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Bangkok police arrest 3 Taiwanese and a Thai man for possessing 200kg of heroin


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Too bad these aren't the Thaksin days...low life's like this deserve nothing but the chopping block for the amount of misery they spread

Wow a true democrat a human rights advocate! This is offer and demand. nobody forces anyone to consume, it's a personal decision (and IMO governments and laws should respect the people choice)

Right, I agree with you. And if you also take a complacent attitude with misery, I'll say you're a true humanitarian as well. So what does being a democrat and a human rights advocate have to do with my disgust of heroin and the misery it spreads? Please, enlighten me with your views

Your hardline stance only shows your lack of education and humanity. Perhaps one day one of your family member will experience heroin as so many have. Good or bad I do not think you are qualified to respond

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It's strange how we vilify heroin SO much (this is not a defence of it btw). Prescription drugs are a far greater problem from both an addiction perspective and from the number of fatalities (In the US, deaths due to prescription drugs are at least double those of heroin). It is pretty obvious that the war on ALL drugs has failed miserably, and, by continuing the current levels of prohibition, it only encourages organised crime (and thus all its offshoots such as gun sales, people trafficking etc)

The people we see in these news stories are usually on the very bottom rung of the ladder. You really think the bigwigs are the ones to carry 200kg? 80% of the time they are users who have ran up debts and are forced into doing courier work (the alternative often being harm to them and/or their families)

It really is time (in fact long overdue) for a HUGE policy shift worldwide;

a) regulate and control all the low harm substances such as cannabis, MDMA and LSD. This immediately frees up police and prison resources as well as generating IMMENSE amounts of tax. The savings and income made can then be ploughed into better education, better treatment, better harm reduction programmes and targeting the kingpins with everything you have. It also means the quality of regulated substances (ecstasy being a good example) is always good, reducing instances of death due to adulteration.

b - For those long term/chronic heroin addicts who do not respond to methadone, subutex or other treatments, have the respective health authorities prescribe heroin to them. This thus cuts down on drug related crime, BBV infection rates and overdose rates.

c) In every major town/city where there is a significant heroin problem, harm reduction centres should be mandatory. Provide clean needles and equipment and ensure every user is equipped with a naloxone pack. Again, BBV rates and overdoses would be reduced.

d) Remove addiction from the criminal justice sphere (as far as possession is concerned, not supply) and place it in the health sphere.

Seems such simple (and common sense) ideas when put down on paper, but if the steps above were followed worldwide, we would see a massive decrease in organised crime, drug related crime and deaths/harms caused by drugs.

Heroin in the pure sense is of course a Pain Killer .

And Some here will Say it brings Misery ...It brings Misery because Its Cut / and Cut and Cut ..With Many to the paid along the way .

Putting a Mule to Death will do Absolutely Nothing . Legalise it , Regulate it ..

As Mentioned here ..Script Drugs ( addiction ) is a far far worse Scenario . How Could the Two be so Seperate ?

Or do we think you have to be a Wealthy Performer or Movie Star to indirectly " Top " yourself with over perscription ?

Try the US system , where you need absolute self disclipine not to be Over Subscriped ..Or the " Normality " involved on being on an

Anti- depresent ..... Then try telling those individuals their goal should be to get off the Script ?? ..Just wait and watch the Reaction ..

With so so many ..Thinking .." This is Okey " .." I need it " .." Helps my Balanced existance " . Its pure and simple Moronic ..

No , Its not Okey ! ..And whats the difference ? ..Corrupt Officials and a Few Drug Lords , Not some Poor Courier . What an absolute joke the System is . The biggest Hypocrits of all of course Being Singapore ..Does it stop the Runners ? Not in the Slightest .

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I should imagine there are some very pissed off investors in Hong Kong. You have to wonder why anyone thought this plan would work. An unwieldy and extremely valuable load being passed through a pipeline of criminals. I'd assume that the odd man out at the airport was the give up to get two thirds of the load through but presumably someone further up the chain sold them out.

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Too bad these aren't the Thaksin days...low life's like this deserve nothing but the chopping block for the amount of misery they spread

Wow a true democrat a human rights advocate! This is offer and demand. nobody forces anyone to consume, it's a personal decision (and IMO governments and laws should respect the people choice)

Right, I agree with you. And if you also take a complacent attitude with misery, I'll say you're a true humanitarian as well. So what does being a democrat and a human rights advocate have to do with my disgust of heroin and the misery it spreads? Please, enlighten me with your views

Your hardline stance only shows your lack of education and humanity. Perhaps one day one of your family member will experience heroin as so many have. Good or bad I do not think you are qualified to respond

And your mediocre, blighted, complacent stance and purely judgmental attitude show's your just as bad as the person you think I am. While I'm sickened that you wish someone in my family would experience heroin as so many have, I would never wish you or the mother who taught you so poorly any ill fate.

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