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Farang Tourist Police Volunteers


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i meant any farang being used by police to snoop not just the volunteers, i don,t trust many people here not even my farang business partner or definately other farang business owners, i do however know some thais including my wife who i trust 100%.

i rarely take advice from farangs here unless i look into it fully beforehand.

i control the 40 staff and all the work permits in my business, alot of thai and farang companies offer to take care of all the accounts etc but unless legal or social etc i'd rather have the headache and do it myself.

but of course as you probably know if you've been here a while nothing here is completely in the open or legit and theres always a little hidden cost or clause.

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Its my sad experience that like davethailand I dont trust anyone now. Any advice offered is double checked before being accepted. I too often find the falang has some angle and is assuming that because he is white your guard is let down and you are more gullible.

Would you buy a mobile phone in a bar? I wouldnt but I just managed to stop a mate of mine doing it. He was ready to buy a phone of a "salesman" who just happened to have an excess after a trade show. Of course the phone he was shown was the salesmans own and was real, the one he was going to buy was a dummy. Because he was speaking to a falang, he was more ready to suspend the grey matter to save a few baht. When he found out, my mate was ready to kill the guy.

Back to the volunteers. I saw them last year when I was down and it was the talk of the steamie then. I still havent found out what their real job is though - keep on forgetting since I stay in BKK. Like eyebee said, if they can speak Thai and act as inbetweens then great but if not they are slimey little self important shits who deserve to be deported. Bet they told teacher if someone copied during a lesson as well. Powers of arrest, I would tell them to GTF and then be very polite when the real police arrived ( if I hadnt legged it by then :o )

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I understand Howard doesn't speak Thai. He was the only farang volunteer for many months. However as I've said there are now two new ones. I've only seen them once, and they were giving first aid to a farang male who had collapsed in WS, while the Thai cops looked on :o . I think its a preferance for these volunteers to speak Thai, but in reality I think its not going to happen. If they know the proceedure here then I'm sure they can smooth the way for any farang in trouble and maybe defuse situations. If they are able to save a farang getting a beating by the "real cops" by explaining things then that can only be good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well what can I say, I am flattered by the attention and was only made aware of this thread tonight when I was in a bar in Soi Pattayaland 3 when someone came up to me and told me I was being talked about on this forum. I suposse I had better explain exactly what I do to clear up all the rumours and accusations.

First of all, yes I am Howard from Pattaya City News. One day we filmed a piece on the Tourist Police on Walking Street, I was impressed and decided I would like to volunteer to join them. Yes there are advantages and disadvantages of doing this. I thought about all of them and decided to do it. I went to the Tourist Police Station in Pattaya and asked them if I could join. They had a number of Farrangs already "signed-up" but no active volunteers. They were hesitant at first but agreed that I could join. After 1 month I went on a 3 day training course in Jantabori Province and was awarded with a certificate from Police Major General Banya, the Chief of Tourist Police in Thailand. The course included self defence techniques and role-play. It wasn't easy because I don't speak good Thai as already mentioned in previous posts.

So what do I do on Walking Street, do I spy on go-go bars and arrest Farrangs, do I take money from bars.......NO NO AND NO. This is what I do. There are the small minority that don't like what I do but when they realise exactly what I do they normally change their minds, but I respect all opinions.

My main objective is to work closely with the full-time officers and assist with any problems that occur. We mainly cover the Walking Street area but often patrol the Beach area which is often a hot-spot for petty crime. If a Ferrang needs directions to a bar or restaurant I give it. If a Ferrang is drunk and incoherant I assist them in getting a taxi back to their hotel. If a Ferrang fights, I help to diffuse the situation and will often prevent them from getting handcuffed and taken to Jail. If a Ferrang has a dispute over a bar bill or a bill from a shop I will assist in informing the full-time officers of the Ferrangs story so a fair conclusion can be reached.

I agree that after 2am is prime time for tourist related incidents but I have to sleep sometime, so I finish at 2am every night. Sometimes as previously mentioned we patrol in vehicles after 2am, mainly at weekends, we monitor the Police frequencies and attend any Ferrang related incidents. At all times I am accompanied by a full-time officer, I will never work alone.

I have been doing this for 8 months now and intend to continue. If the idea of me assisting the Tourist Police provokes too many negative comments I will stop.

For those of you who think I spy on gogo bars. YOU MUST THINK I AM CRAZY. I am on local TV 5 times a day and many people recognise my face....think about it, would I really want to risk my life and reputation by assisting in closing down a gogo bar. I often go to these bars for fun with friends just like other people.

Well thats all for now. I expect this may provoke some further questions and comments. Please ask me anything you like and I will answer your questions as concisly as possible.

All the best


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Thank you for the comments. For what its worth I think you guys are trying to do a good job and credit where credit is due! I don't know you personally, but have heard about you from sources who say they do know you! And of course I have seen you on TV that is how I recognised you when I saw you in uniform in W.S last year. Like this board peoples comments have been mixed when the subject has come up inconversation, from for it, to very much against it. Howard, you may be aware? Lots of people have noticed you guys and it is drawing comments in the bars etc from time to time. Most I have heard have been negative. But, who cares.

I think if you do work as you say you do, then it will soon be realised that you are infact offering a service and the rumours will disappear. It will very much depend on how you and any new volunteers behave. I'm sure the Thai Police will use anyone willing to bust these gogo shows and if that inclueds one of your number you will all be tarnished.

I have decided not to go further with this volunteering thing myself as I have too much to risk in this country and don't want to have enemies in the wrong places. BTW on Sat night I noticed another new volunteer. I stopped and spoke to him by that minibus you have parked up, he's from the UK and that was his first night he said. He told me the work was really as you explained it, to help farrang. He had spent many years in the police in UK he said. Looks like your ranks are growing!

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as said in my previous post's, i am all for farang volunteers assisting people, tourists especially,

from what you've stated in your post, it sounds like a good idea and a valuable service you are providing. i hope that you and the other volunteers can do this without any problems and i hope that the full time thai officers will ensure that the volunteers are looked after. (after all the thai police a paid to do the risky stuff)

as for you snooping on go go bars, i heard that farangs were being used, not volunteer police, i see you everynight in walking st and everyday on tv and i agree that you and the other volunteers are'nt stupid. i don't own a go go so personally i'm not bothered.

also i would like to praise you & your news team for definatly the best news content and coverage in pattaya.

best regards

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Hi Howard,

As I was the one who spoke to you last night, I'm sure you meant to say soi Pattayaland 2, not 3. Soi Pattayaland 3 is, of course, Boyztown and we don't want any nasty rumours going around about your sexuality!! :o

I'm also pleased to see you explain what you do in this forum, and I, for one, am all for it and I will try to put right anyone who comes up with negative comments. You're on our side (i.e. the farang's side), not agin it.

It was good having that little chat with you last night - see you again.

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Hi Howard

I have seen you arrest Thai vendors on WS,surly this is the job of the thai police.You did not mention this in you post so,what sort of reaction do you get from thais when they see you do this,I know that the girls in the bar who saw it did not like it very much.

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First of all, thank you for giving me the chance to explain what I do, and I hope it will create better understanding and I hope appreciation of what I do.

Sorry, I forgot about the vendor bit. Let me explain.

The street vendors who sell flowers, take photo's carry monkeys, snakes etc. are illegal and under Thai Law are liable to arrest. The Tourist Police arrest such vendors all over Pattaya, not just Walking Street. Unfortunately Thai Law restricts their punishment to a 100 Baht fine (sometimes 200 Baht). They are then sent on their way to make back the 100 Baht they loose. It is a never ending cycle which is repeated every night. I am sure many of you have spent a night at a Bar and have literally been bombarded with people selling a variety of items and services. Personally they get on my nerves, but my personal views do not come into the reason why I assist in detaining them. At this point I must mention that I do not "arrest" them, I only assist a full-time officer in detaining them. Part of our duties is to keep these people away from Walking Street between 9 and 2am. So we detain them, fine them and send them on their way. As I said I have been doing this for 8 or so months now. All these vendors know me and when they see me they run. Thats fine, I wont chase them. The ones that blatently sell on Walking Street and dont run, I will detain and take back to the Tourist Police van. It is just one of the duties of a Tourist Police Volunteer so I do it. I have never had a problem with any of them and quite often we have a laugh and joke on the way back to the van. Some people may say that it is no good for me to do this. I see it as one way of making sure that Tourists have a fun time on Walking Street and dont get conned into buying overpriced flowers or photographs.

All the best


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I'm the one who started this thread initially. No, please, there is no need to thank me Howard :o I did it for personal reasons and also out of interest to the reaction of this cross section of people. I first posted it in Bear Pit and alot of the early comments came from those away from Pattaya and were on the whole negative. Then the post was moved to the Pattaya forum and there was a softening of attidudes. Following your first post you will have noticed that the responce has been positive.

I think you guys are walking a fine line, and you could lose the support of the farang living here if you walk on the wrong side of that line. I do have reservations about you guys being seen to "arrest" and thats what people will see (as already been stated by bartender100) the street vendors. By all means move them on, but as for taking them by the arm and marching them to that minibus to be seen to then take money from them...

need I say more?

Go after the ladyboys along beach road. Turn those ######ers over time and time again. As well as helping out the tourist and resident alike, you'd be doing yourselves a favour and getting good press I am sure, particually if the crime they commit reduces.

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I agree with you,the katoyes are flaming pest's and do more harm to pattaya's tourist industry than a few flower sellers and shoeshine boys.

You see many tourist happy to have their picture taken and buy flowers for the girls,it's part of Pattaya.I sit mostly at outside bars when I am on WS and have no problem with the vendors,at least the kiddy chewing gum sellers are no more,but it took long enough.

Just a thought, if the city licensed say 15-20 vendors to work on WS,they would probably keep others away themselfs,and the tourist police keep control of them.

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The street vendors who sell flowers, ....... As I said I have been doing this for 8 or so months now. All these vendors know me and when they see me they run.

Thats fine, I wont chase them.

The ones that blatently sell on Walking Street and dont run, I will detain and take back to the Tourist Police van. It is just one of the duties of a Tourist Police Volunteer so I do it. I have never had a problem with any of them and quite often we have a laugh and joke on the way back to the van.

All the best


So we are talking about the nice guy in the wheelchair, who always has a smile and joke with me ....

" These flowers, like me, are not perfect ...."

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Guest The Judge
these volunteers snooping on the gogo bars must be completely stupid or maybe they just have a death wish, some of the people involved in the gogo bars are not to be messed with.

i have friends who own and run gogo bars in pattaya and bangkok and i won't hesitate in showing them who these sneaks are, why have they come to pattaya if all they want to do is ruin peoples businesses and put many thais (all with families to support) out of work.

they should **** off back to where they came from.

sad bastards

I agree. They should p1ss off back to England and <deleted> well stay there... Tw@ts.

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I am a moderator in the Pattaya forum, and as such I think it is a good idea for both us and you to keep in touch.

Please feel free to start any thread you so desire, both +ve and -ve concerning the bahaviour of farangs in Pattaya (within the T's and C's ofcourse).

Please keep it up.

The majority of us want a good time with minimal fuss, as I am sure you guys want us to as well. Keep us up to date with your goings on and I am sure we will keep you up to date with ours.

Thanks a lot for your input.

Look forward to hearing more from you in the future.


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these volunteers snooping on the gogo bars must be completely stupid or maybe they just have a death wish, some of the people involved in the gogo bars are not to be messed with.

i have friends who own and run gogo bars in pattaya and bangkok and i won't hesitate in showing them who these sneaks are, why have they come to pattaya if all they want to do is ruin peoples businesses and put many thais (all with families to support) out of work.

they should **** off back to where they came from.

sad bastards

I agree. They should p1ss off back to England and <deleted> well stay there... Tw@ts.

I second that motion.... one can only wonder what a psychiatrist would make of these witless wonders having a power struggle ego trip.

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Biggest load of c*&$ I have heard in ages. Falang Police, like a bunch of overgrown boy scouts, or wannabe action men. Why the h@"" don't you go back home and do it there ? Sounds like a real poor excuse to oggle the working girls, look hard etc.

If you want to realy help the Thais why don't you volunteer for some country work where they realy need it instead of playing the nice straight falang policeman.

I can tell you from certain Thai Police contacts in Pattaya that they think of you as a joke and yes a traitor to your kind.......

All the Falang who have businesses in Pattaya don't need the extra bad press when it all goes pear shaped and the falang gets hurt, hope not Howard. And for WCR boy your not in the USA now and plenty of people in Pattaya could probably best you without breaking stride. It does attract a lot from the exforces and lets just say mafia industry and no membership club will save you then.

This is Thailand and not your country, don't play with fire :o

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He is the only one who is allowed to sell Flowers on Walking Street, dont ask me why, I haven't got a clue. I am a bit worried about him thoug because he has not been seen for a few weeks......I hope he is alright??

Didn't realise that. Officially allowed, or just accepted?

He never bothers anyone, always polite. Haven't seen him either, but I'm only in Pattaya on week-ends.

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For those idiots out there slagging off these volunteers, you obviously have something to hide yourselves or you wouldn't be reacting like you are. Instead of hiding behind a name, why don't you go up to these guys and face them man to man if you have the guts. Then ask them why they do what they do and talk to them about thier work. If you still disagree then fine, thats the end of it, but at least you would have spoken to them face to face and heard first hand what they are up to. If you still don't agree then fine, not everyone will. I really can't see what the fuss is about, if you read Howards post you will see thier role is that of mediator between farang and Thai for 90% of their time. Occasionally they get involved in other stuff, so maybe we turn a blind eye to the 10% and concentrate on the 90% of good.

englishoak, who are these contacts? And what a load of <deleted> about traitors to thier kind... Jeez

At the end of the day if you are living here or are on holiday here and you are law abiding then you have nothing to fear. Who knows you may even need their help one day youselves.

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I am a moderator in the Pattaya forum, and as such I think it is a good idea for both us and you to keep in touch.

Please feel free to start any thread you so desire, both +ve and -ve concerning the bahaviour of farangs in Pattaya (within the T's and C's ofcourse).

Please keep it up.

The majority of us want a good time with minimal fuss, as I am sure you guys want us to as well. Keep us up to date with your goings on and I am sure we will keep you up to date with ours.

Thanks a lot for your input.

Look forward to hearing more from you in the future.



i agree with tukyleith, as a bar owner myself i think it would be a good thing to work together a bit, i think it could be helpful for everybody.

what do you think?

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sori to butt in

if you think the farangs vol are problems

throw them out

if not

work with them

set up a system to double check on the usefulness of it

or else

dump it...

but honestly

being out of it

i do not really understand



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Well well, this has created some interesting discussion.

I respect everyones opinions about me and others doing this and accept them. For those of you who have used abusive language instead of constructive criticism, your idiots. For those that are against what I do I have one thing to say. If you had a serious problem, maybe you had been assaulted or mugged by a ladyboy or seriously injured in a road crash, if I am on duty at the time, I will be there to help you and ensure you are treated well. Even if I knew you had verbally abused me on this board, I would still help you. Think about that.

If you still are against what I do, I invite you, if you have the balls, to come to Walking Street at 9pm any night, meet me at the Tourist Police Minibus at the start of Walking Street and you can walk with me and watch what I do. If at the end of that you are still against what I do then I give up and will respect your views.

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sori to butt in

if you think the farangs vol are problems

throw them out

if not

work with them

set up a system to double check on the usefulness of it

or else

dump it...

but honestly

being out of it

i do not really understand



I don't think you do understand. Are you on someting strong ? Your postings are mostly unintelligible.

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Two South Pattaya security guards shot

A foreign “Good Samaritan” assists 59-year-old Samruay Thang-oon into the hospital. Samruay received 8 gunshot wounds to the belly, but survived.

Motive not yet known

PATTAYA: Two security guards patrolling the Soi Day & Night area in South Pattaya were taken to Pattaya Memorial Hospital shortly after 3 a.m. on March 5 after becoming victims of a drive-by shooting.

Police were summoned to the hospital to investigate the crime, to find 59-year-old Samruay Thang-oon with 8 bullet wounds to the abdomen and lower body and 32-year-old Watchara Sripanya with one bullet lodged in his left upper thigh. Samruay was in critical condition as surgeons began removing the bullets lodged within the wounds.

Another team of officers visited the crime scene in Soi Day & Night, located outside the Chevin Gym, where they found spent shells and copious amounts of blood.

Speaking to witnesses they told officers that three men in a blue Nissan King Cab circled the area twice before one man in the back of the truck opened fire on Samruay, who was patrolling outside the gym. The gunman then turned around and shot the other guard, Watchara, before speeding off into the night in the direction of Soi 17 and Pattaya Third Road.

Police were able to question Watchara and Samruay and both confirmed the chain of events.

Police initially suspected that the shooting may have had some connection with the recent arrest of Dennis James to keep them quiet, but interviews revealed otherwise as both men said they did not have any argument or differences with third parties.

Police are at a loss as to the motive of the shooting, but are continuing their investigation and are searching for the pickup truck and gunmen.

--Pattaya Mail 2004-03-12

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I have not had anything to do with either Police force, but I know people who will only deal with the Tourist Police because it is the only way they can get anything done.

Man from Oz- Possibly so, I had my camera and few other items nicked from my hotel a few years back, and the Tourist Police were pretty clueless. It took an arm and a leg to get the Tourist Police to come out and after all that they told me to go to the Police Station. Not very helpful????

Anyways maybe I'm not giving them enough credit, but I'm just basing my opinion on my own experience.

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