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Only issue IMHO, is that you can insure for accident, lost etc etc for 2000 thb extra for Max 200,000thb value and if u have big bike this can eventually be a gamble.. But again bike arrived perfectly safe and on time...

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"safely and cost effectively". Good and cheap do not go hand in hand. In the company I work for I get daily requests similar to yours and I always advise to look for a cheap local company as nobody wants to pay the price for a quality service....until their gear (bikes, cars, household goods) are smashed to pieces, lost or otherwise.

So, the answer to your questions is No.

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